--[[ This Lib is made ofr Silvanas Addon it gives some commen functions like print,printf,select,varprint --i use it so i dont have to redecleare the function so i wont use duoble memory space it u have multiple silvanas addons installed --it is not a stand along addon jsut a file to include and other ui mods are welkome ot use it aslog as they dont moddify it :P --well that all ]]-- SilvanasLibVersion = 1.1 if (not Silvanas) or (Silvanas.Version < SilvanasLibVersion) then Silvanas = { --Libary version Version = SilvanasLibVersion, --hold a list of mods and thier info of registred mods LoadedMods = {}, --Basic print function Print = function(msg) if msg and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg) end end, --Basic print function to the 2nd chat window Print2 = function(msg) if msg and ChatFrame2 then ChatFrame2:AddMessage(msg) elseif msg then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg) end end, --Print whit text formatting Printf = function(...) Silvanas.Print(string.format(unpack(arg))) end, --Returns a string represention of the variable VarPrint = function(variable) local vartype = type(variable) if vartype == "string" then return variable elseif vartype == "number" then return tostring(variable) elseif vartype == "boolean" then if variable then return "true" else return "false" end else return vartype end end, --Argument selector Select = function(num,...) return arg[num] end, --Popup message Message = function(msg) message("|cFFFFFFFF".. msg .."|r") end, --/ Command addfunction AddCmd = function(Name,Function,CmdTable) if (type(CmdTable) == "table") and (type(Function) == "function") and (type(Name) == "string") then local i,max max = table.getn(CmdTable) if max > 0 then SlashCmdList[Name] = Function for i=1,max,1 do setglobal("SLASH_".. Name .. i,"/".. CmdTable[i]) end end else return end end, --Registers a mod in the libary (removed) AddMod = function(modtable) end, } end