--$Id: locals.lua 8412 2006-08-19 04:47:50Z kaelten $-- -- zhCN localization by hk2717 -- deDE localization by Gamefaq local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("OneBag") if GetLocale() == "zhCN" then ONEBAG_LOCALE_MENU = "菜单" elseif GetLocale() == "deDE" then ONEBAG_LOCALE_MENU = "Menü" else ONEBAG_LOCALE_MENU = "Menu" end L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["Frame"] = true, ["Frame Options"] = true, ["Columns"] = true, ["Sets the number of columns to use"] = true, ["Scale"] = true, ["Sets the scale of the frame"] = true, ["Strata"] = true, ["Sets the strata of the frame"] = true, ["Alpha"] = true, ["Sets the alpha of the frame"] = true, ["Locked"] = true, ["Toggles the ability to move the frame"] = true, ["Clamped"] = true, ["Toggles the ability to drag the frame off screen."] = true, ["Bag Break"] = true, ["Sets wether to start a new row at the beginning of a bag."] = true, ["Vertical Alignment"] = true, ["Sets wether to have the extra spaces on the top or bottom."] = true, ["Top"] = true, ["Bottom"] = true, ["Show"] = true, ["Various Display Options"] = true, ["Counts"] = true, ["Toggles showing the counts for special bags."] = true, ["Direction"] = true, ["Forward"] = true, ["Toggles direction the bags are shown"] = true, ["|cffff0000Reverse|r"] = true, ["|cff00ff00Forward|r"] = true, ["Ammo Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of ammo bags on and off."] = true, ["Soul Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of soul bags on and off."] = true, ["Profession Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of profession bags on and off."] = true, ["Backpack"] = true, ["Turns display of your backpack on and off."] = true, ["First Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of your first bag on and off."] = true, ["Second Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of your second bag on and off."] = true, ["Third Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of your third bag on and off."] = true, ["Fourth Bag"] = true, ["Turns display of your fourth bag on and off."] = true, ["'s Bags"] = true, ["Colors"] = true, ["Different color code settings."] = true, ["Mousover Color"] = true, ["Changes the highlight color for when you mouseover a bag slot."] = true, ["Ammo Bag Color"] = true, ["Changes the highlight color for Ammo Bags."] = true, ["Soul Bag Color"] = true, ["Changes the highlight color for Soul Bags."] = true, ["Profession Bag Color"] = true, ["Changes the highlight color for Profession Bags."] = true, ["Background Color"] = true, ["Changes the background color for the frame."] = true, ["Highlight Glow"] = true, ["Turns hightlight glow on and off."] = true, ["Rarity Coloring"] = true, ["Turns rarity coloring on and off."] = true, ["Reset"] = true, ["Reset the different colors."] = true, ["Mouseover Color"] = true, ["Returns your mouseover color to the default."] = true, ["Ammo Slot Color"] = true, ["Returns your ammo slot color to the default."] = true, ["Soul Slot Color"] = true, ["Returns your soul slot color to the default."] = true, ["Profession Slot Color"] = true, ["Returns your profession slot color to the default."] = true, ["Background"] = true, ["Returns your frame background to the default."] = true, ["Plow!"] = true, ["Organizes your bags."] = true, ["- Note: This option only appears if you have MrPlow installed"] = true, ["%s ran in %s"] = true, ["Checking if bag %s is open"] = true, ["Opening bag %s"] = true, ["Closing bag %s"] = true, ["Quiver"] = true, ["Soul Bag"] = true, ["Container"] = true, ["Bag"] = true, ["Normal used: %s, Soul used: %s, Prof used: %s, Ammo used %s, Ammo quantity %s."] = true, ["%s/%s Slots"] = true, ["%s/%s Ammo"] = true, ["%s/%s Soul Shards"] = true, ["%s/%s Profession Slots"] = true, } end) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["Frame"] = "框体", ["Frame Options"] = "框体设置", ["Columns"] = "栏数", ["Sets the number of columns to use"] = "设置每行的背包格子数量", ["Scale"] = "缩放", ["Sets the scale of the frame"] = "设置框体缩放比例", ["Strata"] = "层级", ["Sets the strata of the frame"] = "设置框体显示优先级", ["Alpha"] = "透明度", ["Sets the alpha of the frame"] = "设置框体透明度", ["Locked"] = "锁定", ["Toggles the ability to move the frame"] = "切换是否锁定框体位置", ["Clamped"] = "限制", ["Toggles the ability to drag the frame off screen."] = "切换是否限制框体位置使其不能被拖动到屏幕边缘之外。", ["Show"] = "显示", ["Various Display Options"] = "各种显示设置", ["Counts"] = "计数", ["Toggles showing the counts for special bags."] = "切换是否显示特殊背包的格子计数。", ["Direction"] = "方向", ["Forward"] = "正向", ["Toggles direction the bags are shown"] = "切换背包显示顺序", ["|cffff0000Reverse|r"] = "|cffff0000反向|r", ["|cff00ff00Forward|r"] = "|cff00ff00正向|r", ["Ammo Bag"] = "弹药袋", ["Turns display of ammo bags on and off."] = "切换是否显示弹药袋。", ["Soul Bag"] = "灵魂袋", ["Turns display of soul bags on and off."] = "切换是否显示灵魂袋。", ["Profession Bag"] = "专业袋", ["Turns display of profession bags on and off."] = "切换是否显示专业袋。", ["Backpack"] = "背包", ["Turns display of your backpack on and off."] = "切换是否显示背包。", ["First Bag"] = "第一个包", ["Turns display of your first bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第一个包。", ["Second Bag"] = "第二个包", ["Turns display of your second bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第二个包。", ["Third Bag"] = "第三个包", ["Turns display of your third bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第三个包。", ["Fourth Bag"] = "第四个包", ["Turns display of your fourth bag on and off."] = "切换是否显示第四个包。", ["'s Bags"] = "的背包", ["Colors"] = "颜色", ["Different color code settings."] = "各种颜色设置。", ["Mouseover Color"] = "鼠标悬浮颜色", ["Changes the highlight color for when you mouseover a bag slot."] = "变更鼠标悬浮于背包格子上时的高亮颜色。", ["Ammo Bag Color"] = "弹药袋颜色", ["Changes the highlight color for Ammo Bags."] = "变更弹药袋的高亮颜色。", ["Soul Bag Color"] = "灵魂袋颜色", ["Changes the highlight color for Soul Bags."] = "变更灵魂袋的高亮颜色。", ["Profession Bag Color"] = "专业袋颜色", ["Changes the highlight color for Profession Bags."] = "变更专业袋的高亮颜色。", ["Background Color"] = "背景颜色", ["Changes the background color for the frame."] = "变更框体背景颜色。", ["Highlight Glow"] = "高亮发光", ["Turns hightlight glow on and off."] = "开关高亮发光。", ["Rarity Coloring"] = "品质颜色", ["Turns rarity coloring on and off."] = "开关品质颜色。", ["Reset"] = "重置", ["Reset the different colors."] = "重置各种颜色设置", ["Returns your mouseover color to the default."] = "重置鼠标悬浮颜色为默认设置。", ["Ammo Slot Color"] = "弹药格颜色", ["Returns your ammo slot color to the default."] = "重置弹药格颜色为默认设置。", ["Soul Slot Color"] = "灵魂格颜色", ["Returns your soul slot color to the default."] = "重置灵魂格颜色为默认设置。", ["Profession Slot Color"] = "专业格颜色", ["Returns your profession slot color to the default."] = "重置专业格颜色为默认设置。", ["Background"] = "背景", ["Returns your frame background to the default."] = "重置背景颜色为默认设置。", ["Plow!"] = "整理!", ["Organizes your bags."] = "整理你的背包。", ["- Note: This option only appears if you have MrPlow installed"] = "- 注意:只有当你安装了Mr.Plow插件时才会出现此设置", ["%s ran in %s"] = "%s运行于%s下", ["Checking if bag %s is open"] = "检测背包%s是否是打开状态", ["Opening bag %s"] = "打开背包%s", ["Closing bag %s"] = "关闭背包%s", ["Quiver"] = "箭袋", ["Soul Bag"] = "灵魂袋", ["Container"] = "背包", ["Bag"] = "包裹", ["Normal used: %s, Soul used: %s, Prof used: %s, Ammo used %s, Ammo quantity %s."] = "普通背包已用:%s,灵魂袋已用:%s,专业袋已用:%s,弹药袋已用:%s,弹药品质:%s。", ["%s/%s Slots"] = "%s/%s背包", ["%s/%s Ammo"] = "%s/%s弹药", ["%s/%s Soul Shards"] = "%s/%s灵魂碎片", ["%s/%s Profession Slots"] = "%s/%s专业袋", } end) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { ["Frame"] = "Fenster", ["Frame Options"] = "Fenster Optionen.", ["Columns"] = "Spalten", ["Sets the number of columns to use"] = "Stellt die Menge der Spalten ein.", ["Scale"] = "Skalierung", ["Sets the scale of the frame"] = "Stellt die Gr\195\182\195\159e des Fensters ein.", ["Strata"] = "Schichten", ["Sets the strata of the frame"] = "Stellt die Schichth\195\182he des Fensters ein was ein \195\188berblenden von diesem Fenster mit einem anderen verhindert.", ["Alpha"] = "Transparenz", ["Sets the alpha of the frame"] = "Stellt die Transparenz des Fensters ein.", ["Locked"] = "Fixieren", ["Toggles the ability to move the frame"] = "Bestimmt ob das Fenster verschoben werden kann.", ["Clamped"] = "Sichtbereich", ["Toggles the ability to drag the frame off screen."] = "Bestimmt ob das Fenster au\195\159erhalb des sichtbaren Bereichs geschoben werden kann.", ["Bag Break"] = "Taschen Zeilenumbruch", ["Sets wether to start a new row at the beginning of a bag."] = "Stellt ein eine neue Zeile zu benutzen beim Anzeigen einer neuen Tasche.", ["Vertical Alignment"] = "Vertikale Ausrichtung", ["Sets wether to have the extra spaces on the top or bottom."] = "Stellt ein ob die Taschen mit freien fensterplatz oben oder unten ausgerichtet werden.", ["Top"] = "Oben", ["Bottom"] = "Unten", ["Show"] = "Zeige", ["Various Display Options"] = "Verschiedene Anzeige Optionen.", ["Counts"] = "Anzahl", ["Toggles showing the counts for special bags."] = "Bestimmt ob die Anzahl besonderer Taschen angezeigt wird.", ["Direction"] = "Richtung", ["Forward"] = "Vorw\195\164rts", ["Toggles direction the bags are shown"] = "Bestimmt die Richtung in der die Taschen angezeigt werden.", ["|cffff0000Reverse|r"] = "|cffff0000R\195\188ckw\195\164rts|r", ["|cff00ff00Forward|r"] = "|cffff0000Vorw\195\164rts|r", ["Ammo Bag"] = "Munitionstasche", ["Turns display of ammo bags on and off."] = "Schaltet die Munitionstasche an und aus.", ["Soul Bag"] = "Seelentasche", ["Turns display of soul bags on and off."] = "Schaltet die Seelentasche an und aus.", ["Profession Bag"] = "Beruf Taschen", ["Turns display of profession bags on and off."] = "Schaltet die Berufe Taschen an und aus.", ["Backpack"] = "Rucksack", ["Turns display of your backpack on and off."] = "Schaltet den Rucksack an und aus.", ["First Bag"] = "Erste Tasche", ["Turns display of your first bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der ersten Tasche an und aus.", ["Second Bag"] = "Zweite Tasche", ["Turns display of your second bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der zweiten Tasche an und aus.", ["Third Bag"] = "Dritte Tasche", ["Turns display of your third bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der dritten Tasche an und aus.", ["Fourth Bag"] = "Vierte Tasche", ["Turns display of your fourth bag on and off."] = "Schaltet das Anzeigen der vierte Tasche an und aus.", ["'s Bags"] = "'s Taschen", ["Colors"] = "Farben", ["Different color code settings."] = "Verschiedene Farbschema Einstellungen.", ["Mousover Color"] = "Mause\195\188ber Farbe", ["Changes the highlight color for when you mouseover a bag slot."] = "Ver\195\164ndert die Hervorhebungsfarbe wenn du mit dem MAuscurser \195\188ber einen Bankplatz gehst.", ["Ammo Bag Color"] = "Munitionstaschen Farbe", ["Changes the highlight color for Ammo Bags."] = "Ver\195\164ndert die Hervorhebungsfarbe f\195\188r Munitionstaschen.", ["Soul Bag Color"] = "Seelentaschen Farbe", ["Changes the highlight color for Soul Bags."] = "Ver\195\164ndert die Hervorhebungsfarbe f\195\188r Seelentaschen.", ["Profession Bag Color"] = "Berufe Taschen Farbe", ["Changes the highlight color for Profession Bags."] = "Ver\195\164ndert die Hervorhebungsfarbe f\195\188r Berufe Taschen.", ["Background Color"] = "Hintergrundfarbe", ["Changes the background color for the frame."] = "Ver\195\164ndert die Hintergrundfarbe des Fensters.", ["Highlight Glow"] = "Hervorhebungsleuchten", ["Turns hightlight glow on and off."] = "Schaltet das Hervorhebebungsleuchten an und aus.", ["Rarity Coloring"] = "Selteneheits Einf\195\164rbung", ["Turns rarity coloring on and off."] = "Schaltet die Seltenheitseinf\195\164rbung von Items an und aus.", ["Reset"] = "Zur\195\188ckstellen", ["Reset the different colors."] = "Stellt die Einstellungen der Farben wieder zurr\195\188ck.", ["Mouseover Color"] = "Maus\195\188ber Farbe", ["Returns your mouseover color to the default."] = "Setzt deine Maus\195\188ber Farbe wieder auf die Grundeinstellung.", ["Ammo Slot Color"] = "Munitionstaschen Farbe", ["Returns your ammo slot color to the default."] = "Setzt deine Munitionstaschen Farbe wieder auf die Grundeinstellung.", ["Soul Slot Color"] = "Seelenpl\195\164tze Farben", ["Returns your soul slot color to the default."] = "Setzt deine Seelenpl\195\164tze Farbe wieder auf die Grundeinstellung.", ["Profession Slot Color"] = "Berufe Pl\195\164tze Farben", ["Returns your profession slot color to the default."] = "Setzt deine Berufepl\195\164tze Farbe wieder auf die Grundeinstellung.", ["Background"] = "Hintergrund", ["Returns your frame background to the default."] = "Setzt die Hintergrundfarbe wieder auf die Grundeinstellung zurr\195\188ck.", ["Plow!"] = "Plow!", ["Organizes your bags."] = "Sortiert deine Taschen.", ["- Note: This option only appears if you have MrPlow installed"] = "- Hinweis: Diese Option erscheint nur wenn du das Addon MrPlow installiert hast.", ["%s ran in %s"] = "%s lief in %s", ["Checking if bag %s is open"] = "Pr\195\188fe ob Tasche %s ge\195\182ffnet ist.", ["Opening bag %s"] = "\195\182ffne Tasche %s", ["Closing bag %s"] = "Schliesse Tasche %s", ["Quiver"] = "K\195\182cher", ["Soul Bag"] = "Seelentasche", ["Container"] = "Beh\195\164lter", ["Bag"] = "Beh\195\164lter", ["Normal used: %s, Soul used: %s, Prof used: %s, Ammo used %s, Ammo quantity %s."] = "Normal benutzt: %s, Seele benutzt: %s, Berufe benutzt: %s, Munition benutzt %s, Munition quantit\195\164t %s.", ["%s/%s Slots"] = "%s/%s Pl\195\164tze", ["%s/%s Ammo"] = "%s/%s Munition", ["%s/%s Soul Shards"] = "%s/%s Seelensplitter", ["%s/%s Profession Slots"] = "%s/%s Berufe Pl\195\164tze", } end)