assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRALMainTank") local tablet = AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0") local paintchips = AceLibrary("PaintChips-2.0") ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["maintank"] = true, ["MainTank"] = true, ["maintankleader"] = true, ["mt"] = true, ["Options for the maintanks."] = true, ["set"] = true, ["Set Maintank"] = true, ["Set a maintank."]= true, [" "] = true, [""] = true, [""] = true, ["Remove Maintank"] = true, ["remove"] = true, ["Remove a maintank."] = true, ["Removed maintank: "] = true, ["Set maintank: "] = true, ["Leader/MainTank"] = true, ["Broadcast"] = true, ["Broadcast Maintanks"] = true, ["Send the raid your maintanks."] = true, ["(%S+)%s*(.*)"] = true, ["free"] = true, ["Set target on a free mt-slot"] = true, ["All"] = true, ["Delete all Maintanks"] = true, [""] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["MainTank"] = "메인탱커", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "메인탱커 설정", ["Set Maintank"] = "메인탱커 지정", ["Set a maintank."]= "메인탱커로 지정합니다", [" "] = "<번호> <이름>", [""] = "<번호>", [""] = "<이름>", ["Remove Maintank"] = "메인탱커 삭제", ["Remove a maintank."] = "메인탱커에서 삭제합니다.", ["Removed maintank: "] = "메인탱커 삭제: ", ["Set maintank: "] = "메인탱커 설정: ", ["Leader/MainTank"] = "공격대장/메인탱커", ["Broadcast"] = "알림", ["Broadcast Maintanks"] = "메인탱커 알림", ["Send the raid your maintanks."] = "메인탱커를 공격대에 알립니다.", ["(%S+)%s*(.*)"] = "(%d+)%s*(.*)", ["free"] = "공란", ["Set target on a free mt-slot"] = "대상을 공란에 지정합니다", ["All"] = "모두", ["Delete all Maintanks"] = "모든 메인탱커를 삭제합니다", [""] = "<미정의됨>", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["maintank"] = "MT目标", ["MainTank"] = "MT目标", ["maintankleader"] = "maintankleader", ["mt"] = "MT目标", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "MT目标选项", ["set"] = "设置", ["Set Maintank"] = "设定MT", ["Set a maintank."]= "设定MT", [" "] = "<数量> <名字>", [""] = "<数量>", [""] = "<名字>", ["Remove Maintank"] = "移除MT", ["remove"] = "移除", ["Remove a maintank."] = "移除MT", ["Removed maintank: "] = "移除MT:", ["Set maintank: "] = "设定MT", ["Leader/MainTank"] = "Leader/MainTank", ["Broadcast"] = "广播", ["Broadcast Maintanks"] = "广播MT", ["Send the raid your maintanks."] = "向团队广播MT", ["(%S+)%s*(.*)"] = "(%d+)%s*(.*)", ["free"] = "空位", ["Set target on a free mt-slot"] = "设定当前目标为下一个MT位置", ["All"] = "全部", ["Delete all Maintanks"] = "移除所有MT", [""] = "<还未设定>", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["maintank"] = "主坦", ["MainTank"] = "主坦", ["maintankleader"] = "maintankleader", ["mt"] = "MT", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "主坦選項", ["set"] = "設定", ["Set Maintank"] = "設定主坦", ["Set a maintank."]= "設定一位主坦", [" "] = "<數量> <名字>", [""] = "<數量>", [""] = "<名字>", ["Remove Maintank"] = "移除主坦", ["remove"] = "移除", ["Remove a maintank."] = "移除一位主坦", ["Removed maintank: "] = "移除主坦", ["Set maintank: "] = "設定主坦: ", ["Leader/MainTank"] = "領隊/主坦", ["Broadcast"] = "廣播", ["Broadcast Maintanks"] = "廣播主坦", ["Send the raid your maintanks."] = "向團隊廣播主坦", ["(%S+)%s*(.*)"] = "(%d+)%s*(.*)", ["free"] = "空閒", ["Set target on a free mt-slot"] = "設定目標至空閒主坦位置", ["All"] = "全部", ["Delete all Maintanks"] = "移除所有主坦", [""] = "<未設定>", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["maintank"] = true, ["MainTank"] = "MainTank", --["maintankleader"] = true, --["mt"] = true, ["Options for the maintanks."] = "Options concernant les maintanks.", --["set"] = true, ["Set Maintank"] = "Ajouter un maintank", ["Set a maintank."]= "Ajoute un maintank.", [" "] = " ", [""] = "", [""] = "", ["Remove Maintank"] = "Enlever un maintank", --["remove"] = true, ["Remove a maintank."] = "Enl\195\168ve un maintank.", ["Removed maintank: "] = "Maintank enlev\195\169 : ", ["Set maintank: "] = "Maintank ajout\195\169 : ", ["Leader/MainTank"] = "Chef/MainTank", ["Broadcast"] = "Diffuser", ["Broadcast Maintanks"] = "Diffuser les maintanks", ["Send the raid your maintanks."] = "Envoye vos maintanks au raid.", --["(%S+)%s*(.*)"] = true, --["free"] = true, ["Set target on a free mt-slot"] = "Ajouter la cible \195\160 un emplacement libre des MTs", ["All"] = "Tous", ["Delete all Maintanks"] = "Supprime tous les maintanks.", [""] = "", } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRALMainTank = oRA:NewModule(L["maintankleader"]) oRALMainTank.defaults = { } oRALMainTank.leader = true = L["Leader/MainTank"] oRALMainTank.consoleCmd = L["mt"] oRALMainTank.consoleOptions = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for the maintanks."], name = L["MainTank"], args = { [L["Broadcast"]] = { name = L["Broadcast Maintanks"], type = "execute", desc = L["Send the raid your maintanks."], func = function() oRALMainTank:Broadcast() end, disabled = function() return not oRA:IsModuleActive(oRALMainTank) or not oRALMainTank:IsValidRequest() end, }, [L["set"]] = { name = L["Set Maintank"], type = "group", desc = L["Set a maintank."], disabled = function() return not oRA:IsModuleActive(oRALMainTank) or not oRALMainTank:IsValidRequest() end, args = { ["1"] = { name = "1.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 1", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[1] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[1] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("1 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 1, }, ["2"] = { name = "2.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 2", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[2] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[2] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("2 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 2, }, ["3"] = { name = "3.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 3", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[3] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[3] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("3 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 3, }, ["4"] = { name = "4.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 4", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[4] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[4] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("4 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 4, }, ["5"] = { name = "5.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 5", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[5] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[5] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("5 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 5, }, ["6"] = { name = "6.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 6", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[6] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[6] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("6 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 6, }, ["7"] = { name = "7.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 7", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[7] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[7] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("7 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 7, }, ["8"] = { name = "8.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 8", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[8] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[8] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("8 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 8, }, ["9"] = { name = "9.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 9", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[9] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[9] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("9 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 9, }, ["10"] = { name = "10.", type = "text", desc = L["Set Maintank"].." 10", get = function() if oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[10] then return oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[10] else return "" end end, set = function(v) oRALMainTank:Set("10 "..v) end, validate = function(v) return string.find(v, "^(%S+)$") end, usage = L[""], order = 10, }, ["free"] = { name = L["free"], type = "execute", desc = L["Set target on a free mt-slot"], func = function() if not UnitExists("target") then return end if not UnitInRaid("target") then return end name = UnitName("target") for i=1, 10 do if not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[i] then oRALMainTank:Set(i.." " break end end end, order = 11, } } }, [L["remove"]] = { name = L["Remove Maintank"], type = "group", desc = L["Remove a maintank."], disabled = function() return not oRA:IsModuleActive(oRALMainTank) or not oRALMainTank:IsValidRequest() end, args = { ["1"] = { name = "1.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 1", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("1") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[1] end, order = 1, }, ["2"] = { name = "2.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 2", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("2") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[2] end, order = 2, }, ["3"] = { name = "3.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 3", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("3") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[3] end, order = 3, }, ["4"] = { name = "4.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 4", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("4") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[4] end, order = 4, }, ["5"] = { name = "5.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 5", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("5") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[5] end, order = 5, }, ["6"] = { name = "6.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 6", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("6") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[6] end, order = 6, }, ["7"] = { name = "7.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 7", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("7") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[7] end, order = 7, }, ["8"] = { name = "8.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 8", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("8") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[8] end, order = 8, }, ["9"] = { name = "9.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 9", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("9") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[9] end, order = 9, }, ["10"] = { name = "10.", type = "execute", desc = L["Remove Maintank"].." 10", func = function() oRALMainTank:Remove("10") end, disabled = function() return not oRALMainTank.core.maintanktable[10] end, order = 10, }, ["all"] = { name = L["All"], type="execute", desc = L["Delete all Maintanks"], func = function() for i=1, 10 do oRALMainTank:Remove(i) end end, order = 10, } } } } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRALMainTank:OnEnable() if not self.core.maintanktable then self.core.maintanktable = self.core.db.profile.maintanktable or {} end self:RegisterEvent("oRA_SendVersion") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_MainTankUpdate") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_JoinedRaid", "oRA_MainTankUpdate") self:RegisterEvent("RosterLib_RosterChanged", function() self:oRA_MainTankUpdate() end) end function oRALMainTank:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() end ------------------------------- -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------------- function oRALMainTank:oRA_SendVersion() if (not IsRaidLeader()) then return end self:Broadcast() end function oRALMainTank:oRA_MainTankUpdate( maintanktable ) if not maintanktable then maintanktable = self.core.maintanktable end for k = 1, 10, 1 do self.core.consoleOptions.args[L["mt"]].args[L["remove"]].args[tostring(k)].name = tostring(k).."." self.core.consoleOptions.args[L["mt"]].args[L["set"]].args[tostring(k)].name = tostring(k).."." end for k,v in pairs(maintanktable) do if self:IsValidRequest(v,true) then self.core.consoleOptions.args[L["mt"]].args[L["remove"]].args[tostring(k)].name = tostring(k)..". "..v self.core.consoleOptions.args[L["mt"]].args[L["set"]].args[tostring(k)].name = tostring(k)..". "..v end end end ------------------------------- -- Command Handlers -- ------------------------------- function oRALMainTank:Set( text ) if not self:IsPromoted() then return end if not text or text == "" then return end local _, _, num, name = string.find(text, L["(%S+)%s*(.*)"]) -- split locals if not num then return end num = tonumber(num) if not name or name == "" then name = UnitName("target") end -- lower the name and upper the first letter, not for chinese and korean though if GetLocale() ~= "zhTW" and GetLocale() ~= "zhCN" and GetLocale() ~= "koKR" then local _, len = string.find(name, "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*") name = string.upper(string.sub(name, 1, len)) .. string.lower(string.sub(name, len + 1)) end if not self:IsValidRequest(name, true) then return end self:SendMessage( "SET " .. num .. " " .. name ) self:Print(L["Set maintank: "] .. "[".. num .. "] [" .. name .."]") end function oRALMainTank:Remove( num ) if not self:IsPromoted() then return end if not num then return end num = tonumber(num) local name = self.core.maintanktable[num] if not name then return end self:SendMessage( "R " ) self:Print(L["Removed maintank: "] .. num .." " ) end function oRALMainTank:Broadcast() for k,v in pairs(self.core.maintanktable) do if self:IsValidRequest(v,true) then self:SendMessage("SET "..k.." "..v) end end end function oRALMainTank:TooltipClick( num ) if not num then return end num = tonumber(num) local name = UnitName("target") if self.core.maintanktable[num] then if not name then self:Remove(num) else self:Set( num .." ".. name ) end else if name then self:Set( num .." ".. name ) end end end ------------------------------ -- Tooltip Updating -- ------------------------------ function oRALMainTank:OnTooltipUpdate() if not self:IsPromoted() then return end local cat = tablet:AddCategory("columns", 2, "text", "#", "justify", "LEFT", "text2", L["MainTank"], "justify2", "LEFT", "child_justify", "LEFT", "child_justify2", "LEFT" ) local p for k = 1, 10, 1 do p = self.core.maintanktable[k] if p then if self:IsValidRequest( p, true ) then local unit = self.core.roster:GetUnitIDFromName(p) local _, class = UnitClass( unit ) cat:AddLine( "text", tostring(k)..". ", "text2", "|cff"..paintchips:GetHex(class) .. p.."|r", "func", self.TooltipClick, "arg1", self, "arg2", k) else cat:AddLine( "text", tostring(k)..". ", "text2", "|cffcccccc<"..p..">|r", "func", self.TooltipClick, "arg1", self, "arg2", k) end else cat:AddLine( "text", tostring(k)..". ", "text2", "|cffcccccc"..L[""].."|r", "func", self.TooltipClick, "arg1", self, "arg2", k) end end end