assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRALInvite") ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["inviteleader"] = true, ["invite"] = true, ["Invite"] = true, ["Leader/Invite"] = true, [" Sorry, the group is full."] = true, ["Inviting: "] = true, ["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"] = true, ["Autopromoting: "] = true, ["Keyword inviting disabled."] = true, ["Invitation keyword set to: "] = true, ["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."] = true, [" Raid disbanding on request by: "] = true, ["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] = true, ["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] = true, ["Autopromoting: "] = true, ["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] = true, ["Options for invite."] = true, ["Autopromote"] = true, ["autopromote"] = true, ["Set/Unset an autopromotion."] = true, [""] = true, ["keyword"] = true, ["Keyword"] = true, ["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."] = true, [""] = true, ["disband"] = true, ["Disband"] = true, ["Disband the raid."] = true, ["list"] = true, ["List"] = true, ["List autopromotions."] = true, ["guild"] = true, ["Invite Guild"] = true, ["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."] = true, ["You are not in a guild."] = true, ["You are not in a raid group."] = true, ["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."] = true, ["off"] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { [" Sorry, the group is full."] = " Sorry, die Gruppe ist voll", ["Inviting: "] = "Einladen: ", ["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"] = "^([^%s]+) hat sich der Schlachtgruppe angeschlossen", ["Autopromoting: "] = "Autobef\195\182rderung: ", ["Keyword inviting disabled."] = "Passwort Einladungen deaktiviert.", ["Invitation keyword set to: "] = "Einladungs-Passwort gesetzt auf: ", ["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."] = "Auf 'off' setzen um Passwort Einladungen zu deaktivieren", [" Raid disbanding on request by: "] = " Schlachtzugsaufl\195\182sung angefordert von: ", ["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "Autobef\195\182rdung deaktiviert f\195\188r: ", ["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "Autobef\195\182rdung aktiviert f\195\188r: ", ["Autopromoting: "] = "Autobef\195\182rdung: ", ["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] = "Ihr habt keinen in der Autobef\195\182rderungsliste", ["Options for invite."] = "Einladungs Optionen", ["Autopromote"] = "Autobef\195\182rdung", ["Set/Unset an autopromotion."] = "Autobef\195\182rdung setzen/l\195\182schen", ["Keyword"] = "Passwort", ["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."] = "Einladungs-Passwort setzen/l\195\182schen", ["Disband"] = "Aufl\195\182sen", ["Disband the raid."] = "Schlachtzug aufl\195\182sen", ["List"] = "Auflisten", ["List autopromotions."] = "Autobef\195\182rderungen auflisten", ["Invite Guild"] = "Gilde einladen", ["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."] = "Alle level 60 Charaktere in der Gilde in den Schlachtzug einladen.", ["You are not in a guild."] = "Ihr seid nicht in einer Gilde.", ["You are not in a raid group."] = "Ihr seid nicht in einer Schlachtzugs Gruppe.", ["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."] = "Alle Charakter der Stufe 60 werde in 10 Sekunden eingeladen. Bitte verlasst eure Gruppen.", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["Invite"] = "초대", ["Leader/Invite"] = "공격대장/초대", [" Sorry, the group is full."] = " 죄송합니다. 공격대의 정원이 찼습니다", ["Inviting: "] = "초대", ["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"] = "^(.+)님이 공격대에 합류했습니다", ["Autopromoting: "] = "자동승급", ["Keyword inviting disabled."] = "키워드 초대 기능을 사용하지 않습니다", ["Invitation keyword set to: "] = "초대 키워드 설정", ["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."] = "키워드를 '끔'으로 설정하면 키워드 초대 기능을 사용하지 않습니다.", [" Raid disbanding on request by: "] = " 공격대 해산 요청: ", ["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "자동승급 사용안함: ", ["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "자동승급 사용: ", ["Autopromoting: "] = "자동승급: ", ["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] = "자동승급 목록이 비어 있습니다", ["Options for invite."] = "초대 설정", ["Autopromote"] = "자동승급", ["Set/Unset an autopromotion."] = "자동승급 대상을 설정/설정해지 합니다.", [""] = "<이름>", ["Keyword"] = "키워드", ["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."] = "초대 키워드를 설정/설정해지 합니다.", [""] = "<키워드>", ["Disband"] = "해산", ["Disband the raid."] = "공격대를 해산합니다.", ["List"] = "목록", ["List autopromotions."] = "자동승급 목록을 출력합니다", ["Invite Guild"] = "길드원 초대", ["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."] = "길드의 60레벨 길드원을 모두 공격대에 초대합니다.", ["You are not in a guild."] = "길드에 속해 있지 않습니다", ["You are not in a raid group."] = "공격대에 속해 있지 않습니다", ["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."] = "10초 동안 60레벨의 길드원을 공격대에 초대합니다. 파티에서 나와 주세요.", ["off"] = "끔", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["inviteleader"] = "邀请助手", ["invite"] = "邀请", ["Invite"] = "邀请", ["Leader/Invite"] = "Leader/Invite", [" Sorry, the group is full."] = "抱歉,团队已满", ["Inviting: "] = "邀请", ["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"] = "^([^%s]+) 加入了队伍", ["Autopromoting: "] = "自动提升", ["Keyword inviting disabled."] = "禁止关键字邀请", ["Invitation keyword set to: "] = "邀请关键字设置为", ["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."] = "要关掉关键词邀请的话,选择'关'", [" Raid disbanding on request by: "] = "解散团队请求:", ["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "禁止自动提升对:", ["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "允许自动提升对:", ["Autopromoting: "] = "自动提升", ["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] = "你的自动提升列表为空", ["Options for invite."] = "邀请助手选项", ["Autopromote"] = "自动提升", ["autopromote"] = "自动提升", ["Set/Unset an autopromotion."] = "设定/取消自动提升", [""] = "<名字>", ["keyword"] = "关键字", ["Keyword"] = "关键字", ["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."] = "设定/取消邀请关键字", [""] = "关键词", ["disband"] = "解散", ["Disband"] = "解散", ["Disband the raid."] = "解散团队", ["list"] = "列表", ["List"] = "列表", ["List autopromotions."] = "自动提升列表", ["guild"] = "公会", ["Invite Guild"] = "公会邀请", ["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."] = "邀请公会中所有的60级玩家", ["You are not in a guild."] = "你不在一个公会中", ["You are not in a raid group."] = "你不在一个团队中", ["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."] = "所有60级人物都将在10秒后邀请到团队中。请离开你当前队伍。", ["off"] = "关闭", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["inviteleader"] = "inviteleader", ["invite"] = "邀請", ["Invite"] = "邀請", ["Leader/Invite"] = "領隊/邀請", [" Sorry, the group is full."] = "抱歉,團隊已滿。", ["Inviting: "] = "正邀請:", ["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"] = "^([^%s]+) 已加入團隊", ["Autopromoting: "] = "自動提升: ", ["Keyword inviting disabled."] = "禁止關鍵字邀請", ["Invitation keyword set to: "] = "邀請關鍵字設置為:", ["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."] = "要關掉關鍵詞邀請的話,選擇'關閉'", [" Raid disbanding on request by: "] = "解散團隊請求:", ["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "禁止自動提升對:", ["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "允許自動提升對:", ["Autopromoting: "] = "自動提升:", ["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] = "你的自動提升列表為空", ["Options for invite."] = "邀請助手選項", ["Autopromote"] = "自動提升", ["autopromote"] = "自動提升", ["Set/Unset an autopromotion."] = "設定/取消自動提升", [""] = "<名字>", ["keyword"] = "關鍵字", ["Keyword"] = "關鍵字", ["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."] = "設定/取消邀請關鍵字", [""] = "關鍵詞", ["disband"] = "解散", ["Disband"] = "解散", ["Disband the raid."] = "解散團隊", ["list"] = "列表", ["List"] = "列表", ["List autopromotions."] = "自動提升列表", ["guild"] = "公會", ["Invite Guild"] = "公會邀請", ["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."] = "邀請公會中所有的60級玩家", ["You are not in a guild."] = "你不在一個公會中", ["You are not in a raid group."] = "你不在一個團隊中", ["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."] = "所有60級人物都將在10秒後邀請到團隊中。請離開你當前隊伍。", ["off"] = "關閉", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["inviteleader"] = true, --["invite"] = true, ["Invite"] = "Invitation", ["Leader/Invite"] = "Chef/Invitation", [" Sorry, the group is full."] = " D\195\169sol\195\169, le groupe est complet.", ["Inviting: "] = "Invitation : ", ["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"] = "^([^%s]+) a rejoint le groupe de raid", ["Autopromoting: "] = "Promotion automatique : ", ["Keyword inviting disabled."] = "Invitation par mot-cl\195\169 d\195\169sactiv\195\169e.", ["Invitation keyword set to: "] = "Invitation par mot-cl\195\169 d\195\169finie à : ", ["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."] = "Pour d\195\169sactiver l'invitation par mot-cl\195\169, d\195\169finissez-le \195\160 'off'.", [" Raid disbanding on request by: "] = " Dissolution du raid \195\160 la demande de : ", ["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "Retrait de la promotion automatique pour : ", ["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] = "Ajout de la promotion automatique de : ", ["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] = "Vous n'avez personne dans votre liste des personnes promues automatiquement.", ["Options for invite."] = "Options concernant les invitations.", ["Autopromote"] = "Promotion automatique", ["Set/Unset an autopromotion."] = "Ajoute/Enl\195\168ve une personne de la liste des personnes promues automatiquement.", [""] = "", --["keyword"] = true, ["Keyword"] = "Mot-cl\195\169", ["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."] = "D\195\169termine/Enl\195\168ve le mot-cl\195\169 d'invitation.", [""] = "", --["disband"] = true, ["Disband"] = "Dissoudre", ["Disband the raid."] = "Dissous le raid.", --["list"] = true, ["List"] = "Liste", ["List autopromotions."] = "Affiche la liste des personnes promues automatiquement.", --["guild"] = true, ["Invite Guild"] = "Inviter la guilde", ["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."] = "Invite tous les personnages de niveau 60 de la guilde dans le raid.", ["You are not in a guild."] = "Vous n'\195\170tes pas dans une guilde.", ["You are not in a raid group."] = "Vous n'\195\170tes pas dans un groupe de raid.", ["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."] = "Tous les personnages de niveau 60 seront invit\195\169s dans le raid dans 10 secondes. Veuillez quitter vos groupes.", --["off"] = true, } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRALInvite = oRA:NewModule(L["inviteleader"]) oRALInvite.defaults = { } oRALInvite.leader = true = L["Leader/Invite"] oRALInvite.shouldEnable = true -- Prevents the module from disabling when out of raids. oRALInvite.consoleCmd = L["invite"] oRALInvite.consoleOptions = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for invite."], name = L["Invite"], args = { [L["autopromote"]] = { name = L["Autopromote"], type = "text", desc = L["Set/Unset an autopromotion."], usage = L[""], get = function() return "" end, set = function(v) oRALInvite:SetAutoPromote(v) end, get = false, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "(.*)") end, }, [L["list"]] = { name = L["List"], type = "execute", desc = L["List autopromotions."], func = function() oRALInvite:ShowPromoteList() end, }, [L["disband"]] = { name = L["Disband"], type = "execute", desc = L["Disband the raid."], func = function() oRALInvite:DisbandRaid() end, disabled = function() return not oRALInvite:IsValidRequest() end, }, [L["keyword"]] = { name = L["Keyword"], type = "text", desc = L["Set/Unset an invitation keyword."], usage = L[""], get = function() return oRALInvite.db.profile.keyword or "" end, set = function(v) oRALInvite:SetKeyword(v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "(.*)") end, disabled = function() return not oRA:IsModuleActive(oRALInvite) end, }, [L["guild"]] = { name = L["Invite Guild"], type = "execute", desc = L["Invite all level 60 characters in the guild to raid."], func = function() oRALInvite:InviteGuild() end, }, } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRALInvite:OnEnable() if not self.db.profile.promotes then self.db.profile.promotes = {} end self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") self:RegisterShorthand("rakw", function(k) self:SetKeyword(k) end) self:RegisterShorthand("rakeyword", function(k) self:SetKeyword(k) end) self:RegisterShorthand("radisband", function() self:DisbandRaid() end) self:RegisterShorthand("rainvite", function() self:InviteGuild() end) end function oRALInvite:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:UnregisterShorthand("rakw") self:UnregisterShorthand("rakeyword") self:UnregisterShorthand("radisband") self:UnregisterShorthand("rainvite") end ---------------------- -- Event Handlers -- ---------------------- function oRALInvite:CHAT_MSG_WHISPER( msg, author ) if self.db.profile.keyword and strlower(msg) == strlower(self.db.profile.keyword) then if GetNumPartyMembers() == 4 and GetNumRaidMembers() == 0 then ConvertToRaid() end if GetNumRaidMembers() == 40 then SendChatMessage( L[" Sorry, the group is full."], "WHISPER", nil, author) else self:Print( L["Inviting: "] .. author ) InviteByName(author) end end end function oRALInvite:CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM( msg ) if UnitInRaid("player") and IsRaidLeader() then local _,_,name = string.find( msg, L["^([^%s]+) has joined the raid group"]) if name then name = strlower(name) if self.db.profile.promotes[name] then self:Print( L["Autopromoting: "] .. name ) self:ScheduleEvent( PromoteToAssistant, 2, name ) end end end end ---------------------- -- Command Handlers -- ---------------------- function oRALInvite:InviteGuild() if not IsInGuild() then self:Print(L["You are not in a guild."]) return end if GetNumRaidMembers() == 0 then self:Print(L["You are not in a raid group."]) return end SendChatMessage(L["All level 60 characters will be invited to raid in 10 seconds. Please leave your groups."], "GUILD") self:ScheduleEvent(self.DoGuildInvites, 10, self) end function oRALInvite:DoGuildInvites() local offline = GetGuildRosterShowOffline() local selection = GetGuildRosterSelection() SetGuildRosterShowOffline(0) SetGuildRosterSelection(0) GetGuildRosterInfo(0) local numGuildMembers = GetNumGuildMembers() for i = 1, numGuildMembers, 1 do local name, _, _, level, _, _, _, _, online, status = GetGuildRosterInfo(i) if level == 60 and name ~= UnitName("player") and online then InviteByName(name) end end SetGuildRosterShowOffline(offline) SetGuildRosterSelection(selection) end function oRALInvite:SetKeyword( keyword ) if keyword == nil or keyword == "" or strlower( keyword ) == L["off"] then self.db.profile.keyword = nil self:Print( L["Keyword inviting disabled."] ) else self.db.profile.keyword = keyword self:Print( L["Invitation keyword set to: "] .. keyword ) self:Print( L["To turn off keyword inviting set it to 'off'."]) end end function oRALInvite:DisbandRaid() if not self:IsPromoted() then return end SendChatMessage( L[" Raid disbanding on request by: "] .. UnitName("player"), "RAID") for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers(), 1 do local name, rank, subgroup, level, class, fileName, zone, online, isDead = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) if online and name ~= UnitName("player") then UninviteByName(name) end end self:SendMessage("DB") LeaveParty() end function oRALInvite:SetAutoPromote(pname) if( pname ~= nil and pname ~= "" ) then pname = strlower( pname ) if( self.db.profile.promotes[pname] ) then self.db.profile.promotes[pname] = nil self:Print( L["Disabling Auto-Promote for: "] .. pname ) else self.db.profile.promotes[pname] = 1 self:Print( L["Enabling Auto-Promote for: "] .. pname ) if( IsRaidLeader() ) then for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers(), 1 do local name, rank, subgroup, level, class, fileName, zone, online, isDead = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) name = strlower(name) if( pname == name ) then self:Print( L["Autopromoting: "] .. name ) PromoteToAssistant( name ) end end end end end end function oRALInvite:ShowPromoteList() if(not self:IsEmpty(self.db.profile.promotes) ) then local i = 0 local list = "" self:Print( L["Autopromoting: "] ) for name, yesno in pairs(self.db.profile.promotes) do i = i + 1 list = list .. name .. " " if( i == 5 ) then self:Print( list ) i = 0 list = "" end end if( list ~= "" ) then self:Print( list ) end else self:Print( L["You have no-one in your Auto-Promote list"] ) end end ----------------------- -- Utility Functions -- ----------------------- function oRALInvite:IsEmpty( t ) for _ in pairs(t) do return false end return true end