-- outfit debugging functions FishingBuddy.Commands["outfit"] = {}; FishingBuddy.Commands["outfit"].func = function(what) if ( what ) then if ( what == FishingBuddy.RESET ) then FishingBuddy.SetWasWearing(nil); elseif ( what == "dump" ) then FishingBuddy.Debug("Outfit"); FishingBuddy.Dump(FishingBuddy.GetOutfit()); FishingBuddy.Debug("Was Wearing"); FishingBuddy.Dump(FishingBuddy.GetWasWearing()); end end return true; end; -- test the extravaganze school marking functions -- need to expand this for 1.9 if we can tell automatically FishingBuddy.Commands["mark"] = {}; FishingBuddy.Commands["mark"].func = function(what) if ( what == "reset" ) then FishingBuddy_Info["Schools"] = nil; elseif ( what == "debug" ) then local hour,_ = GetGameTime(); local day = date("%w"); FishingBuddy.Extravaganza.Debug(day, hour, GetRealZoneText()); elseif ( what == "dump" ) then FishingBuddy.Extravaganza.Dump(); else FishingBuddy.Extravaganza.MarkSchool(); end return true; end; -- random debugging code, likely out of date FishingBuddy.Commands["debug"] = {}; FishingBuddy.Commands["debug"].func = function(what) if ( what ) then if ( what == "on" ) then FishingBuddy_Debugging = 1; elseif ( what == "reset" ) then FishingBuddy_Info["Testing"] = nil; elseif ( what == "test" ) then local STVInfo = { scale = 0.18128603034401, xoffset = 0.39145470225916, yoffset = 0.79412224886668 }; local xscale = 10448.3; local yscale = 7072.7; local playerX, playerY = GetPlayerMapPosition("player"); local x = playerX * STVInfo.scale + STVInfo.xoffset; local y = playerY * STVInfo.scale + STVInfo.yoffset; FishingBuddy.Print("PlayerMap: %f, %f", x, y); for idx=1,10 do playerY = playerY + 0.01; local dx = playerX * STVInfo.scale + STVInfo.xoffset; local dy = playerY * STVInfo.scale + STVInfo.yoffset; local dist = math.sqrt((dx*xscale*dx*xscale)+(dy*yscale*dy*yscale)); FishingBuddy.Print("PlayerMap: %f, %f - %f", dx, dy, dist); end else local func = getglobal("FishingBuddy_Localize_"..what); if ( func ) then func(); else FishingBuddy_Debugging = 0; end end end return true; end;