-- Mar'li CT_RABOSS_MARLI_INFO = "Displays a warning when High Priestess Mar'li summons spiders." CT_RABOSS_MARLI_REGEXP = "Aid me my brood!$" CT_RABOSS_MARLI_ADDS = "SPIDERS SPAWNED" -- Bloodlord Mandokir CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_INFO = "Displays a warning when you or nearby players are being watched."; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are being watched"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE BEING WATCHED ***"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNTELL = "YOU ARE BEING WATCHED!"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNRAID = " IS BEING WATCHED"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_REGEXP = "([^%s]+)! I'm watching you!$"; -- Jin'do the Hexxer CT_RABOSS_JINDO_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do."; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_ALERT_NEARBY = "Alert for nearby players"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_ALERT_NEARBY_INFO = "Alert you when nearby players are afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do." CT_RABOSS_JINDO_CURSEWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE CURSED ***"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_CURSEWARNTELL = "YOU ARE CURSED!"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_CURSE = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH1 = "You"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH2 = "are"; -- Hakkar CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_ANNOUNCE_45 = "Display 45 sec. warning"; CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_ANNOUNCE_45_INFO = "Displays a warning when half of the time has passed to the next life drain."; CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_TIMEWARN = "*** %d SECONDS TO LIFE DRAIN ***"; CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_LIFEDRAIN = "*** LIFE DRAIN - 90 SECONDS UNTIL NEXT ***"; CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_AFFLICT_POISON = "^Hakkar suffers (.+) from (.+) Blood Siphon"; -- Arlokk CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_INFO = "Displays a warning when High Priestess Arlokk marks a target."; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are marked."; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE MARKED ***"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNTELL = "YOU ARE MARKED!"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNRAID = " IS MARKED"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_REGEXP = "Feast on ([^%s]+), my pretties!$"; if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then -- Mar'li CT_RABOSS_MARLI_INFO = "Zeigt eine Warnung, wenn Hohepriesterin Mar'li Spinnen beschwört." CT_RABOSS_MARLI_REGEXP = "Helft mir, meine Brut!$" CT_RABOSS_MARLI_ADDS = "*** SPINNEN SPAWNED ***" CT_RABOSS_MARLI_YELL = "Helft mir, meine Brut!"; -- Jin'do the Hexxer CT_RABOSS_JINDO_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do."; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_ALERT_NEARBY = "Alert for nearby players"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_ALERT_NEARBY_INFO = "Alert you when nearby players are afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do." CT_RABOSS_JINDO_CURSEWARNYOU = "*** DU BIST VERFLUCHT ***"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_CURSEWARNTELL = "IST VERFLUCHT! NICHT DISPELEN!"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_CURSE = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) von Irrbilder von Jin'do betroffen"; --work CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH1 = "Ihr"; --work CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH2 = "seid"; --work -- Hakkar CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_AFFLICT_POISON = "^Hakkar erleidet (.+) Naturschaden von (.+) %(durch Bluttrinker%)"; -- Arlokk CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_INFO = "Displays a warning when High Priestess Arlokk marks a target for her panthers."; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are marked for a feast"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNYOU = "*** DU BIST MAKIERT ***"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNTELL = "DU BIST MAKIERT!"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNRAID = " IST MAKIERT"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_REGEXP = "Labt euch an ([^%s]+), meine"; -- Bloodlord Mandokir CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_INFO = "Zeigt eine Meldung, wenn jemand von Mandokir beobachtet wird."; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_TELL_TARGET = "Ziel benachrichtigen"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sendet eine Nachricht an das Ziel, dass es beobachtet wird"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNYOU = "*** DU WIRST BEOBACHTET ***"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNTELL = "DU WIRST BEOBACHTET!"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNRAID = " WIRD BEOBACHTET"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_REGEXP = "([^%s]+)! Ich behalte Euch im Auge!$"; end