by Ru of Frostmane
-- updated by Saur of
Emerald Dream (EU)
LoadIT was designed to allow in-game management of your addons. Using LoadIT, you can enable, disable, and load addons during gameplay. You can create profiles of addons, and switch between these profiles on-the-fly. I designed LoadIT,
because I have sets of addons that I use for
instances like Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Onyxia's Lair, but I don't care to have many of them loaded
while I'm in battlegrounds, due to the amount of lag some addons
create during PVP.
LoadIT provides a simple interface into all the
documented, dynamic addon functions that were added
as of patch 1.7. The only limitation I
have found, so far, is that Blizzard hasn't provided the ability to unload an addon from memory without using /console reloadui. LoadIT will notify you when your changes require a console
reload. You won't need to log out, in
any case, so long as the addons were present in your
/addons folder when you started WoW.exe
LoadIT does not hook any events, at this time, and should
not cause lag.
a brief summary of how to use LoadIT:
/mods list
will display a list of all your addons. Names are shown in GREEN or RED to denote addons that are enabled or disabled, respectively. Likewise, addons
that are already loaded in memory will show with a <L> by their name;
whereas, those that are not yet loaded in memory will show <-> by their
name. The list command also provides an
index number for each addon that can be used in other
command, in place of the name, where you see # as a valid parameter.
/mods load <name>
the selected addon into memory.
/mods disable <name/#>
Disables the selected addon. This is the same functionality that is
provided at the character selection screen's addon
/mods disable_all
Disables all addons.
/mods enable <name/#>
and loads into memory, the selected addon. This is the same functionality that is provided at the character selection screen's addon menu.
/mods enable_all
Enables all addons.
/mods reset_all
is somewhat of an undo command to reset the enabled/disabled states of your addons.
/mods info <name/#>
details of an addon.
/mods brief
Toggles verbose mode for profile loading. By default, Profile Loading will notify you
of all enable/disable/load changes it makes.
/mods defaults
all default settings and remove all profiles.
/mods profiles
all your saved profiles.
/mods delp <profile>
a profile.
/mods loadp <profile>
a profile and set all module states (enabled/disabled) to those saved in the
/mods savep <profile>
your current module states (enabled/disabled) to a profile.
/mods showp <profile>
a profile’s settings.
/mods menu
the GUI when LoadITmenu or another custom GUI is
/mods reload
/mods rl
the console. This is the same as typing
‘/console reloadui’.
/mods reload <profile>
/mods rl <profile>
a profile, then reload the console.
/mods delc <profile>
a class profile.
/mods loadc <profile>
a class profile and set all module states (enabled/disabled) to those saved in
the profile.
/mods savec <profile>
your current module states (enabled/disabled) to a class profile.
/mods showc <profile>
a class profile’s settings.
/mods rlc <profile>
a class profile, then reload the console.
/mods class or sc
all your saved class profiles.
/mods menu reset
position of the configuration menu.
* Updated the .toc
to match 1.12.
* Updated the .toc
to match 1.11.
* Minor updates to the readme.
* Corrected the version number.
* Updated the .toc
to match 1.10.
* The in-game menu button is now inserted
between the Key Bindings button and the Macros button.
will also adapt itself if myAddOns is installed and
instead insert the button after the AddOns button.
* Added myAddons
* Added a LoadIT
entry to the in-game menu (suggested by Devla).
* Call ReloadUI() rather than the
console function to reload the UI (suggested by Tekkub).
* Updated to work with the 10900 release.
Changed version numbering to match the WoW UI
interface numbering scheme.
1.34 * Added
option to use /mods as a shortcut to opening UI, in
addition to using ‘/mods menu’ or keybinding.
* Added option to lock the UI to prevent
* Added an edit menu to allow editing
* ESC will now close the UI, like standard
1.33 * Fixed issue where checkboxes would only
toggle on first page of scrollbox.
1.32 * Keybindings menu
section will now display properly.
1.31 * Added basic checking to reset menu position
if menu is positioned off screen.
* Added dependencies to ‘/mods info’ and UI displays.
1.30 * Made a new UI to provide much more room for
feature expansion. This should also
reduce garbage collection while the UI is on screen.
1.29 * Resolved initialization issue with menu
positioning. This should be the end of
all the menu position problems. If you
are upgrading from a previous version, please perform a ‘/mods
menu reset’ to restore your menu.
1.28 * Significant changes have been made to the
menu positioning. Please type ‘/mods menu reset’ to reset your menu position, if you have
installed a previous version of LoadIT. Also, make sure you remove your Interface/AddOns/LoadITmenu folder from any previous installation.
Added ‘/mods menu reset’ to reset the position of the
configuration menu.
* Changed code to fix bug with menu
position for users where menu appears off the screen. Once ‘/mods menu
reset’ has been performed, menu should no longer position itself off the
* Updated tooltips and ‘info’ command to
display LoadOnDemand support for addons.
* Updated .toc
for patch 1.8
1.27 * Fixed an issue where class profiles weren’t
being properly initialized when upgrading from a previous version.
1.26 * Cleaned up verbose profile loading.
* Cleaned up help menu.
* Added ‘showc’
command to display a class profile.
* Removed redundant .toc
* Renamed showclass
command to ‘class’
1.25 * Added class profiles & new
commands: showclass|sc,
savec, loadc, delc, rlc
Added save option for 'defaults' command to save profiles when restoring
default settings.
Added reload button to UI & option to disable.
Added checking to rl/rlc commands to ensure profile
is loaded before reloading console.
Moved addon hover tooltip to free cursor
Combined LoadIT and LoadITmenu. Be sure to remove your old LoadITmenu folder before installing the new version.
1.21 * Removed support for minimap
button to fix string error.
1.20 * Fixed a bug where the UI menu’s default
position was off the screen.
* Added a MiniMap
icon with ButtonHole support. I don’t have a custom graphic for the button,
so I used the built-in rolling dice. To
use your own graphic, simply replace the Images\Minimap-Button.blp
file with your own graphic.
1.15 * Added profiles & options menu, and
started to clean up graphics.
* Added keybindings
for menu.
* Added /mods defaults
* Colorized and enhanced tooltips.
* Coded minimap
support, but left out of this release until I can get a graphic.
1.1 * Added “rl” and
“reload” command to restart console and optionally load a profile.
* Tooltips added when hovering over names
on menu.
* Fixed a bug where LoadIT
was not properly notifying to reload console on enable and disable.
1.0 * Minor GUI changes.
0.94 * Added “showprofile”/”showp”
to display your profile settings.
* Added a simple GUI as a separate mod (LoadITmenu – not LoadOnDemand).
Added support for external custom GUI’s.
See LoadITmenu.lua and LoadIT.lua
for information on creating custom GUI’s for LoadIT.
0.90 * Addons will not be
auto-loaded when enabled, until functionality is available to test for a
module's load-on-demand support. This
will be added in patch 1.8, see notes.htm
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