--[[ BKeyBar Makes the keyring button movable Saved Variables: Bongos.keys = { space The spacing between action buttons, in pixels. A nil value means that the bar is using default spacing rows How many rows the bar is organized into. } --]] --[[ Rightclick Menu Functions ]]-- local function CreateConfigMenu(name) local menu = CreateFrame("Button", name, UIParent, "BongosRightClickMenu"); menu:SetText("Key Bar"); menu:SetWidth(220); menu:SetHeight(152); local hideButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", name .. "Hide", menu, "BongosHideButtonTemplate"); local scaleSlider = CreateFrame("Slider", name .. "Scale", menu, "BongosScaleSlider"); scaleSlider:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", hideButton, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, -10); local opacitySlider = CreateFrame("Slider", name .. "Opacity", menu, "BongosOpacitySlider"); opacitySlider:SetPoint("TOP", scaleSlider, "BOTTOM", 0, -24); end --Called when the right click menu is shown, loads the correct values to the checkbuttons/sliders/text local function ShowMenu(bar) if not BongosKeyBarMenu then CreateConfigMenu("BongosKeyBarMenu"); end BongosKeyBarMenu.onShow = 1; BongosKeyBarMenu.frame = bar; BongosKeyBarMenuHide:SetChecked(not bar.sets.vis); BongosKeyBarMenuScale:SetValue(bar:GetScale() * 100); BongosKeyBarMenuOpacity:SetValue(bar:GetAlpha() * 100); BMenu.ShowMenuForBar(BongosKeyBarMenu, bar); BongosKeyBarMenu.onShow = nil; end BScript.AddStartupAction(function() local bar = BBar.Create("key", "BKeyBar", "BActionSets.key", ShowMenu); bar:SetWidth(19); bar:SetHeight(37); if not bar:IsUserPlaced() then bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -210, 0); end KeyRingButton:ClearAllPoints(); KeyRingButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar); KeyRingButton:SetParent(bar); KeyRingButton:SetAlpha(bar:GetAlpha()); KeyRingButton:Show(); end)