--[[ Name: Gratuity-2.0 Revision: $Rev: 8021 $ Author: Tekkub Stoutwrithe (tekkub@gmail.com) Website: http://wiki.wowace.com/index.php/GratuityLib Documentation: http://wiki.wowace.com/index.php/Gratuity-2.0_API_Documentation SVN: svn://svn.wowace.com/root/trunk/CompostLib/Compost-2.0 Description: Tooltip parsing library Dependencies: AceLibrary, (optional) Compost-2.0, (optional) Deformat-2.0 ]] local vmajor, vminor = "Gratuity-2.0", "$Revision: 8021 $" if not AceLibrary then error(vmajor .. " requires AceLibrary.") end if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(vmajor, vminor) then return end local lib = {} local methods = { "SetBagItem", "SetAction", "SetAuctionItem", "SetAuctionSellItem", "SetBuybackItem", "SetCraftItem", "SetCraftSpell", "SetHyperlink", "SetInboxItem", "SetInventoryItem", "SetLootItem", "SetLootRollItem", "SetMerchantItem", "SetPetAction", "SetPlayerBuff", "SetQuestItem", "SetQuestLogItem", "SetQuestRewardSpell", "SetSendMailItem", "SetShapeshift", "SetSpell", "SetTalent", "SetTrackingSpell", "SetTradePlayerItem", "SetTradeSkillItem", "SetTradeTargetItem", "SetTrainerService", "SetUnit", "SetUnitBuff", "SetUnitDebuff", } -- Activate a new instance of this library local function activate(self, oldLib, oldDeactivate) if oldLib then self.vars = oldLib.vars else self.vars = {} self:CreateTooltip() end self:CreateSetMethods() if oldDeactivate then oldDeactivate(oldLib) end end function lib:InitCompost() if not self.vars.compost and AceLibrary:HasInstance("Compost-2.0") then self.vars.compost = AceLibrary("Compost-2.0") end end function lib:CreateTooltip() local tt = CreateFrame("GameTooltip") self.vars.tooltip = tt tt:SetOwner(tt, "ANCHOR_NONE") -- tooltip:SetParent() self.vars.Llines, self.vars.Rlines = {}, {} for i=1,30 do self.vars.Llines[i], self.vars.Rlines[i] = tt:CreateFontString(), tt:CreateFontString() self.vars.Llines[i]:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal) self.vars.Rlines[i]:SetFontObject(GameFontNormal) tt:AddFontStrings(self.vars.Llines[i], self.vars.Rlines[i]) end end -- Clears the tooltip completely, none of this "erase left, hide right" crap blizzard does function lib:Erase() self.vars.tooltip:ClearLines() -- Ensures tooltip's NumLines is reset for i=1,30 do self.vars.Rlines[i]:SetText() end -- Clear text from right side (ClearLines only hides them) if not self.vars.tooltip:IsOwned(self.vars.tooltip) then self.vars.tooltip:SetOwner(self.vars.tooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE") end self:assert(self.vars.tooltip:IsOwned(self.vars.tooltip), "Gratuity's tooltip is not scanable") end -- Get the number of lines -- Arg: endln - If passed and tooltip's NumLines is higher, endln is returned back function lib:NumLines(endln) local num = self.vars.tooltip:NumLines() return endln and num > endln and endln or num or 0 end local FindDefault = function(str, pattern) return string.find(str, pattern); end; local FindExact = function(str, pattern) if (str == pattern) then return string.find(str, pattern); end; end; -- If text is found on tooltip then results of string.find are returned -- Args: -- txt - The text string to find -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored -- exact - the compare will be an exact match vs the default behaviour of function lib:Find(txt, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, exact) local searchFunction = FindDefault; if (exact == true) then searchFunction = FindExact; end; self:argCheck(txt, 2, "string", "number") local t1, t2 = type(startln or 1), type(self:NumLines(endln)) if (t1 ~= "number" or t2 ~= "number") then print(t1, t2, (startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln)) end for i=(startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln) do if not ignoreleft then local txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() if (txtl and searchFunction(txtl, txt)) then return string.find(txtl, txt) end end if not ignoreright then local txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() if (txtr and searchFunction(txtr, txt)) then return string.find(txtr, txt) end end end end -- Calls Find many times. -- Args are passed directly to Find, t1-t10 replace the txt arg -- Returns Find results for the first match found, if any function lib:MultiFind(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10) self:argCheck(t1, 6, "string", "number") if t1 and self:Find(t1, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) then return self:Find(t1, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) elseif t2 then return self:MultiFind(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10) end end local deformat -- If text is found on tooltip then results of deformat:Deformat are returned -- Args: -- txt - The text string to deformat and serach for -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored function lib:FindDeformat(txt, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) self:argCheck(txt, 2, "string", "number") if not deformat then self:assert(AceLibrary:HasInstance("Deformat-2.0"), "FindDeformat requires Deformat-2.0 to be available") deformat = AceLibrary("Deformat-2.0") end for i=(startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln) do if not ignoreleft then local txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() if (txtl and deformat(txtl, txt)) then return deformat(txtl, txt) end end if not ignoreright then local txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() if (txtr and deformat(txtr, txt)) then return deformat(txtr, txt) end end end end -- Returns a table of strings pulled from the tooltip, or nil if no strings in tooltip -- Args: -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored function lib:GetText(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) self:InitCompost() local retval for i=(startln or 1),(endln or 30) do local txtl, txtr if not ignoreleft then txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() end if not ignoreright then txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() end if txtl or txtr then if not retval then retval = self.vars.compost and self.vars.compost:Acquire() or {} end local t = self.vars.compost and self.vars.compost:Acquire(txtl, txtr) or {txtl, txtr} table.insert(retval, t) end end return retval end -- Returns the text from a specific line (both left and right unless second arg is true) -- Args: -- line - the line number you wish to retrieve -- getright - if passed the right line will be returned, if not the left will be returned function lib:GetLine(line, getright) self:argCheck(line, 2, "number") if self.vars.tooltip:NumLines() < line then return end if getright then return self.vars.Rlines[line] and self.vars.Rlines[line]:GetText() elseif self.vars.Llines[line] then return self.vars.Llines[line]:GetText(), self.vars.Rlines[line]:GetText() end end ----------------------------------- -- Set tooltip methods -- ----------------------------------- -- These methods are designed to immitate the GameTooltip API local testmethods = { SetAction = function(id) return HasAction(id) end, } local gettrue = function() return true end function lib:CreateSetMethods() for _,m in pairs(methods) do local meth = m local func = testmethods[meth] or gettrue self[meth] = function(self,a1,a2,a3,a4) self:Erase() if not func(a1,a2,a3,a4) then return end return self:pcall(self.vars.tooltip[meth], self.vars.tooltip,a1,a2,a3,a4) end end end -------------------------------- -- Load this bitch! -- -------------------------------- AceLibrary:Register(lib, vmajor, vminor, activate) lib = nil