-- default to American English FishingTranslations = {}; FishingTranslations["enUS"] = { NAME = "Fishing Buddy", DESCRIPTION1 = "Keep track of the fish you've caught", DESCRIPTION2 = "and manage your fishing gear.", DESCRIPTION = "#DESCRIPTION1# #DESCRIPTION2#", ID = "FishingBuddy"; WINDOW_TITLE = "#NAME# v#VERSION#"; FISHINGTEXTURE = "Interface\\Icons\\Trade_Fishing"; -- Tab labels and tooltips LOCATIONS_INFO = "Show fishing location information", LOCATIONS_TAB = "Locations", OUTFITS_INFO = "Pick out what to wear when fishing", OUTFITS_TAB = "Outfits", OPTIONS_INFO = "Set #NAME# options", OPTIONS_TAB = "Options", TRACKING_INFO = "Show #NAME# cycle fish information", TRACKING_TAB = "Tracking", POINT = "point", POINTS = "points", RAW = "Raw", FISH = "Fish", BOBBER_NAME = "Fishing Bobber", FISHINGSKILL = "Fishing", HELP = "help", SWITCH = "switch", IMPORT = "import", TRACK = "track", NOTRACK = "notrack", TRACKING = "tracking", ADD = "add", REPLACE = "replace", UPDATE = "update", CURRENT = "current", RESET = "reset", CLEANUP = "cleanup", CHECK = "check", NOW = "now", NOREALM = "unknown realm", WATCHER = "watcher", WATCHER_LOCK = "lock", WATCHER_UNLOCK = "unlock", UNKNOWN = "Unknown", WEEKLY = "weekly", HOURLY = "hourly", KEYS_LABEL_TEXT = "Modifiers:", KEYS_NONE_TEXT = "None", KEYS_SHIFT_TEXT = "Shift", KEYS_CTRL_TEXT = "Control", KEYS_ALT_TEXT = "Alt", SHOWFISHIES = "Show fish", SHOWFISHIES_INFO = "Display fishing history grouped by fish type.", SHOWLOCATIONS = "Locations", SHOWLOCATIONS_INFO = "Display fishing history grouped by where caught.", SWITCHOUTFIT = "Switch", SWITCHOUTFIT_INFO = "Switch between the fishing outfit and what you were wearing before.", -- Option names and tooltips CONFIG_SHOWNEWFISHIES_ONOFF = "Show new fish", CONFIG_SHOWNEWFISHIES_INFO = "Display a message in the chat area when a new fish for the current location is caught.", CONFIG_FISHWATCH_ONOFF = "Fish watcher", CONFIG_FISHWATCH_INFO = "Display a text overlay with the fish caught in the current location.", CONFIG_FISHWATCHSKILL_ONOFF = "Display current skill", CONFIG_FISHWATCHSKILL_INFO = "Display your current fishing skill and mods in the fish watch area.", CONFIG_FISHWATCHZONE_ONOFF = "Display current zone", CONFIG_FISHWATCHZONE_INFO = "Display the current zone in the fish watch area.", CONFIG_FISHWATCHONLY_ONOFF = "Only while fishing", CONFIG_FISHWATCHONLY_INFO = "Only watch the fish caught when we're actually fishing", CONFIG_FISHWATCHPERCENT_ONOFF = "Show percentage caught", CONFIG_FISHWATCHPERCENT_INFO = "Display the percentage of each kind of fish on the watch display", CONFIG_SUITUPFIRST_ONOFF = "Dress for succcess", CONFIG_SUITUPFIRST_INFO = "Put on your fishing outfit if you're not wearing it when the binding key is pressed", CONFIG_EASYCAST_ONOFF = "Easy Cast", CONFIG_EASYCAST_INFO = "If enabled, then when a fishing pole is equipped and you right click, you will cast the line.", CONFIG_FASTCAST_ONOFF = "Fast Cast"; CONFIG_FASTCAST_INFO = "If enabled, you can throw your line at the same time you click your bobber."; CONFIG_EASYLURES_ONOFF = "Easy Lures", CONFIG_EASYLURES_INFO = "If enabled, a lure will applied to your fishing pole before you start fishing, whenever you need one.", CONFIG_ONLYMINE_ONOFF = "Outfit Pole Only", CONFIG_ONLYMINE_INFO = "If enabled, easy cast will only check for your outfit's fishing pole (i.e. it won't search all possible poles for a match).", CONFIG_MOUSEFISHING_ONOFF = "Mouse fishing", CONFIG_MOUSEFISHING_INFO = "If enabled, left-click throws your line and right-click loots the bobber", CONFIG_SHOWLOCATIONZONES_ONOFF = "Show Zones", CONFIG_SHOWLOCATIONZONES_INFO = "Display both zones and subzones.", CONFIG_SORTBYPERCENT_ONOFF = "Sort by number caught", CONFIG_SORTBYPERCENT_INFO = "Order displays by the number of fish caught instead of by name.", CONFIG_STVTIMER_ONOFF = "Fishing Extravaganza timer", CONFIG_STVTIMER_INFO = "If enabled, display a countdown timer for the start of the Fishing Extravaganza and a countdown of the timer left.", CONFIG_USEBUTTONHOLE_ONOFF = "Use ButtonHole", CONFIG_USEBUTTONHOLE_INFO = "If enabled, the ButtonHole addon will control the minimap button. Takes effect on the next login.", CONFIG_SKILL_INFO = "Total outfit skill bonus.", CONFIG_SKILL_TEXT = "Fishing ", CONFIG_STYLISH_INFO = "Style points loosely inspired by Draznar's Fishing FAQ in the WoW forums.", CONFIG_STYLISH_TEXT = "Style: ", CONFIG_OUTFITTER_TEXT = "Outfit skill bonus: %s\r\nDraznar's style score: %d "; TITAN_CLICKTOSWITCH_ONOFF = "Click to switch", TITAN_CLICKTOSWITCH_INFO = "If enabled, a left click switches outfits, otherwise it brings up the Fishing Buddy window.", LEFTCLICKTODRAG = "Left-click to drag", MINIMAPBUTTONPLACEMENT = "Button Placement", MINIMAPBUTTONPLACEMENTTOOLTIP = "Allows you to move the #NAME# icon around the minimap", CONFIG_MINIMAPBUTTON_ONOFF = "Display minimap icon", CONFIG_MINIMAPBUTTON_INFO = "Display a #NAME# icon on the minimap.", CONFIG_ENHANCESOUNDS_ONOFF = "Enhance fishing sounds", CONFIG_ENHANCESOUNDS_INFO = "Maximize sound volume and minimize ambient volume to make the bobber noise more noticeable while fishing.", -- messages TOOMANYFISHERMEN = "You have more than one easy cast mod installed.", FAILEDINIT = "Did not initialize correctly.", IMPORTMSG = "Imported '%s' database.", NOIMPORTMSG = "No Impp, DataFish, or FishInfo2 databases found.", ADDFISHIEMSG = "Adding %s to location %s.", CURSORBUSYMSG = "Couldn't switch because the cursor is busy!", NOOUTFITDEFINED = "You don't have any items in your fishing outfit.", NODATAMSG = "No fishing data available.", TRACKINGMSG = "Tracking '%s' %s.", NOTRACKERRMSG = "Can't remove default cycle fish.", NOTRACKMSG = "Removed cycle fish '%s'.", POLEALREADYEQUIPPED = "You're already equipped for fishing.", CANTSWITCHBACK = "You've already removed your fishing equipment.", CLEANUP_NONEMSG = "No old settings remain.", CLEANUP_WILLMSG = "Old settings remaining for |c0000FF00%s|r: %s.", CLEANUP_DONEMSG = "Old settings removed for |c0000FF00%s|r: %s.", CLEANUP_NOOLDMSG = "There are no old settings for player |c0000FF00%s|r.", MINIMUMSKILL = "Minimum skill: %d"; NOTLINKABLE = "", CAUGHTTHISMANY = "Caught %d"; CAUGHTTHISTOTAL = "Total %d"; FISHTYPES = "Fish types: %d"; TIMETOGO = "Extravaganza starts in %d:%02d", TIMELEFT = "Extravaganza ends in %d:%02d -- %d %s", STVZONENAME = "Stranglethorn Vale", TOOLTIP_HINTSWITCH = "Hint: click to switch outfits", TOOLTIP_HINTTOGGLE = "Hint: click to show the #NAME# window.", -- Key binding support BINDING_HEADER_FISHINGBUDDY_BINDINGS = "#NAME#", BINDING_NAME_FISHINGBUDDY_TOGGLE = "Toggle #NAME# Window", BINDING_NAME_FISHINGBUDDY_SWITCH = "Switch Fishing Outfit", BINDING_NAME_FISHINGBUDDY_GOFISHING = "Suit up and go fishing", BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEFISHINGBUDDY_LOC = "Toggle #NAME# Locations Pane", BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEFISHINGBUDDY_OUT = "Toggle #NAME# Outfit Pane", BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEFISHINGBUDDY_TRK = "Toggle #NAME# Tracking Pane", BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEFISHINGBUDDY_OPT = "Toggle #NAME# Options Pane", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].IMPORT_HELP = { "|c0000FF00/fb #IMPORT#|r", " Import Impp's fishinfo or FishInfo2 data.", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].SWITCH_HELP = { "|c0000FF00/fb #SWITCH#|r", " swap outfits (if OutfitDisplayFrame or Outfitter is available)", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].WATCHER_HELP = { "|c0000FF00/fb #WATCHER#|r [|c0000FF00#WATCHER_LOCK#|r or |c0000FF00#WATCHER_UNLOCK#|r or |c0000FF00#RESET#|r]", " Unlock the watcher to move the window,", " lock to stop, reset to reset", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].CURRENT_HELP = { "|c0000FF00/fb #CURRENT# #RESET#|r", " Reset the fish caught during the current session.", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].CLEANUP_HELP = { "|c0000FF00/fb #CLEANUP#|r [|c0000FF00f#CHECK#|r or |c0000FF00#NOW#|r]", " Clean up old settings. |c0000FF00#CHECK#|r lists which", " settings will be removed by |c0000FF00#NOW#|r.", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].TRACKING_HELP = { "|c0000FF00/fb #TRACK#|r [|c0000FF00#HOURLY#|r or |c0000FF00#WEEKLY#|r] |c00FF00FF|r", " track the catch times for the specified fish (a shift click link)", "|c0000FF00/fb #NOTRACK#|r |c00FF00FF|r", " remove the specified fish (a shift click link) from the tracker", "|c0000FF00/fb #TRACKING#|r", " a really bad display of when tracked fish were caught", }; FishingTranslations["enUS"].HELPMSG = { "You can use |c0000FF00/fishingbuddy|r or |c0000FF00/fb|r for all commands", "|c0000FF00/fb|r: by itself, toggle the Fishing Buddy window", "|c0000FF00/fb #HELP#|r: display this message", "#SWITCH_HELP#", "#WATCHER_HELP#", "#CURRENT_HELP#", "#CLEANUP_HELP#", "#IMPORT_HELP#", "#TRACKING_HELP#", " ", "You can bind both the window toggle and the outfit", " switch command to keys in the \"Key Bindings\" window.", };