function KC_LW(frame,link) local self = KC_Tooltip self.fmerge = true self.curlink = link self.itemEntered = true self:DisplayInfo(frame, link, 1) end local locals = KC_ITEMS_LOCALS.modules.tooltip local linkFuncs = { SetAuctionItem = GetAuctionItemLink, SetBagItem = GetContainerItemLink, SetCraftItem = function(skill, id) return (id) and GetCraftReagentItemLink(skill, id) or GetCraftItemLink(skill) end, SetHyperlink = function(link) return link end, SetInventoryItem = function(type, slot) if (not this) then return end return (type) and GetInventoryItemLink(type, slot) or GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER,this:GetID()) end, SetLootItem = GetLootSlotLink, SetMerchantItem = GetMerchantItemLink, SetQuestItem = GetQuestItemLink, SetQuestLogItem = GetQuestLogItemLink, SetTradePlayerItem = GetTradePlayerItemLink, SetTradeSkillItem = function(skill, id) return (id) and GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(skill, id) or GetTradeSkillItemLink(skill) end, SetTradeTargetItem = GetTradeTargetItemLink, } local qtyFuncs = { SetAuctionItem = function(type, slot) local _,_,qty = GetAuctionItemInfo(type, slot); return qty; end, SetBagItem = function(bag, slot) local _, qty = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot); return qty; end, SetCraftItem = function(skill, id) if (id) then local _, _, qty = GetCraftReagentInfo(skill, id); return qty else local info = KC_Items.common:GetItemInfo(KC_Items.common:GetCode(GetCraftItemLink(skill))); if (info) then return info["maxstack"] else return 1 end end end, SetHyperlink = function() return 1 end, SetInventoryItem = function(type, slot) if (not this) then return end if (type) then return GetInventoryItemCount(type, slot) else local _, qty = GetContainerItemInfo(BANK_CONTAINER,this:GetID()); return qty; end end, SetLootItem = function(slot) local _,_, qty = GetLootSlotInfo(slot); return qty; end, SetMerchantItem = function(id) local _,_,_, qty = GetMerchantItemInfo(id); return qty; end, SetQuestItem = function(type, slot) local _,_, qty = GetQuestItemInfo(type, slot); return qty; end, SetQuestLogItem = function(type, slot) return 1 end, SetTradePlayerItem = function(id) local _,_, qty = GetTradeTargetItemInfo(id); return qty; end, SetTradeSkillItem = function(skill, id) if (id) then local _, _, qty = GetTradeSkillReagentInfo(skill, id); return qty else local info = KC_Items.common:GetItemInfo(KC_Items.common:GetCode(GetTradeSkillItemLink(skill))); if (info) then return info["maxstack"] else return 1 end end end, SetTradeTargetItem = function(id) local _,_, qty = GetTradeTargetItemInfo(id); return qty; end, } KC_Tooltip = KC_ItemsModule:new({ type = "tooltip", name =, desc = locals.description, cmdOptions =, dependencies = {"common"}, optPath = {"tooltip", "options"}, }) KC_Items:Register(KC_Tooltip) function KC_Tooltip:Enable() self:HookTooltips() if (IsAddOnLoaded('LinkWrangler')) then LINK_WRANGLER_CALLER['KC_Items'] = 'KC_LW' else self:Hook("SetItemRef") end self:Hook("GameTooltip_OnHide") self:Hook("GameTooltip_ClearMoney") self:HookScript(ItemRefTooltip, "OnHide", "ItemRefTooltip_OnHide") end function KC_Tooltip:GameTooltip_OnHide() self.Hooks["GameTooltip_OnHide"].orig() self:OnHide() KCTooltip:Hide() for i=1, 20 do getglobal("KCTooltipMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() getglobal("GameTooltipMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() end end function KC_Tooltip:ItemRefTooltip_OnHide() self.Hooks[ItemRefTooltip]["OnHide"].orig() self:OnHide() KCItemRef:Hide() for i=1, 20 do getglobal("KCItemRefMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() getglobal("ItemRefTooltipMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() end end function KC_Tooltip:OnHide() self.itemEntered = false self.priceAdded = false self.sepneeded = false self.showneeded = false end function KC_Tooltip:GameTooltip_ClearMoney() self.Hooks["GameTooltip_ClearMoney"].orig() self.priceAdded = false end function KC_Tooltip:SetItemRef(link, text, button) self.Hooks["SetItemRef"].orig(link, text, button) if (not strfind(link, "item") or IsControlKeyDown() or IsShiftKeyDown()) then return; end if (self.curlink == link) then KCItemRef:Hide() self.curlink = nil else self.curlink = link self.itemEntered = true self:DisplayInfo(ItemRefTooltip, link, 1) end end function KC_Tooltip:HookTooltips() for key, value in linkFuncs do local orig, linkFunc = key,value local qtyFunc = qtyFuncs[key] local func = function(tooltip,a,b,c) local r1,r2,r3 = self.Hooks[tooltip][orig].orig(tooltip,a,b,c) self.itemEntered = true self:DisplayInfo(tooltip,linkFunc(a,b,c),qtyFunc(a,b,c)) return r1,r2,r3 end self:Hook(GameTooltip,orig,func) end end function KC_Tooltip:DisplayInfo(tooltip, link, qty) if( (not self.itemEntered) or self.priceAdded or not tooltip or not link or not self._funcs) then return end local mode = self:GetOpt(self.optPath, "separated") local sep = self:GetOpt(self.optPath, "separator") local code = self.common:GetCode(link) local lcode = self.common:GetCode(link, true) local info = self.common:GetItemInfo(code) local moneyframe = self:GetOpt(self.optPath, "moneyframe") local targetTooltip if (mode and not self.fmerge) then targetTooltip = (tooltip == GameTooltip) and KCTooltip or KCItemRef targetTooltip:ClearLines() targetTooltip:SetScale(1) targetTooltip:SetOwner(tooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE") targetTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", tooltip, "BOTTOMLEFT") targetTooltip:AddLine(format("%s x %s", info["name"] or "", qty)) else targetTooltip = tooltip self.sepneeded = true end for i = 1, 20 do getglobal("KCTooltipMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() getglobal("KCItemRefMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() getglobal("GameTooltipMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() getglobal("ItemRefTooltipMoneyFrame" .. i):Hide() end for index, func in self._funcs do if (sep and self.sepneeded) then targetTooltip:AddLine(" ", 0, 0, 0); self.sepneeded = false end self.sepneeded = false func(targetTooltip, code, lcode, qty, self) if (sep and self.sepneeded) then targetTooltip:AddLine(" ", 0, 0, 0); self.sepneeded = false end end if (self.showneeded) then targetTooltip:Show(); self.showneeded = false; end if (moneyframe and targetTooltip:GetWidth() < (self.mWidth or 0)) then targetTooltip:SetWidth(self.mWidth or 0) self.mWidth = nil end if (mode and targetTooltip:GetWidth() < tooltip:GetWidth()) then targetTooltip:SetWidth(tooltip:GetWidth()) end self.fmerge = nil end function KC_Tooltip:RegisterFunc(addon, func) if (not self._funcs) then self._funcs = {}; end self._funcs[tostring(addon) .. "->" .. func] = ace:call(addon,func) end function KC_Tooltip:UnregisterFunc(addon, func) if (not self._funcs) then return end self._funcs[tostring(addon) .. "->" .. func] = nil end function KC_Tooltip:AddPriceLine(tooltip, amt, label, sep, sepcolor) local splitline = self:GetOpt(self.optPath, "splitline") local moneyframe = self:GetOpt(self.optPath, "moneyframe") local pricetext = self.common:CashTextLetters(amt) if (moneyframe and not self.fmerge) then tooltip:AddDoubleLine(label, " ", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) local numLines = tooltip:NumLines() local moneyFrame = getglobal(tooltip:GetName() .. "MoneyFrame" .. numLines) moneyFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", tooltip:GetName(), "RIGHT", 0, 0) moneyFrame:SetPoint("TOP", tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft".. numLines, "TOP", 0, 0) moneyFrame:Show() MoneyFrame_Update(moneyFrame:GetName(), floor(amt)) local width = moneyFrame:GetWidth() + getglobal(tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft".. numLines):GetWidth() + 25 self.mWidth = width > (self.mWidth or 0) and width or self.mWidth elseif (splitline) then tooltip:AddDoubleLine(label, pricetext, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) else sep = ace.trim(sep or ""); sep = format(" %s%s |r", sepcolor, sep) tooltip:AddLine(format("%s%s%s", label, sep, pricetext), 1, 1, 1) end self.sepneeded = true self.showneeded = true end function KC_Tooltip:AddTextLine(tooltip, left, right, sep, sepcolor) local splitline = self:GetOpt(self.optPath, "splitline") if (splitline) then tooltip:AddDoubleLine(left, right, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) else sep = ace.trim(sep or ""); sep = format(" %s%s |r", sepcolor or "", sep or "") tooltip:AddLine(format("%s%s%s", left, sep, right or ""), 1, 1, 1); end local numLines = tooltip:NumLines() local width = getglobal(tooltip:GetName() .. "TextRight".. numLines):GetWidth() + getglobal(tooltip:GetName() .. "TextLeft".. numLines):GetWidth() + 25 self.mWidth = width > (self.mWidth or 0) and width or self.mWidth self.sepneeded = true self.showneeded = true end