## Title: Informant ## Notes: Displays detailed item information in tooltips, and can produce item reports by binding an information window to a keypress [3.8.0] This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details. ## ## Interface: 11200 ## LoadOnDemand: 1 ## Dependencies: EnhTooltip, Stubby ## OptionalDeps: Khaos ## SavedVariables: InformantConfig ## ## Version: 3.8.0 (Kangaroo) ## Revision: $Id: Informant.toc 981 2006-08-31 05:49:45Z mentalpower $ ## URL: http://auctioneeraddon.com/dl/Informant Babylonian\Babylonian.lua InfStrings.lua InfLocale.lua Informant.lua InfCommand.lua InfTrades.lua InfQuests.lua InfData.lua Informant.xml