Name | | Variable to Place in Your Text | | Description |
Civilian | | $cv | | Displays CIVILIAN if the unit is a civilian. |
Class, Abbreviation | | $ca | | An abbreviated form of the unit's class. War is Warrior for example. |
Class, Mob | | $cy | | Displays class only for NPCs. |
Class, Player | | $cl | | Displays class only for players. |
Classification | | $cc | | Displays ELITE, RARE, or BOSS if the unit is any of those. |
Classification, Abbreviation | | $cx | | Displays + for elites, (R) for rares, and ++ for bosses. |
Color Code | | $co | | Used to place hexadecimal color codes. All following text will be in that color. Format is $coAARRGGBB; AA = alpha, RR = red, GG = green, BB = blue. $coFFFFFFFF is white and $coFF000000 is black. |
Color Context, Class | | $cw | | Apply class context colors to all the following text. |
Color Context, Difficulty | | $cq | | Apply difficulty context colors to all the following text. |
Color Context, Health | | $ch | | Apply health context colors to all the following text. |
Color Context, Mana | | $cm | | Apply mana context colors to all the following text. |
Color Context, Reaction | | $cr | | Apply reaction context colors to all the following text. |
Combo Points | | $cp | | Displays the number of combo points you have. |
Creature Difficulty | | $cd | | Displays the difficulty of the unit: Trivial, Minor, Even, Tough, Very Tough, Suicide. |
Creature Family | | $cf | | Displays the creature family of a mob: Dog, Cat, Plainstrider, etc. |
Creature Type | | $ct | | Displays the creature type of a mob: Beast, Elemental, Demon, etc. |
Death Status | | $ds | | Displays DEAD if the unit is dead. |
Faction | | $fa | | Displays if the unit is Horde or Alliance. |
Gender | | $sx | | Displays the unit's gender. |
Gender, Abbreviation | | $sa | | Displays an abbreviation of the unit's gender: M for male, F for female, N for neuter. |
Guild | | $gu | | Displays the unit's guild. |
Health, Current | | $hc | | Displays the unit's actual current health. Uses MobInfo2 and MobHealth2 values if you have one of those installed. |
Health, Current Percent | | $hp | | Displays the unit's current health as a percent of max health. |
Health, Lost | | $dt | | Displays the total amount of damage the unit's taken. |
Health, Lost Percent | | $dp | | Displays the total amount of damage the unit's taken as a percent. |
Health, Max | | $hm | | Displays the unit's max health. Uses MobInfo2 and MobHealth2 values if you have one of those installed. |
Health, Regen Per Sec | | $hr | | Displays the amount of health the unit is regenerating per second. |
Health, Regen Per Tick | | $ht | | Displays the amount of health the unit is regenerating per tick. |
Honor Percent | | $hn | | Displays the percentage of honor you've gained towards your next rank. |
In Combat | | $ic | | Displays In Combat if the unit is in combat. |
Keybinding | | $kb | | Displays the keybinding used to target a party member. |
Level | | $lv | | Displays the unit's level. |
Mana, Current | | $mc | | Displays the unit's current mana, rage, energy, or focus. |
Mana, Current Percent | | $mp | | Displays the unit's current mana, rage, energy, or focus as a percent. |
Mana, Lost | | $mx | | Displays the total amount of mana, rage, energy, or focus the unit has lost. |
Mana, Lost Percent | | $my | | Displays the total amount of mana, rage, energy, or focus the unit has lost as a percent of max mana. |
Mana, Max | | $mm | | Displays the unit's maximum amount of mana, rage, energy, or focus. |
Mana, Regen Per Sec | | $mr | | Displays the amount of mana, rage, energy, or focus the unit is regenerating per second. |
Mana, Regen Per Tick | | $mt | | Displays the amount of mana, rage, energy, or focus the unit is regenerating per tick. |
Mana, Type | | $ml | | Displays if the unit uses Mana, Rage, Energy, or Focus. |
Name | | $nm | | Displays the name of the unit. |
New Line | | $nl | | Inserts a line break into the text. All text following it starts on a new line. |
NPC | | $np | | Displays NPC if the unit is an NPC. |
Offline | | $of | | | Displays OFFLINE if the unit is disconnected.
Out of Detect Range | | $iv | | Displays OUT OF RANGE if the unit is beyond detection range, around 70 yards. |
Pet's Current XP | | $px | | Displays the amount of XP your pet current has. |
Pet's Current XP Percent | | $pc | | Displays the amount of XP your pet current has as a percent. |
Pet's Happiness | | $ph | | Displays a number representing your pet's happiness. |
Pet's Max XP Needed to Level | | $py | | Displays the maximum amount of XP your pet needs to gain a level. |
Pet's Net XP Needed to Level | | $pg | | Displays the net amount of XP (max - current) your pet needs to gain a level. |
Pet's XP Percent To Go | | $pp | | Displays the net amount of XP (max - current) your pet needs to gain a level as a percent. |
PvP Flagged | | $pt | | Displays PVP if the unit is PvP-flagged. |
PvP Rank | | $pr | | Displays the unit's PvP rank. |
PvP Rank Number | | $pn | | Displays the unit's PvP rank as a number. |
Race | | $rc | | Displays the unit's race. |
Race, Abbreviation | | $ra | | Displays an abbreviated form of the unit's race: Und for Undead, etc. |
Raid Group | | $rg | | Displays the number of the raid group you're in. |
Reaction | | $re | | Displays the unit's reaction towards you: Hostile, Neutral, Friendly. |
Recent Damage | | $rd | | Displays the last amount of damage the unit took. Also displays dodges, parries, blocks, and misses. Fades after 1 second. |
Recent Heals | | $rh | | Displays the amount of the last heal the unit received. Fades after 1 second. |
Tapped | | $do | | Displays TAPPED if another player has tapped the unit. |
Target's Creature Type | | $tt | | Creature type for the unit's target. |
Target's Health | | $th | | Current health for the unit's target. |
Target's Health Percent | | $ta | | Current health percent for the unit's target. |
Target's Level | | $tl | | Level of the unit's current target. |
Target's Mana | | $tm | | Current mana for the unit's target. |
Target's Mana Percent | | $tb | | Current mana percent for the unit's target. |
Target's Max Health | | $tx | | Max health for the unit's target. |
Target's Max Mana | | $ty | | Max mana for the unit's target. |
Target's Name | | $tn | | Name of the unit's target. |
XP, Current | | $xc | | Displays the amount of XP you currently have. |
XP, Current Percent | | $xy | | Displays the amount of XP you currently have as a percent. |
XP, Max Needed to Level | | $xl | | Displays the maximum amount of XP you need to gain a level. |
XP, Needed to Level | | $xd | | Displays the net amount (max - current) of XP you need to gain a level. |
XP, Needed to Level Percent | | $xx | | Displays the net amount (max - current) of XP you need to gain a level as a percent. |
XP, Rested Bonus | | $xr | | Displays the amount of extra XP you have from resting. |
XP, Rested Percent | | $xb | | Displays the amount of extra XP you have from resting as a percent. |