Always Show
Unit Damage > Heal Amount -- The target has taken more damage than the average amount the button's spell heals.
Unit Past Health Threshold 1-4 -- The target has taken more damage than one of the health thresholds you've set.
Unit Past Mana Threshold -- The target has lost more mana that what you've set for the mana threshold.
Party Past Area Threshold -- The number of party members you defined in Thresholds options have taken more damage than what you've set for the Area Threshold.
Unit Isn't Buffed/Debuffed -- The target isn't currently affected by the buff/debuff the button holds.
Unit Is Magic Debuffed -- The target is affected by any magic debuff.
Unit Is Cursed -- The target is affected by any curse.
Unit Is Poisoned -- The target is affected by any poison.
Unit Is Diseased -- The target is affected by any disease.
Unit Is Dead
Remove the -- in front of each line and you'll have out of range indicators on your party bars.-- elseif (MapLibrary_Updater and (not GB_Settings[GB_INDEX].disablePartyRange)) then -- local inInstance = MapLibrary.InInstance(); -- if (MapLibrary.Ready and (not inInstance)) then -- local dist = MapLibrary.UnitDistance(unit, "player", 1); -- if (dist and dist > range) then inRange = false; end -- end
<Frame name="GB_ActionBarTemplate" virtual="true" frameStrata="low" movable="true">Change frameStrata="low" to frameStrata="high".