local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuBar_HonorFu") L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { ["Target hostile flagholder"] = "Gegnerischen Flaggentr\195\164ger ins Ziel nehmen", ["Target the current opposing flagholder. (also /tflag or /tarflag)"] = "Gegnerischen Flaggentr\195\164ger ins Ziel nehmen. (auch /tflag oderr /tarflag)", ["Show honor"] = "Zeige Ehre", ["Show battlegrounds score"] = "Schlachtfeldpunkte anzeigen", ["Show kills and deaths"] = "Kills und Tode anzeigen", ["Show PvP cooldown"] = "PvP-Abklingzeit anzeigen", ["Auto-release when dead"] = "Geist beim Tod automatisch freilassen", ["Toggle whether to automatically release when dead in battlegrounds"] = "Automatische Freigabe, wenn man im Schlachtfeld gestorben ist", ["Auto-open minimap for battlegrounds"] = "Minischlachtfeldkarte automatisch \195\182ffnen", ["Toggle whether to automatically open the battlegrounds minimap"] = "Minischlachtfeldkarte automatisch \195\182ffnen", ["Print out PvP reputation gains"] = "PvP-Ruf im Chatfenster ausgeben", ["Print out honor gains"] = "Ehre im Chatfenster ausgeben", ["Add info to enemy tooltip"] = "Info zum Gegner-Tooltip hinzuf\195\188gen", ["Reset battlegrounds scores"] = "Schlachtfeldpunkte zur\195\188cksetzen", ["Reset the battlegrounds scores to 0-0"] = "Schlachtfeldpunkte zu\195\188cksetzen auf 0-0.", ["Gained %d reputation with %s"] = "%d Ruf bei %s erhalten", -- "Gained 50 reputation with Warsong Outriders" ["Kill: %s %s. %d honor gained. Killed %d times today"] = "Kill: %s %s. %d Ehre erhalten. Heute %d Mal get\195\182tet", -- "Kill: Private Guy. 50 honor gained. Killed 2 times today" ["Gained %d bonus honor"] = "Bonusehre: %d", -- "Gained 50 bonus honor" ["Killed Today"] = "Heute getötet", ["Number of kills today.\nIf more than 10 kills, then no more honor from this player."] = "Heutige Kills.\nIf Bei mehr als 10 Kills gibt es keine Ehre mehr für diesen Spieler.", ["%d Kills - |cff%s%.0f%% %s|r"] = "%d Kills - |cff%s%.0f%% %s|r", -- "3 Kills - |cffcfcfcf70% Honor|r" ["On"] = "An", ["Off"] = "Aus", ["Kills-Deaths:"] = "Kills-Tode:", ["Today's HK honor:"] = "Killehre heute:", ["Today's bonus honor:"] = "Bonusehre heute:", ["Today's total honor:"] = "Gesamtehre heute:", ["Flagged"] = "Markiert", ["PvP Cooldown:"] = "PvP-Abklingzeit:", ["Progress:"] = "Fortschritt:", ["Yesterday's honor:"] = "Ehre gestern:", ["This week's honor:"] = "Ehre diese Woche:", ["Last week's honor:"] = "Ehre letzte Woche:", ["Rating limit:"] = "Bewertungsgrenze:", ["Rank limit:"] = "Ranggrenze:", ["Battlegrounds score:"] = "Schlachtfeldpunkte:", ["%s score"] = "%s Punkte", -- "Warsong Gulch score" ["%s weekend"] = "%s Wochenende", -- "Warsong Gulch weekend" ["Click to target flag carrier (%s)"] = "Klicken um Flaggentr\195\164ger ins Ziel zu nehmen (%s).", -- "Click to target flag carrier (Guy)" } end)