-- Version : English - Ramble -- Translation : none ace:RegisterGlobals({ version = 1.0, ACEG_TEXT_AMMO = "Ammo", ACEG_TEXT_QUIVER = "Quiver", ACEG_TEXT_SOUL = "Soul Bag", ACEG_TEXT_ENCHANT = "Enchanting Bag", ACEG_TEXT_ENGINEER = "Engineering Bag", ACEG_TEXT_HERB = "Herb Bag", ACEG_TEXT_NOW_SET_TO = "is now set to", ACEG_TEXT_DEFAULT = "default", ACEG_DISPLAY_OPTION = "[|cfff5f530%s|r]", ACEG_MAP_ONOFF = {[0]="|cffff5050Off|r",[1]="|cff00ff00On|r"}, }) -- Ammo, Quiver, Soul Bag, Enchanting Bag, Herbalism Bag, -- confirmed working -- Engineering Bag -- subclass taken from links, I have never seen any --MyInventory Title MYBAGS_TITLE0 = "" MYBAGS_TITLE1 = "%s's " MYBAGS_TITLE2 = "%s of %s's " MYBAGS_SLOTS_DD = "%d/%d Slots"; -- SLASHCOMMANDS --KEYBINDINGS BINDING_HEADER_MYBAGSHEADER = "My Bags" BINDING_NAME_MYINVENTORY = "My Inventory Toggle" BINDING_NAME_MYBANK = "My Bank Toggle" BINDING_NAME_MYEQUIPMENT = "My Equipment Toggle" --OPTION TOGGLE MESSAGES MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_TOGGLE = { option = "tog", desc = "Toggle the frame", method = "Toggle" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_COLUMNS = { option = "cols", desc = "Resize the frame", method = "SetColumns" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_REPLACE = { option = "replace", desc = "Set replacing of default bags", method = "SetReplace" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_BAG = { option = "bag", desc = "Toggle between bag button view options", method = "SetBagDisplay", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "bar", desc = "Bags are dispalyed as a bar on top of the frame", }, { option = "before", desc = "Bag icons are places in the frame before bag slots", }, { option = "none", desc = "Bags are hidden from the frame", } } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_GRAPHICS = { option = "back", desc = "Toggle window background options", method = "SetGraphicsDisplay", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "default", desc = "Semi-transparent minimalistic background", }, { option = "art", desc = "Blizard style artwork", }, { option = "none", desc = "Disable background", } } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_HIGHLIGHT = { option = "highlight", desc = "Toggle Highlighting options", method = "SetHighlight", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "items", desc = "Highlight items when you mouse over bag slots" }, { option = "bag", desc = "Highlight bag when you mouse over an item" } } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_FREEZE = { option = "freeze", desc = "Keep window from closing when you leave vendors or bank", method = "SetFreeze", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "always", desc = "Always leave the bag open", }, { option = "sticky", desc = "Only leave open if manually opened", }, { option = "none", desc = "Let the UI close the window", } } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_NOESC = { option = "noesc", desc = "Remove frame from the list of UI managed files, to be used with freeze", method = "SetNoEsc" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_LOCK = { option = "lock", desc = "Keep the window from moving", method = "SetLock" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_TITLE = { option = "title", desc = "Show/Hide the title", method = "SetTitle" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_CASH = { option = "cash", desc = "Show/Hide the money display", method = "SetCash" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_BUTTONS = { option = "buttons", desc = "Show/Hide the close and lock buttons", method = "SetButtons" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_AIOI = { option = "aioi", desc = "Toggle partial row placement at bottom left or upper right", method = "SetAIOI" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_REVERSE = { option = "reverse", desc = "Toggle order of bags (item order within bags is unchanged)", method = "SetReverse" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_BORDER = { option = "quality", desc = "Highlight items based on quality", method = "SetBorder" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_PLAYERSEL = { option = "player", desc = "Show/Hide the offline player selection box", method = "SetPlayerSel" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_COMPANION = { option = "companion", desc = "Open/close MyInventory with bank, mail and trade windows", method = "SetCompanion" } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_COUNT = { option = "count", desc = "Toggles between item count display modes", method = "SetCount", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "free", desc = "Count free slots" }, { option = "used", desc = "Count used slots" }, { option = "none", desc = "Disable slot display" } } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_SCALE = { option = "scale", desc = "Sets the Scale for the frame", method = "SetScale", } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_STRATA = { option = "strata", desc = "Sets the Strata for the frame", method = "SetStrata", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "background", }, { option = "low", }, { option = "medium", }, { option = "high", }, { option = "dialog", }, -- { option = "fullscreen", }, -- { option = "fullscreen_dialog", }, -- { option = "tooltip", }, } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_ANCHOR = { option = "anchor", desc = "Sets the anchor point for the frame", method = "SetAnchor", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "bottomleft", desc = "Frame grows from bottom left", }, { option = "bottomright", desc = "Frame grows from bottom right", }, { option = "topleft", desc = "Frame grows from top left", }, { option = "topright", desc = "Frame grows from top right", }, } } MYBAGS_CMD_RESET = { option = "reset", desc = "Resets elements of the addon", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "settings", desc = "Reset all settings to default", method = "ResetSettings", }, { option = "anchor", desc = "Reanchors the frame to it's default position", method = "ResetAnchor", }, } } MYBAGS_CMD_OPT_SLOTCOLOR = { option = "slotcolor", desc = "Set the slot color for specialty bags", method = "SetSpecialtyBagSlotColor", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "default", desc = "Set slot coloring for normal bags", }, { option = "ammo", desc = "Set slot coloring for Ammo Bags and Quivers", }, { option = "soul", desc = "Set slot coloring for Soul Shard Bags", }, { option = "enchant", desc = "Set slot coloring for Enchanting Bags", }, { option = "engineer", desc = "Set slot coloring for Engineering Bags", }, { option = "herb", desc = "Set slot coloring for Herbalism Bags", }, { option = "keyring", desc = "Set slot coloring for the KeyRing Bag", }, } }