1) Add a client side threat per second column to the raid threat. 5 second sliding window or so. 2) Add Battle Shout. To generalise, a way to detect arbitrary buff spells would be good. 4) Hunter and Warlock pets. 5) Better 10% / 30% guessing. At least assume warriors and rogues are in melee range. 6) Razorgore: give some threat to the last guy who was controlling him. How do we monitor this? Do we even care? 9) Work out Onyxia threat. While we're at it, let's cure cancer and world hunger too. 10) More enhancements to debug printing: --> Automatic flood detection and control. Stopping just the section / module combo at first for a few seconds, then completely, then the whole module, etc. --> CLUI support for adding / changing print options. If we could get it to make a list of all the sections that have been reported to checktrace, that would be cool. Broken down by messagetype too and stuff. Yeah. 11) Other stuff: --> localise the console user interface... somehow --> convert GUI files to module style --> make modules more modular (less references to klhtm etc) --> Siphon Life: do we need to add the 115 threat from application? --> demo shout / bear equiv? --> Options GUI: --> remove "show rows with 0 threat" in self gui. --> add option "hide window when solo" --> add option "hide window when in a 5 man party" --> Tips of the Day GUI next to options GUI. Some Random Values (so small, do we care?) mage counterspell = 300 (Bictor@Elune) (Remember it's arcane) (implementation issues) someone's cleanse = 40 (Padrig@Azgalor) Remove lesser curse = 14 (Padrig@Azgalor)