local vmajor, vminor = "1", tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 1705 $", 12, -3)) local stubvarname = "TekLibStub" local libvarname = "Gratuity" -- Check to see if an update is needed -- if not then just return out now before we do anything local libobj = getglobal(libvarname) if libobj and not libobj:NeedsUpgraded(vmajor, vminor) then return end local stubobj = getglobal(stubvarname) if not stubobj then stubobj = {} setglobal(stubvarname, stubobj) -- Instance replacement method, replace contents of old with that of new function stubobj:ReplaceInstance(old, new) for k,v in pairs(old) do old[k]=nil end for k,v in pairs(new) do old[k]=v end end -- Get a new copy of the stub function stubobj:NewStub(name) local newStub = {} self:ReplaceInstance(newStub, self) newStub.libName = name newStub.lastVersion = '' newStub.versions = {} return newStub end -- Get instance version function stubobj:NeedsUpgraded(vmajor, vminor) local versionData = self.versions[vmajor] if not versionData or versionData.minor < vminor then return true end end -- Get instance version function stubobj:GetInstance(version) if not version then version = self.lastVersion end local versionData = self.versions[version] if not versionData then print(string.format("<%s> Cannot find library version: %s", self.libName, version or "")) return end return versionData.instance end -- Register new instance function stubobj:Register(newInstance) local version,minor = newInstance:GetLibraryVersion() self.lastVersion = version local versionData = self.versions[version] if not versionData then -- This one is new! versionData = { instance = newInstance, minor = minor, old = {}, } self.versions[version] = versionData newInstance:LibActivate(self) return newInstance end -- This is an update local oldInstance = versionData.instance local oldList = versionData.old versionData.instance = newInstance versionData.minor = minor local skipCopy = newInstance:LibActivate(self, oldInstance, oldList) table.insert(oldList, oldInstance) if not skipCopy then for i, old in ipairs(oldList) do self:ReplaceInstance(old, newInstance) end end return newInstance end end ---------------------------- -- Library Code -- ---------------------------- if not libobj then libobj = stubobj:NewStub(libvarname) setglobal(libvarname, libobj) end local lib = {} -- Return the library's current version function lib:GetLibraryVersion() return vmajor, vminor end local methods = { "SetBagItem", "SetAction", "SetAuctionItem", "SetAuctionSellItem", "SetBuybackItem", "SetCraftItem", "SetCraftSpell", "SetHyperlink", "SetInboxItem", "SetInventoryItem", "SetLootItem", "SetLootRollItem", "SetMerchantItem", "SetPetAction", "SetPlayerBuff", "SetQuestItem", "SetQuestLogItem", "SetQuestRewardSpell", "SetSendMailItem", "SetShapeshift", "SetSpell", "SetTalent", "SetTrackingSpell", "SetTradePlayerItem", "SetTradeSkillItem", "SetTradeTargetItem", "SetTrainerService", "SetUnit", "SetUnitBuff", "SetUnitDebuff", } -- Activate a new instance of this library function lib:LibActivate(stub, oldLib, oldList) local maj, min = self:GetLibraryVersion() if oldLib then local omaj, omin = oldLib:GetLibraryVersion() for _,m in pairs(methods) do self[m] = oldLib[m] end self.vars = oldLib.vars if self.vars.tooltip then self:CreateSetMethods() end else self.vars = {} end -- nil return makes stub do object copy end function lib:InitCompost() if not self.vars.compost and CompostLib then self.vars.compost = CompostLib:GetInstance("compost-1") end end -- Retreive the tooltip assigned to Gratuity function lib:GetTooltip(tooltip) return self.vars.tooltip end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pass a tooltip frame to be used (make sure the tooltip does not have a parent!!!) -- You can use this line in your XML to define the tooltip: -- -- This *would* be part of the EmbedLib but the game throws an error -- when you try to declare two tooltips with the same name *growl* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns the stored tooltip (this may not match what you passed!) -- You need to be careful how you use the tooltip or it can -- get "detached" from it's owner and stop parsing. Please make sure you read up -- about tips here: http://www.wowwiki.com/UIOBJECT_GameTooltip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function lib:RegisterTooltip(tooltip) if self.vars.tooltip then return self.vars.tooltip end assert(tooltip, "No tooltip passed!") assert(tooltip:IsObjectType("GameTooltip"), "The frame passed was not a GameTooltip!") self.vars.tooltip = tooltip tooltip:SetOwner(tooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE") -- tooltip:SetParent() local name = tooltip:GetName() local g = getfenv(0) self.vars.Llines, self.vars.Rlines = {}, {} for i=1,30 do self.vars.Llines[i] = g[name.."TextLeft"..i] self.vars.Rlines[i] = g[name.."TextRight"..i] end if not self.SetBagItem then self:CreateSetMethods() end return tooltip end -- Clears the tooltip completely, none of this "erase left, hide right" crap blizzard does -- returns true is successful, nil if no tooltip assigned function lib:Erase() assert(self.vars.tooltip, "No tooltip declared!") self.vars.tooltip:ClearLines() -- Ensures tooltip's NumLines is reset for i=1,30 do self.vars.Rlines[i]:SetText() end -- Clear text from right side (ClearLines only hides them) return true end -- Get the number of lines -- Arg: endln - If passed and tooltip's NumLines is higher, endln is returned back function lib:NumLines(endln) local num = self.vars.tooltip:NumLines() return endln and num > endln and endln or num or 0 end -- If text is found on tooltip then results of string.find are returned -- Args: -- txt - The text string to find -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored function lib:Find(txt, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) assert(txt, "No search string passed") local t1, t2 = type(startln or 1), type(self:NumLines(endln)) if (t1 ~= "number" or t2 ~= "number") then print(t1, t2, (startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln)) end for i=(startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln) do if not ignoreleft then local txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() if (txtl and string.find(txtl, txt)) then return string.find(txtl, txt) end end if not ignoreright then local txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() if (txtr and string.find(txtr, txt)) then return string.find(txtr, txt) end end end end -- Calls Find many times. -- Args are passed directly to Find, t1-t10 replace the txt arg function lib:MultiFind(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10) assert(t1, "No search string passed") if t1 and self:Find(t1, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) then return self:Find(t1, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) elseif t2 then return self:MultiFind(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10) end end local babbleCore -- If text is found on tooltip then results of babbleCore:Deformat are returned -- Args: -- txt - The text string to deformat and serach for -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored function lib:FindDeformat(txt, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) assert(txt, "No search string passed") if not babbleCore then assert(BabbleLib, "You must have BabbleLib-Core 1.1 available") babbleCore = BabbleLib:GetInstance("Core 1.1") end for i=(startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln) do if not ignoreleft then local txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() if (txtl and babbleCore:Deformat(txtl, txt)) then return babbleCore:Deformat(txtl, txt) end end if not ignoreright then local txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() if (txtr and babbleCore:Deformat(txtr, txt)) then return babbleCore:Deformat(txtr, txt) end end end end -- Returns a table of strings pulled from the tooltip, or nil if no strings in tooltip -- Args: -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored function lib:GetText(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) self:InitCompost() local retval for i=(startln or 1),(endln or 30) do local txtl, txtr if not ignoreleft then txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() end if not ignoreright then txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() end if txtl or txtr then if not retval then retval = self.vars.compost and self.vars.compost:Acquire() or {} end local t = self.vars.compost and self.vars.compost:Acquire(txtl, txtr) or {txtl, txtr} table.insert(retval, t) end end return retval end -- Returns the text from a specific line (both left and right unless second arg is true) -- Args: -- line - the line number you wish to retrieve -- getright - if passed the right line will be returned, if not the left will be returned function lib:GetLine(line, getright) assert(type(line) == "number", "No line number passed") if self.vars.tooltip:NumLines() < line then return end if getright then return self.vars.Rlines[line] and self.vars.Rlines[line]:GetText() elseif self.vars.Llines[line] then return self.vars.Llines[line]:GetText(), self.vars.Rlines[line]:GetText() end end ----------------------------------- -- Set tooltip methods -- ----------------------------------- -- These methods are designed to immitate the GameTooltip API -- CreateSetMethods is called on RegisterTooltip if not yet defined local testmethods = { SetAction = function(id) return HasAction(id) end, } local gettrue = function() return true end function lib:CreateSetMethods() for _,m in pairs(methods) do local meth = m local func = testmethods[meth] or gettrue lib[meth] = function(self,a1,a2,a3,a4) self:Erase() if not func(a1,a2,a3,a4) then return end return self.vars.tooltip[meth](self.vars.tooltip,a1,a2,a3,a4) end end end -------------------------------- -- Load this bitch! -- -------------------------------- libobj:Register(lib)