function CCWatch_ConfigBuff() -- required attributes: GROUP, LENGTH, DIMINISHES -- ETYPE = Effect Type : ETYPE_CC Pure CC(Stun/Root), ETYPE_DEBUFF Debuff(Snare/DoT,...), ETYPE_BUFF Buff -- GROUP = Bar this CC is placed on -- LENGTH = Duration of CC -- DIMINISHES = 0 never diminishes, 1 = always diminishes, 2 = diminishes on players only -- optional attributes PVPCC, COMBO -- PVPCC = if PVPCC exists this value will be used as the base max for a Player target -- COMBO = if COMBO exists then Combo Points will be added to CC duration -- -- TARGET, PLAYER, TIMER_START, TIMER_END, DIMINISH are required for all and should be initialized empty -- MONITOR is required for all and should be initialized to true -- WARN is required for all and should be initialized to 0 -- Rogue - Target Buffs -- Priest - Buffs CCWATCH.CCS[CCWATCH_POWERWORDSHIELD] = { ETYPE = ETYPE_BUFF, GROUP = 5, LENGTH = 30, DIMINISHES = 0, MONITOR = true, WARN = 0, TARGET = "", PLAYER = nil, TIMER_START = 0, TIMER_END = 0, DIMINISH = 1 } -- Mage - Buffs -- Druid - Buffs -- Hunter - Buffs -- Paladin - Buffs CCWATCH.CCS[CCWATCH_DIVINESHIELD] = { ETYPE = ETYPE_BUFF, GROUP = 5, LENGTH = 30, DIMINISHES = 0, MONITOR = true, WARN = 0, TARGET = "", PLAYER = nil, TIMER_START = 0, TIMER_END = 0, DIMINISH = 1 } -- Warlock - Buffs -- Warrior - Buffs -- Specific - Buffs -- Forsaken CCWATCH.CCS[CCWATCH_WOTF] = { ETYPE = ETYPE_BUFF, GROUP = 1, LENGTH = 5, DIMINISHES = 0, MONITOR = true, WARN = 0, TARGET = "", PLAYER = nil, TIMER_START = 0, TIMER_END = 0, DIMINISH = 1 } -- Human CCWATCH.CCS[CCWATCH_PERCEPTION] = { ETYPE = ETYPE_BUFF, GROUP = 1, LENGTH = 20, DIMINISHES = 0, MONITOR = true, WARN = 0, TARGET = "", PLAYER = nil, TIMER_START = 0, TIMER_END = 0, DIMINISH = 1 } end