local tablet = AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0") local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("SWStatsFu") SWStatsFu = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("FuBarPlugin-2.0", "AceEvent-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0", "AceDB-2.0") local optionsTable = { type = 'group', args = { showConsole = { order = 1, type = "execute", name = L["Show Console"], desc = L["Shows the console"], func = "ToggleConsole", }, showGeneral = { order = 2, type = "execute", name = L["Show General Settings"], desc = L["Shows the general settings"], func = "ToggleGeneralSettings", }, showSync = { order = 3, type = "execute", name = L["Show Sync Settings"], desc = L["Shows the sync settings"], func = "ToggleSync", }, showTimeline = { order = 4, type = "execute", name = L["Show Timeline"], desc = L["Shows the timeline"], func = "ToggleTimeline", }, ["-blank-"] = { order = 5, type = 'header', }, resetData = { order = 6, type = "execute", name = L["Reset Data"], desc = L["Reset the stored data"], func = "ResetCheck", }, ["-blank2-"] = { order = 7, type = 'header', }, updateFriends = { order = 8, type = "execute", name = L["Update GroupInfo"], desc = L["Rebuilds friends list"], func = "RebuildFriendList", }, ["-blank3-"] = { order = 9, type = 'header', }, hideIcon = { order = 10, type = 'toggle', name = L["HIDE_LABEL"], desc = L["HIDE_LABEL"], set = "ToggleHideIcon", get = "IsHideIcon", }, } } SWStatsFu.OnMenuRequest = optionsTable SWStatsFu:RegisterChatCommand( { "/SWStatsFu" }, optionsTable ) SWStatsFu.hasIcon = true SWStatsFu:RegisterDB("Fubar_SWStatsDB") SWStatsFu:RegisterDefaults('profile', { enabled =0, hideIcon = true, }) function SWStatsFu:IsHideIcon() return self.db.profile.hideIcon; end function SWStatsFu:ToggleConsole() SW_ToggleConsole(); end function SWStatsFu:ToggleGeneralSettings() SW_ToggleGeneralSettings(); end function SWStatsFu:ToggleSync() SW_ToggleSync(); end function SWStatsFu:ToggleTimeline() SW_ToggleTL(); end function SWStatsFu:ResetCheck() SW_ResetCheck(); end function SWStatsFu:RebuildFriendList() SW_RebuildFriendList(); end function SWStatsFu:ToggleHideIcon() self.db.profile.hideIcon = not self.db.profile.hideIcon; if (SW_IconFrame) then if self.db.profile.hideIcon == true then SW_IconFrame:Hide(); else SW_IconFrame:Show(); end end end function SWStatsFu:OnInitialize() end function SWStatsFu:OnEnable() --self:ScheduleRepeatingEvent("SWStatsFu_Update",self.Update, 1, self); --self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA"); if (SW_IconFrame) then if self.db.profile.hideIcon == true then SW_IconFrame:Hide(); else SW_IconFrame:Show(); end end end function SWStatsFu:OnDisable() --self:CancelScheduledEvent("SWStatsFu_Update") SW_IconFrame:Show(); end function SWStatsFu:OnTextUpdate() self:SetText("SWStats") end function SWStatsFu:OnClick() --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("click "..self.db.profile.enabled); -- if ( self.db.profile.enabled == 1) then --self.db.profile.enabled = 0; -- else -- self.db.profile.enabled = 1; --end SW_ToggleBarFrame(); end function SWStatsFu:OnTooltipUpdate() local cat = tablet:AddCategory( 'columns', 2, 'child_textR', 1, 'child_textG', 1, 'child_textB', 0, 'child_text2R', 1, 'child_text2G', 1, 'child_text2B', 1 ) cat:AddLine( 'text', "", 'text2', "" ) cat:AddLine( 'text', "", 'text2', "" ) end