-- Raid zones CT_RABOSS_LOCATIONS_MOLTENCORE = "Molten Core"; CT_RABOSS_LOCATIONS_BLACKWINGSLAIR = "Blackwing's Lair"; CT_RABOSS_LOCATIONS_ONYXIASLAIR = "Onyxia's Lair"; CT_RABOSS_LOCATIONS_ZULGURUB = "Zul'Gurub"; CT_RABOSS_LOCATIONS_OUTDOOR = "Outdoor"; CT_RABOSS_LOCATIONS_OTHER = "Other"; -- Raid zones (as they appear in minimap) CT_RABOSS_MINIMAPLOC_MOLTENCORE = "Molten Core"; CT_RABOSS_MINIMAPLOC_BLACKWINGSLAIR = "Blackwing Lair"; CT_RABOSS_MINIMAPLOC_ONYXIASLAIR = "Onyxia's Lair"; CT_RABOSS_MINIMAPLOC_ZULGURUB = "Zul'Gurub"; CT_RABOSS_MINIMAPLOC_OUTDOOR = "Outdoor"; CT_RABOSS_MINIMAPLOC_OTHER = "Other"; -- Common strings CT_RABOSS_REQ_LEADER_OR_PROM = "|c00FF0000Requires promoted or leader status.|r"; CT_RABOSS_ANNOUNCE = "Announce to raid"; CT_RABOSS_ANNOUNCE_INFO = "Announces the alert to the whole raid. "; -- Majordomo CT_RABOSS_DOMO_INFO = "Displays warnings for the damage shield & magic reflection buffs that are peridiocally cast."; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_REFLECTWARN = "*** MAGIC REFLECTION FOR 10 SECONDS ***"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_DMGSHIELDWARN = "*** DAMAGE SHIELD FOR 10 SECONDS ***"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_5SECWARN = "*** 5 SECONDS UNTIL POWERS ***"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_SHIELDS = { "MAGIC REFLECTION", "DAMAGE SHIELD" }; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_SHIELD_DOWN = " DOWN ***"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_REFLECT_GAIN = "gains Magic Reflection"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_DMGSHIELD_GAIN = "gains Damage Shield"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_REFLECT_FADE = "Magic Reflection fades"; CT_RABOSS_DOMO_DMGSHIELD_FADE = "Damage Shield fades"; -- Baron Geddon CT_RABOSS_BARON_INFO = "Displays a warning when you or nearby players are the bomb."; CT_RABOSS_BARON_ALERT_NEARBY = "Alert for nearby players"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_ALERT_NEARBY_INFO = "Alert you when nearby players are afflicted by Living Bomb" CT_RABOSS_BARON_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are afflicted by Living Bomb"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_BOMBWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE THE BOMB ***"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_BOMBWARNTELL = "YOU ARE THE BOMB!"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_BOMBWARNRAID = " IS THE BOMB"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_AFFLICT_BOMB = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) afflicted by Living Bomb"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH1 = "You"; CT_RABOSS_BARON_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH2 = "are"; -- Magmadar CT_RABOSS_MAGMADAR_INFO = "Warnings for Magmadar's Frenzy and AE Fear attacks."; CT_RABOSS_MAGMADAR_TRANQSHOT = "*** FRENZY ALERT - HUNTER TRANQ SHOT NOW! ***"; CT_RABOSS_MAGMADAR_5SECWARN = "*** 5 SECONDS UNTIL AE FEAR ***"; CT_RABOSS_MAGMADAR_30SECWARN = "*** AE FEAR ALERT - 30 seconds till next ***"; CT_RABOSS_MAGMADAR_FRENZY = "goes into a killing frenzy!"; CT_RABOSS_MAGMADAR_PANIC = "by Panic."; -- Gehennas CT_RABOSS_GEHENNAS_INFO = "Warning for Gehennas's AE Anti-Heal Curse."; CT_RABOSS_GEHENNAS_5SECWARN = "*** 5 SECONDS UNTIL AE CURSE ***"; CT_RABOSS_GEHENNAS_30SECWARN = "*** AE CURSE ALERT - 30 seconds till next ***"; CT_RABOSS_GEHENNAS_CURSE = "afflicted by Gehennas"; -- Ragnaros CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_INFO = "Warns for Ragnaros' Wrath of Ragnaros knockback, and alerts you of the Sons of Flame."; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_EMERGE = "*** Ragnaros has Emerged. 3 minutes until submerge. ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_60SECSSONS = "*** 60 seconds until Ragnaros submerge & sons of flame. ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_20SECSSONS = "*** 20 seconds until Ragnaros submerge & sons of flame. ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_5SECSKNOCKB = "*** 5 SECONDS UNTIL AE Knockback ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_KNOCKB = "*** AE Knockback ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_SUBMERGE = "*** Ragnaros Down for 90 Seconds. Incoming Sons of Flame ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_15SECSUP = "*** 15 seconds until Ragnaros emerges. ***"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_START = "^NOW FOR YOU,"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_KNOCKBACK = "^TASTE"; CT_RABOSS_RAGNAROS_SONS = "^COME FORTH,"; -- Shazzrah CT_RABOSS_SHAZZRAH_INFO = "Warning for Shazzrah's Blink ability and the Deaden Magic buff."; CT_RABOSS_SHAZZRAH_30SECSBLINK = "*** BLINK - 30 SECONDS TO NEXT ***"; CT_RABOSS_SHAZZRAH_5SECSBLINK = "*** 5 SECONDS TO BLINK ***"; CT_RABOSS_SHAZZRAH_SELFBUFF = "*** SELF BUFF - DISPEL MAGIC ***"; CT_RABOSS_SHAZZRAH_BLINK = "Shazzrah gains Blink"; CT_RABOSS_SHAZZRAH_DEADENMAGIC = "Shazzrah gains Deaden Magic"; -- Lucifron CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_INFO = "Warning for Lucifron's Curse and, if you so choose, his Impending Doom ability."; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_DOOMMENU = "Warn for Impending Doom"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_DOOMMENU_INFO= "Warns for Impending Doom as well as Lucifron's Curse"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_5SECSCURSE = "*** 5 SECONDS UNTIL AE CURSE ***"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_5SECSDOOM = "*** 5 SECONDS UNTIL IMPENDING DOOM ***"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_30SECSCURSE = "*** AE CURSE ALERT - 20 seconds till next ***"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_30SECSDOOM = "*** IMPENDING DOOM - 20 seconds till next ***"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_CURSE = "afflicted by Lucifron"; CT_RABOSS_LUCIFRON_DOOM = "afflicted by Impending Doom"; -- Onyxia CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_INFO = "Displays a warning when and if Onyxia does her deep breath ability during phase two."; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_DEEPBREATH = "*** ONYXIA DEEP BREATH AOE INCOMING, MOVE TO SIDES ***" CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE2TEXT = "*** ONYXIA PHASE 2 INCOMING ***" CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE3TEXT = "*** ONYXIA PHASE 3 INCOMING ***" CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE2INFO1 = "Phase 2 Warning"; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE3INFO1 = "Phase 3 Warning"; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE2INFO2 = "Warns for when Onyxia takes flight to enter phase 2 of the encounter."; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE3INFO2 = "Warns for when Onyxia lands to enter phase 3 of the encounter."; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_BREATH = "takes in a deep breath..."; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE2 = "from above"; CT_RABOSS_ONYXIA_PHASE3 = "It seems you'll need another lesson"; -- Azuregos CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_INFO = "Warns for Azuregos' Teleport and Magic Shield abilities."; CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_SHIELDWARN = "*** MAGIC SHIELD UP - DO NOT CAST SPELLS ***"; CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_SHIELDDOWN = "*** MAGIC SHIELD DOWN ***"; CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_PORTWARN = "*** TELEPORT ***"; CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_REFLECTION = "^Azuregos gains Reflection"; CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_REFLECTION_END = "^Reflection fades from Azuregos"; CT_RABOSS_AZUREGOS_TELEPORT = "Come, little ones"; -- Vaelastrasz CT_RABOSS_VAEL_BURNINGWARNTELL = "YOU ARE BURNING!"; CT_RABOSS_VAEL_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_VAEL_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are affected with Burning Adrenaline"; -- Mar'li CT_RABOSS_MARLI_INFO = "Displays a warning when High Priestess Mar'li summons spiders." CT_RABOSS_MARLI_REGEXP = "Aid me my brood!$" CT_RABOSS_MARLI_ADDS = "SPIDERS SPAWNED" -- Bloodlord Mandokir CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_INFO = "Displays a warning when you or nearby players are being watched."; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are being watched"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE BEING WATCHED ***"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNTELL = "YOU ARE BEING WATCHED!"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_WATCHWARNRAID = " IS BEING WATCHED"; CT_RABOSS_MANDOKIR_REGEXP = "([^%s]+)! I'm watching you!$"; -- Jin'do the Hexxer CT_RABOSS_JINDO_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do."; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_ALERT_NEARBY = "Alert for nearby players"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_ALERT_NEARBY_INFO = "Alert you when nearby players are afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do." CT_RABOSS_JINDO_CURSEWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE CURSED ***"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_CURSEWARNTELL = "YOU ARE CURSED!"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_CURSE = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) afflicted by Delusions of Jin'do"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH1 = "You"; CT_RABOSS_JINDO_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH2 = "are"; -- Hakkar CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_20SECWARN = "*** 20 SECONDS TO LIFE DRAIN ***"; CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_10SECWARN = "*** 10 SECONDS TO LIFE DRAIN ***"; CT_RABOSS_HAKKAR_AFFLICT_POISON = "^Hakkar suffers (.+) from (.+) Blood Siphon"; -- Firemaw CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_BUFFET = "Firemaw begins to cast Wing Buffet."; CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_BUFFET_INFO = "Displays a warning when Firemaw begins to cast Wing Buffet."; CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_BUFFET_WARN = "** Firemaw begins to cast Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_3SECWARN = "** 3 Seconds before Firemaw casts Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_30SECWARN = "** 30 Secnds till next Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_SHADOWFLAME_WARN = "** Shadow Flame Incoming! **"; CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_SHADOWFLAMETEST = "charges!" CT_RABOSS_FIREMAW_SHADOWFLAME_DETECT = "Firemaw begins to cast Shadow Flame."; -- Ebonroc CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_BUFFET = "Ebonroc begins to cast Wing Buffet."; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_BUFFET_INFO = "Displays to the raid when Ebonroc casts Flame Buffet and Shadowflame."; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_BUFFET_WARN = "** Ebonroc begins to cast Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_3SECWARN = "** 3 Seconds before Ebonroc casts Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_30SECWARN = "** 30 Secnds till next Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_SHADOWFLAME_WARN = "** Shadow Flame Incoming! **"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_SHADOWFLAME_DETECT = "Ebonroc begins to cast Shadow Flame."; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_AFFLICT_BOMB = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) afflicted by Shadow of Ebonroc"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH1 = "You"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_AFFLICT_SELF_MATCH2 = "are"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_BOMBWARNYOU = "*** You have Shadow of Ebonroc ***"; CT_RABOSS_EBONROC_BOMBWARNRAID = " has Shadow of Ebonroc"; -- Flamegor CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_BUFFET = "Flamegor begins to cast Wing Buffet."; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_BUFFET_INFO = "Displays to the raid when Flamegor casts Flame Buffet and Shadowflame."; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_BUFFET_WARN = "** Flamegor begins to cast Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_3SECWARN = "** 3 Seconds before Flamegor casts Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_30SECWARN = "** 30 Secnds till next Wing buffet. **"; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_SHADOWFLAME_WARN = "** Shadow Flame Incoming! **"; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_TRANQSHOT = "*** FRENZY ALERT - HUNTER TRANQ SHOT NOW! ***"; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_SHADOWFLAME_DETECT = "Flamegor begins to cast Shadow Flame."; CT_RABOSS_FLAMEGOR_FRENZY = "goes into a frenzy!"; -- Chromaggus CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_INFO = "Displays each breath attack, changing resistances, and when he goes into a frenzy." CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_TRANQSHOT = "*** FRENZY ALERT - HUNTER TRANQ SHOT NOW! ***"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_RESIST_CHANGE = "** Chromaggus Changes Resists! **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_FROSTBURNCAST = "Chromaggus begins to cast Frost Burn."; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_FROSTBURN = "** Chromaggus is casting Frost Burn **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_FROSTBURN8SEC = "** Frost Burn - 8 Seconds **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_TIMELAPSECAST = "Chromaggus begins to cast Time Lapse."; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_TIMELAPSE = "** Chromaggus is casting Time Lapse **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_TIMELAPSE8SEC = "** Time Lapse - 8 Seconds **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_IGNITECAST = "Chromaggus begins to cast Ignite Flesh."; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_IGNITE = "** Chromaggus is casting Ignite Flesh **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_IGNITE8SEC = "** Ignite Flesh - 8 Seconds **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_ACIDCAST = "Chromaggus begins to cast Corrosive Acid."; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_ACID = "** Chromaggus is casting Corrosive Acid **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_ACID8SEC = "** Corrosive Acid - 8 Seconds **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_INCINERATECAST = "Chromaggus begins to cast Incinerate."; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_INCINERATE = "** Chromaggus is casting Incinerate **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_INCINERATE8SEC = "** Incinerate - 8 Seconds **"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_FRENZY = "Chromaggus goes into a killing frenzy!"; CT_RABOSS_CHROMAGGUS_RESIST = "Chromaggus flinches as its skin shimmers."; -- Arlokk CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_INFO = "Displays a warning when High Priestess Arlokk marks a target for her panthers."; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_TELL_TARGET = "Send tells to targets f"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_TELL_TARGET_INFO = "Sends a tell to players that are marked for a feast"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNYOU = "*** YOU ARE MARKED ***"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNTELL = "YOU ARE MARKED!"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_WATCHWARNRAID = " IS MARKED"; CT_RABOSS_ARLOKK_REGEXP = "Feast on ([^%s]+), my pretties!$"; -- Nefarian CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_INFO = "Displays phase 2 and 3 transitions, fears, and what class Nefarian is yelling at."; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_LAND_20SEC_DETECT = "Well done, my minions"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_LAND_20SEC = "*** Nefarian landing in 20 seconds ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_LANDING_DETECT = "BURN! You wretches"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_LANDING = "*** Nefarian is landing ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_ZERG_DETECT = "Impossible! Rise my"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_ZERG = "*** Zerg Incoming ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_FEAR_WARN = "Fear in 2 seconds" CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_FEAR_DETECT = "Nefarian begins to cast Bellowing Roar" CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_SHADOWFLAME_DETECT = "Nefarian begins to cast Shadow Flame"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_SHADOWFLAME_WARN = "** Shadow Flame Incoming! **"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_SHAMAN_CALL = "Shamans, show me"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_DRUID_CALL = "Druids and your silly"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_WARLOCK_CALL = "Warlocks, you shouldn't be playing"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_PRIEST_CALL = "Priests! If you're going to keep"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_HUNTER_CALL = "Hunters and your annoying"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_WARRIOR_CALL = "Warriors, I know you can hit harder"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_ROGUE_CALL = "Rogues? Stop hiding"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_PALADIN_CALL = "Paladins"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_MAGE_CALL = "Mages too?"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_SHAMAN_ALERT = "*** Shamans - Totems spawned ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_DRUID_ALERT = "*** Druids - Stuck in cat form ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_WARLOCK_ALERT = "*** Warlocks - Incoming Infernals ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_PRIEST_ALERT = "*** Priests - Stop Healing ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_HUNTER_ALERT = "*** Hunters - Bows/Guns broken ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_WARRIOR_ALERT = "*** Warriors - Stuck in berserking stance ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_ROGUE_ALERT = "*** Rogues - Ported and rooted ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_PALADIN_ALERT = "*** Paladins - Blessing of Protection ***"; CT_RABOSS_NEFARIAN_MAGE_ALERT = "*** Mages - Incoming polymorphs ***";