--[[ Name: Dewdrop-2.0 Revision: $Rev: 15987 $ Author(s): ckknight (ckknight@gmail.com) Website: http://ckknight.wowinterface.com/ Documentation: http://wiki.wowace.com/index.php/Dewdrop-2.0 SVN: http://svn.wowace.com/root/trunk/DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0 Description: A library to provide a clean dropdown menu interface. Dependencies: AceLibrary ]] local MAJOR_VERSION = "Dewdrop-2.0" local MINOR_VERSION = "$Revision: 15987 $" if not AceLibrary then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceLibrary") end if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) then return end local Dewdrop = {} local lua51 = loadstring("return function(...) return ... end") and true or false local table_setn = lua51 and function() end or table.setn local function new(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) local t = {} if k1 then t[k1] = v1 if k2 then t[k2] = v2 if k3 then t[k3] = v3 if k4 then t[k4] = v4 if k5 then t[k5] = v5 if k6 then t[k6] = v6 if k7 then t[k7] = v7 if k8 then t[k8] = v8 if k9 then t[k9] = v9 if k10 then t[k10] = v10 if k11 then t[k11] = v11 if k12 then t[k12] = v12 if k13 then t[k13] = v13 if k14 then t[k14] = v14 if k15 then t[k15] = v15 if k16 then t[k16] = v16 if k17 then t[k17] = v17 if k18 then t[k18] = v18 if k19 then t[k19] = v19 if k20 then t[k20] = v20 end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end return t end if lua51 then new = loadstring("return function(...) local t = {}; for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do if select(i, ...) then t[select(i, ...)] = select(i+1, ...); else break; end; end; return t; end")() end local tmp do local t = {} function tmp(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) for k in pairs(t) do t[k] = nil end if type(k1) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(k1) do t[k] = v end else if k1 then t[k1] = v1 if k2 then t[k2] = v2 if k3 then t[k3] = v3 if k4 then t[k4] = v4 if k5 then t[k5] = v5 if k6 then t[k6] = v6 if k7 then t[k7] = v7 if k8 then t[k8] = v8 if k9 then t[k9] = v9 if k10 then t[k10] = v10 if k11 then t[k11] = v11 if k12 then t[k12] = v12 if k13 then t[k13] = v13 if k14 then t[k14] = v14 if k15 then t[k15] = v15 if k16 then t[k16] = v16 if k17 then t[k17] = v17 if k18 then t[k18] = v18 if k19 then t[k19] = v19 if k20 then t[k20] = v20 end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end return t end if lua51 then tmp = loadstring("local t = {}; return function(...) for k in pairs(t) do t[k] = nil end; for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do if select(i, ...) then t[select(i, ...)] = select(i+1, ...) else break; end; end; return t; end")() end end local tmp2 do local t = {} function tmp2(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) for k in pairs(t) do t[k] = nil end if k1 then t[k1] = v1 if k2 then t[k2] = v2 if k3 then t[k3] = v3 if k4 then t[k4] = v4 if k5 then t[k5] = v5 if k6 then t[k6] = v6 if k7 then t[k7] = v7 if k8 then t[k8] = v8 if k9 then t[k9] = v9 if k10 then t[k10] = v10 if k11 then t[k11] = v11 if k12 then t[k12] = v12 if k13 then t[k13] = v13 if k14 then t[k14] = v14 if k15 then t[k15] = v15 if k16 then t[k16] = v16 if k17 then t[k17] = v17 if k18 then t[k18] = v18 if k19 then t[k19] = v19 if k20 then t[k20] = v20 end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end return t end if lua51 then tmp2 = loadstring("local t = {}; return function(...) for k in pairs(t) do t[k] = nil end; for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do if select(i, ...) then t[select(i, ...)] = select(i+1, ...) else break; end; end; return t; end")() end end local levels local buttons local function GetScaledCursorPosition() local x, y = GetCursorPosition() local scale = UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() return x / scale, y / scale end local function StartCounting(self, levelNum) for i = levelNum, table.getn(levels) do if levels[i] then levels[i].count = 3 end end end local function StopCounting(self, level) for i = level, 1, -1 do if levels[i] then levels[i].count = nil end end end local function OnUpdate(self, arg1) for _,level in ipairs(levels) do if level.count then level.count = level.count - arg1 if level.count < 0 then level.count = nil self:Close(level.num) end end end end local function CheckDualMonitor(self, frame) local ratio = GetScreenWidth() / GetScreenHeight() if ratio >= 2.4 and frame:GetRight() > GetScreenWidth() / 2 and frame:GetLeft() < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then local offsetx if GetCursorPosition() / GetScreenHeight() * 768 < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then offsetx = GetScreenWidth() / 2 - frame:GetRight() else offsetx = GetScreenWidth() / 2 - frame:GetLeft() end local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = frame:GetPoint(1) frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, (x or 0) + offsetx, y or 0) end end local function CheckSize(self, level) if not level.buttons then return end local height = 20 for _, button in ipairs(level.buttons) do height = height + button:GetHeight() end level:SetHeight(height) local width = 160 for _, button in ipairs(level.buttons) do local extra = 1 if button.hasArrow or button.hasColorSwatch then extra = extra + 16 end if not button.notCheckable then extra = extra + 24 end button.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, button.textHeight) if button.text:GetWidth() + extra > width then width = button.text:GetWidth() + extra end end level:SetWidth(width + 20) if level:GetLeft() and level:GetRight() and level:GetTop() and level:GetBottom() and (level:GetLeft() < 0 or level:GetRight() > GetScreenWidth() or level:GetTop() > GetScreenHeight() or level:GetBottom() < 0) then level:ClearAllPoints() if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else level:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else level:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end end local dirty = false if not level:GetRight() then self:Close() return end if level:GetRight() > GetScreenWidth() and level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then level.lastDirection = "LEFT" dirty = true elseif level:GetLeft() < 0 and level.lastDirection == "LEFT" then level.lastDirection = "RIGHT" dirty = true end if level:GetTop() > GetScreenHeight() and level.lastVDirection == "UP" then level.lastVDirection = "DOWN" dirty = true elseif level:GetBottom() < 0 and level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level.lastVDirection = "UP" dirty = true end if dirty then level:ClearAllPoints() if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else level:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else level:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", level.parent or level:GetParent(), "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end end if level:GetTop() > GetScreenHeight() then local top = level:GetTop() local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = level:GetPoint(1) level:ClearAllPoints() level:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x or 0, (y or 0) + GetScreenHeight() - top) elseif level:GetBottom() < 0 then local bottom = level:GetBottom() local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = level:GetPoint(1) level:ClearAllPoints() level:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x or 0, (y or 0) - bottom) end CheckDualMonitor(self, level) if mod(level.num, 5) == 0 then local left, bottom = level:GetLeft(), level:GetBottom() level:ClearAllPoints() level:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", left, bottom) end end local Open local OpenSlider local OpenEditBox local Refresh local Clear local function ReleaseButton(self, level, index) if not level.buttons then return end if not level.buttons[index] then return end local button = level.buttons[index] button:Hide() if button.highlight then button.highlight:Hide() end -- button.arrow:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1) button.arrow:SetHeight(16) button.arrow:SetWidth(16) table.remove(level.buttons, index) table.insert(buttons, button) for k in pairs(button) do if k ~= 0 and k ~= "text" and k ~= "check" and k ~= "arrow" and k ~= "colorSwatch" and k ~= "highlight" and k ~= "radioHighlight" then button[k] = nil end end return true end local function Scroll(self, level, down) if down then if level:GetBottom() < 0 then local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = level:GetPoint(1) level:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x, y + 50) if level:GetBottom() > 0 then level:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x, y + 50 - level:GetBottom()) end end else if level:GetTop() > GetScreenHeight() then local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = level:GetPoint(1) level:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x, y - 50) if level:GetTop() < GetScreenHeight() then level:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x, y - 50 + GetScreenHeight() - level:GetTop()) end end end end local sliderFrame local editBoxFrame local numButtons = 0 local function AcquireButton(self, level) if not levels[level] then return end level = levels[level] if not level.buttons then level.buttons = {} end local button if table.getn(buttons) == 0 then numButtons = numButtons + 1 button = CreateFrame("Button", "Dewdrop20Button" .. numButtons, nil) button:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") button:SetHeight(16) local highlight = button:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") highlight:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight") button.highlight = highlight highlight:SetBlendMode("ADD") highlight:SetAllPoints(button) highlight:Hide() local check = button:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") button.check = check check:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check") check:SetPoint("CENTER", button, "LEFT", 12, 0) check:SetWidth(24) check:SetHeight(24) local radioHighlight = button:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") button.radioHighlight = radioHighlight radioHighlight:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton") radioHighlight:SetAllPoints(check) radioHighlight:SetBlendMode("ADD") radioHighlight:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.75, 0, 1) radioHighlight:Hide() button:SetScript("OnEnter", function() local this = this if (sliderFrame and sliderFrame:IsShown() and sliderFrame.mouseDown and sliderFrame.level == this.level.num + 1) or (editBoxFrame and editBoxFrame:IsShown() and editBoxFrame.mouseDown and editBoxFrame.level == this.level.num + 1) then for i = 1, this.level.num do Refresh(self, levels[i]) end return end self:Close(this.level.num + 1) if not this.disabled then if this.hasSlider then OpenSlider(self, this) elseif this.hasEditBox then OpenEditBox(self, this) elseif this.hasArrow then Open(self, this, nil, this.level.num + 1, this.value) end end if not this.level then -- button reclaimed return end StopCounting(self, this.level.num + 1) if not this.disabled then highlight:Show() if this.isRadio then button.radioHighlight:Show() end end if this.tooltipTitle or this.tooltipText then GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this) local disabled = not this.isTitle and this.disabled if this.tooltipTitle then if disabled then GameTooltip:SetText(this.tooltipTitle, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) else GameTooltip:SetText(this.tooltipTitle, 1, 1, 1, 1) end if this.tooltipText then if disabled then GameTooltip:AddLine(this.tooltipText, (NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r + 0.5) / 2, (NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g + 0.5) / 2, (NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b + 0.5) / 2, 1) else GameTooltip:AddLine(this.tooltipText, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b, 1) end end else if disabled then GameTooltip:SetText(this.tooltipText, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) else GameTooltip:SetText(this.tooltipText, 1, 1, 1, 1) end end GameTooltip:Show() end if this.tooltipFunc then GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_NONE") GameTooltip:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", this, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 0) this.tooltipFunc(this.tooltipArg1, this.tooltipArg2, this.tooltipArg3, this.tooltipArg4) GameTooltip:Show() end end) button:SetScript("OnLeave", function() highlight:Hide() button.radioHighlight:Hide() if this.level then StartCounting(self, this.level.num) end GameTooltip:Hide() end) button:SetScript("OnClick", function() if not this.disabled then if this.hasColorSwatch then local func = button.colorFunc local a1,a2,a3,a4 = button.colorArg1, button.colorArg2, button.colorArg3, button.colorArg4 local hasOpacity = this.hasOpacity ColorPickerFrame.func = function() if func then local r,g,b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB() local a = hasOpacity and 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue() or nil if a1 == nil then func(r, g, b, a) elseif a2 == nil then func(a1, r, g, b, a) elseif a3 == nil then func(a1, a2, r, g, b, a) elseif a4 == nil then func(a1, a2, a3, r, g, b, a) else func(a1, a2, a3, a4, r, g, b, a) end end end ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = this.hasOpacity ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = ColorPickerFrame.func ColorPickerFrame.opacity = 1 - this.opacity ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(this.r, this.g, this.b) local r, g, b, a = this.r, this.g, this.b, this.opacity ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = function() if a1 == nil then func(r, g, b, a) elseif a2 == nil then func(a1, r, g, b, a) elseif a3 == nil then func(a1, a2, r, g, b, a) else func(a1, a2, a3, r, g, b, a) end end self:Close(1) ShowUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame) elseif this.func then local level = button.level if type(this.func) == "string" then self:assert(type(this.arg1[this.func]) == "function", "Cannot call method " .. this.func) this.arg1[this.func](this.arg1, this.arg2, this.arg3, this.arg4) else this.func(this.arg1, this.arg2, this.arg3, this.arg4) end if this.closeWhenClicked then self:Close() elseif level:IsShown() then for i = 1, level.num do Refresh(self, levels[i]) end end elseif this.closeWhenClicked then self:Close() end end end) local text = button:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") button.text = text text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall) button.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UIDROPDOWNMENU_DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT) button:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() if not this.disabled and (this.func or this.colorFunc or this.closeWhenClicked) then text:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "LEFT", this.notCheckable and 1 or 25, -1) end end) button:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() if not this.disabled and (this.func or this.colorFunc or this.closeWhenClicked) then text:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "LEFT", this.notCheckable and 0 or 24, 0) end end) local arrow = button:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") button.arrow = arrow arrow:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "RIGHT", -16, 0) arrow:SetWidth(16) arrow:SetHeight(16) arrow:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameExpandArrow") local colorSwatch = button:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") button.colorSwatch = colorSwatch colorSwatch:SetWidth(20) colorSwatch:SetHeight(20) colorSwatch:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameColorSwatch") local texture = button:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") colorSwatch.texture = texture texture:SetTexture(1, 1, 1) texture:SetWidth(11.5) texture:SetHeight(11.5) texture:Show() texture:SetPoint("CENTER", colorSwatch, "CENTER") colorSwatch:SetPoint("RIGHT", button, "RIGHT", 0, 0) else button = buttons[table.getn(buttons)] table.remove(buttons, table.getn(buttons)) end button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetParent(level) button:SetFrameStrata(level:GetFrameStrata()) button:SetFrameLevel(level:GetFrameLevel() + 1) button:SetPoint("LEFT", level, "LEFT", 10, 0) button:SetPoint("RIGHT", level, "RIGHT", -10, 0) if table.getn(level.buttons) == 0 then button:SetPoint("TOP", level, "TOP", 0, -10) else button:SetPoint("TOP", level.buttons[table.getn(level.buttons)], "BOTTOM", 0, 0) end button.text:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "LEFT", 24, 0) button:Show() button.level = level table.insert(level.buttons, button) if not level.parented then level.parented = true level:ClearAllPoints() if level.num == 1 then if level.parent ~= UIParent then level:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", level.parent, "TOPLEFT") else level:SetPoint("CENTER", level.parent, "CENTER") end else if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", level.parent, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else level:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", level.parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then level:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", level.parent, "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else level:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", level.parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end end level:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") end button:SetAlpha(1) return button end local numLevels = 0 local function AcquireLevel(self, level) if not levels[level] then for i = table.getn(levels) + 1, level, -1 do local i = i numLevels = numLevels + 1 local frame = CreateFrame("Button", "Dewdrop20Level" .. numLevels, nil) if i == 1 then local old_CloseWindows = CloseWindows function CloseWindows(ignoreCenter) local found = old_CloseWindows(ignoreCenter) if levels[1]:IsShown() then self:Close() return 1 end return found end end levels[i] = frame frame.num = i frame:SetParent(UIParent) frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") frame:Hide() frame:SetWidth(180) frame:SetHeight(10) frame:SetFrameLevel(i * 3) frame:SetScript("OnHide", function() self:Close(level + 1) end) if frame.SetTopLevel then frame:SetTopLevel(true) end frame:EnableMouse(true) frame:EnableMouseWheel(true) local backdrop = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame) backdrop:SetAllPoints(frame) backdrop:SetBackdrop(tmp( 'bgFile', "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", 'edgeFile', "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", 'tile', true, 'insets', tmp2( 'left', 5, 'right', 5, 'top', 5, 'bottom', 5 ), 'tileSize', 16, 'edgeSize', 16 )) backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.r, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.g, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.b) backdrop:SetBackdropColor(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.r, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.g, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.b) frame:SetScript("OnClick", function() self:Close(i) end) frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function() StopCounting(self, i) end) frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() StartCounting(self, i) end) frame:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function() Scroll(self, frame, arg1 < 0) end) if i == 1 then frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() OnUpdate(self, arg1) end) levels[1].lastDirection = "RIGHT" levels[1].lastVDirection = "DOWN" else levels[i].lastDirection = levels[i - 1].lastDirection levels[i].lastVDirection = levels[i - 1].lastVDirection end end end local fullscreenFrame = GetFullScreenFrame() local l = levels[level] local strata, framelevel = l:GetFrameStrata(), l:GetFrameLevel() if fullscreenFrame then l:SetParent(fullscreenFrame) else l:SetParent(UIParent) end l:SetFrameStrata(strata) l:SetFrameLevel(framelevel) l:SetAlpha(1) return l end local function checkValidate(validateFunc, func, arg1, arg2, arg3) local text if arg3 ~= nil then text = arg3 elseif arg2 ~= nil then text = arg2 else text = arg1 end if not validateFunc(text) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffffff7fValidation error: [|r" .. tostring(text) .. "|cffffff7f]|r") else func(arg1, arg2, arg3) end end local function validateOptions(options, position, baseOptions, fromPass) if not baseOptions then baseOptions = options end if type(options) ~= "table" then return "Options must be a table.", position end local kind = options.type if type(kind) ~= "string" then return '"type" must be a string.', position elseif kind ~= "group" and kind ~= "range" and kind ~= "text" and kind ~= "execute" and kind ~= "toggle" and kind ~= "color" and kind ~= "header" then return '"type" must either be "range", "text", "group", "toggle", "execute", "color", or "header".', position end if options.aliases then if type(options.aliases) ~= "table" and type(options.aliases) ~= "string" then return '"alias" must be a table or string', position end end if not fromPass then if kind == "execute" then if type(options.func) ~= "string" and type(options.func) ~= "function" then return '"func" must be a string or function', position end elseif kind == "range" or kind == "text" or kind == "toggle" then if type(options.set) ~= "string" and type(options.set) ~= "function" then return '"set" must be a string or function', position end if kind == "text" and options.get == false then elseif type(options.get) ~= "string" and type(options.get) ~= "function" then return '"get" must be a string or function', position end elseif kind == "group" and options.pass then if options.pass ~= true then return '"pass" must be either nil, true, or false', position end if not options.func then if type(options.set) ~= "string" and type(options.set) ~= "function" then return '"set" must be a string or function', position end if type(options.get) ~= "string" and type(options.get) ~= "function" then return '"get" must be a string or function', position end elseif type(options.func) ~= "string" and type(options.func) ~= "function" then return '"func" must be a string or function', position end end else if kind == "group" then return 'cannot have "type" = "group" as a subgroup of a passing group', position end end if options ~= baseOptions then if kind == "header" then elseif type(options.desc) ~= "string" then return '"desc" must be a string', position elseif string.len(options.desc) == 0 then return '"desc" cannot be a 0-length string', position end end if options ~= baseOptions or kind == "range" or kind == "text" or kind == "toggle" or kind == "color" then if options.type == "header" and not options.cmdName and not options.name then elseif options.cmdName then if type(options.cmdName) ~= "string" then return '"cmdName" must be a string or nil', position elseif string.len(options.cmdName) == 0 then return '"cmdName" cannot be a 0-length string', position end if type(options.guiName) ~= "string" then if not options.guiNameIsMap then return '"guiName" must be a string or nil', position end elseif string.len(options.guiName) == 0 then return '"guiName" cannot be a 0-length string', position end else if type(options.name) ~= "string" then return '"name" must be a string', position elseif string.len(options.name) == 0 then return '"name" cannot be a 0-length string', position end end end if options.guiNameIsMap then if type(options.guiNameIsMap) ~= "boolean" then return '"guiNameIsMap" must be a boolean or nil', position elseif options.type ~= "toggle" then return 'if "guiNameIsMap" is true, then "type" must be set to \'toggle\'', position elseif type(options.map) ~= "table" then return '"map" must be a table', position end end if options.message and type(options.message) ~= "string" then return '"message" must be a string or nil', position end if options.error and type(options.error) ~= "string" then return '"error" must be a string or nil', position end if options.current and type(options.current) ~= "string" then return '"current" must be a string or nil', position end if options.order then if type(options.order) ~= "number" or (-1 < options.order and options.order < 0.999) then return '"order" must be a non-zero number or nil', position end end if options.disabled then if type(options.disabled) ~= "function" and type(options.disabled) ~= "string" and options.disabled ~= true then return '"disabled" must be a function, string, or boolean', position end end if options.cmdHidden then if type(options.cmdHidden) ~= "function" and type(options.cmdHidden) ~= "string" and options.cmdHidden ~= true then return '"cmdHidden" must be a function, string, or boolean', position end end if options.guiHidden then if type(options.guiHidden) ~= "function" and type(options.guiHidden) ~= "string" and options.guiHidden ~= true then return '"guiHidden" must be a function, string, or boolean', position end end if options.hidden then if type(options.hidden) ~= "function" and type(options.hidden) ~= "string" and options.hidden ~= true then return '"hidden" must be a function, string, or boolean', position end end if kind == "text" then if type(options.validate) == "table" then local t = options.validate local iTable = nil for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(k) == "number" then if iTable == nil then iTable = true elseif not iTable then return '"validate" must either have all keys be indexed numbers or strings', position elseif k < 1 or k > table.getn(t) then return '"validate" numeric keys must be indexed properly. >= 1 and <= table.getn', position end else if iTable == nil then iTable = false elseif iTable then return '"validate" must either have all keys be indexed numbers or strings', position end end if type(v) ~= "string" then return '"validate" values must all be strings', position end end else if type(options.usage) ~= "string" then return '"usage" must be a string', position elseif options.validate and type(options.validate) ~= "string" and type(options.validate) ~= "function" then return '"validate" must be a string, function, or table', position end end elseif kind == "range" then if options.min or options.max then if type(options.min) ~= "number" then return '"min" must be a number', position elseif type(options.max) ~= "number" then return '"max" must be a number', position elseif options.min >= options.max then return '"min" must be less than "max"', position end end if options.step then if type(options.step) ~= "number" then return '"step" must be a number', position elseif options.step < 0 then return '"step" must be nonnegative', position end end if options.isPercent and options.isPercent ~= true then return '"isPercent" must either be nil, true, or false', position end elseif kind == "toggle" then if options.map then if type(options.map) ~= "table" then return '"map" must be a table', position elseif type(options.map[true]) ~= "string" then return '"map[true]" must be a string', position elseif type(options.map[false]) ~= "string" then return '"map[false]" must be a string', position end end elseif kind == "color" then if options.hasAlpha and options.hasAlpha ~= true then return '"hasAlpha" must be nil, true, or false', position end elseif kind == "group" then if options.pass and options.pass ~= true then return '"pass" must be nil, true, or false', position end if type(options.args) ~= "table" then return '"args" must be a table', position end for k,v in pairs(options.args) do if type(k) ~= "string" then return '"args" keys must be strings', position elseif string.find(k, "%s") then return string.format('"args" keys must not include spaces. %q is not appropriate.', k), position elseif string.len(k) == 0 then return '"args" keys must not be 0-length strings.', position end if type(v) ~= "table" then return '"args" values must be tables', position and position .. "." .. k or k end local newposition if position then newposition = position .. ".args." .. k else newposition = "args." .. k end local err, pos = validateOptions(v, newposition, baseOptions, options.pass) if err then return err, pos end end end if options.icon and type(options.icon) ~= "string" then return'"icon" must be a string', position end if options.iconWidth or options.iconHeight then if type(options.iconWidth) ~= "number" or type(options.iconHeight) ~= "number" then return '"iconHeight" and "iconWidth" must be numbers', position end end if options.iconCoordLeft or options.iconCoordRight or options.iconCoordTop or options.iconCoordBottom then if type(options.iconCoordLeft) ~= "number" or type(options.iconCoordRight) ~= "number" or type(options.iconCoordTop) ~= "number" or type(options.iconCoordBottom) ~= "number" then return '"iconCoordLeft", "iconCoordRight", "iconCoordTop", and "iconCoordBottom" must be numbers', position end end end local validatedOptions local values local mysort_args local mysort local othersort local othersort_validate local baseFunc, currentLevel function Dewdrop:FeedAceOptionsTable(options, difference) self:argCheck(options, 2, "table") self:argCheck(difference, 3, "nil", "number") self:assert(currentLevel, "Cannot call `FeedAceOptionsTable' outside of a Dewdrop declaration") if not difference then difference = 0 end if not validatedOptions then validatedOptions = {} end if not validatedOptions[options] then local err, position = validateOptions(options) if err then if position then Dewdrop:error(position .. ": " .. err) else Dewdrop:error(err) end end validatedOptions[options] = true end local level = levels[currentLevel] self:assert(level, "Improper level given") if not values then values = {} else for k,v in pairs(values) do values[k] = nil end table_setn(values, 0) end local current = level while current do if current.num == difference + 1 then break end table.insert(values, current.value) current = levels[current.num - 1] end local realOptions = options local handler = options.handler local passTable local passValue while table.getn(values) > 0 do passTable = options.pass and current or nil local value = table.remove(values) options = options.args and options.args[value] if not options then return end handler = options.handler or handler passValue = passTable and value or nil end if options.type == "group" then for k in pairs(options.args) do table.insert(values, k) end if not mysort then mysort = function(a, b) local alpha, bravo = mysort_args[a], mysort_args[b] local alpha_order = alpha.order or 100 local bravo_order = bravo.order or 100 local alpha_name = alpha.guiName or alpha.name local bravo_name = bravo.guiName or bravo.name if alpha_order == bravo_order then if not alpha_name then return true elseif not bravo_name then return false else return string.upper(alpha_name) < string.upper(bravo_name) end else if alpha_order < 0 then if bravo_order > 0 then return false end else if bravo_order < 0 then return true end end return alpha_order < bravo_order end end end mysort_args = options.args table.sort(values, mysort) mysort_args = nil local hasBoth = table.getn(values) >= 1 and (options.args[values[1]].order or 100) > 0 and (options.args[values[table.getn(values)]].order or 100) < 0 local last_order = 1 for _,k in ipairs(values) do local v = options.args[k] local handler = v.handler or handler if hasBoth and last_order > 0 and (v.order or 100) < 0 then hasBoth = false self:AddLine() end local hidden, disabled = v.guiHidden or v.hidden, v.disabled if type(hidden) == "function" then hidden = hidden() elseif type(hidden) == "string" then hidden = handler[hidden](handler) end if not hidden then if type(disabled) == "function" then disabled = disabled() elseif type(disabled) == "string" then disabled = handler[disabled](handler) end local name = (v.guiIconOnly and v.icon) and "" or (v.guiName or v.name) local desc = v.desc local iconHeight = v.iconHeight or 16 local iconWidth = v.iconWidth or 16 local iconCoordLeft = v.iconCoordLeft or 0 local iconCoordRight = v.iconCoordRight or 1 local iconCoordBottom = v.iconCoordBottom or 0 local iconCoordTop = v.iconCoordTop or 1 local tooltipTitle, tooltipText tooltipTitle = name if name ~= desc then tooltipText = desc end if v.type == "toggle" then local checked if type(v.get) == "function" then checked = v.get(passValue) else if not handler[v.get] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.get) end checked = handler[v.get](handler, passValue) end local func, arg1, arg2, arg3 if type(v.set) == "function" then func = v.set if passValue ~= nil then arg1 = passValue arg2 = not checked else arg1 = not checked end else if not handler[v.set] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.set) end func = handler[v.set] arg1 = handler if passValue ~= nil then arg2 = passValue arg3 = not checked else arg2 = not checked end end if v.guiNameIsMap then checked = checked and true or false name = string.gsub(tostring(v.map and v.map[checked]), "|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r", "%1") checked = nil end self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'checked', checked, 'isRadio', v.isRadio, 'func', func, 'arg1', arg1, 'arg2', arg2, 'arg3', arg3, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText ) elseif v.type == "execute" then local func, arg1, arg2 if type(v.func) == "function" then func = v.func arg1 = passValue else if not handler[v.func] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.func) end func = handler[v.func] arg1 = handler arg2 = passValue end self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'checked', checked, 'func', func, 'arg1', arg1, 'arg2', arg2, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom ) elseif v.type == "range" then local sliderValue if type(v.get) == "function" then sliderValue = v.get(passValue) else if not handler[v.get] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.get) end sliderValue = handler[v.get](handler, passValue) end local sliderFunc, sliderArg1, sliderArg2 if type(v.set) == "function" then sliderFunc = v.set sliderArg1 = passValue else if not handler[v.set] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.set) end sliderFunc = handler[v.set] sliderArg1 = handler sliderArg2 = passValue end self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'hasArrow', true, 'hasSlider', true, 'sliderMin', v.min or 0, 'sliderMax', v.max or 1, 'sliderStep', v.step or 0, 'sliderIsPercent', v.isPercent or false, 'sliderValue', sliderValue, 'sliderFunc', sliderFunc, 'sliderArg1', sliderArg1, 'sliderArg2', sliderArg2, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom ) elseif v.type == "color" then local r,g,b,a if type(v.get) == "function" then r,g,b,a = v.get(passValue) else if not handler[v.get] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.get) end r,g,b,a = handler[v.get](handler, passValue) end local colorFunc, colorArg1, colorArg2 if type(v.set) == "function" then colorFunc = v.set colorArg1 = passValue else if not handler[v.set] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.set) end colorFunc = handler[v.set] colorArg1 = handler colorArg2 = passValue end self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'hasArrow', true, 'hasColorSwatch', true, 'r', r, 'g', g, 'b', b, 'opacity', v.hasAlpha and a or nil, 'hasOpacity', v.hasAlpha, 'colorFunc', colorFunc, 'colorArg1', colorArg1, 'colorArg2', colorArg2, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText ) elseif v.type == "text" then if type(v.validate) == "table" then self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'hasArrow', true, 'value', k, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom ) else local editBoxText if type(v.get) == "function" then editBoxText = v.get(passValue) elseif v.get == false then editBoxText = nil else if not handler[v.get] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.get) end editBoxText = handler[v.get](handler, passValue) end local editBoxFunc, editBoxArg1, editBoxArg2 if type(v.set) == "function" then editBoxFunc = v.set editBoxArg1 = passValue else if not handler[v.set] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.set) end editBoxFunc = handler[v.set] editBoxArg1 = handler editBoxArg2 = passValue end local editBoxValidateFunc, editBoxValidateArg1 if v.validate then if type(v.validate) == "function" then editBoxValidateFunc = v.validate else if not handler[v.validate] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", v.validate) end editBoxValidateFunc = handler[v.validate] editBoxValidateArg1 = handler end end self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'hasArrow', true, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom, 'hasEditBox', true, 'editBoxText', editBoxText, 'editBoxFunc', editBoxFunc, 'editBoxArg1', editBoxArg1, 'editBoxArg2', editBoxArg2, 'editBoxValidateFunc', editBoxValidateFunc, 'editBoxValidateArg1', editBoxValidateArg1, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText ) end elseif v.type == "group" then self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'hasArrow', true, 'value', k, 'disabled', disabled, 'tooltipTitle', tooltipTitle, 'tooltipText', tooltipText, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom ) elseif v.type == "header" then if name == "" or not name then self:AddLine( 'isTitle', true, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom ) else self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'isTitle', true, 'icon', v.icon, 'iconHeight', iconHeight, 'iconWidth', iconWidth, 'iconCoordLeft', iconCoordLeft, 'iconCoordRight', iconCoordRight, 'iconCoordTop', iconCoordTop, 'iconCoordBottom', iconCoordBottom ) end end end last_order = v.order or 100 end elseif options.type == "text" and type(options.validate) == "table" then local current if type(options.get) == "function" then current = options.get(passValue) elseif options.get ~= false then if not handler[options.get] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", options.get) end current = handler[options.get](handler, passValue) end local indexed = true for k,v in pairs(options.validate) do if type(k) ~= "number" then indexed = false end table.insert(values, k) end if not indexed then if not othersort then othersort = function(alpha, bravo) return othersort_validate[alpha] < othersort_validate[bravo] end end othersort_validate = options.validate table.sort(values, othersort) othersort_validate = nil end for _,k in ipairs(values) do local v = options.validate[k] if type(k) == "number" then k = v end local func, arg1, arg2 if type(options.set) == "function" then func = options.set if passValue ~= nil then arg1 = passValue arg2 = k else arg1 = k end else if not handler[options.set] then Dewdrop:error("Handler %q not available", options.set) end func = handler[options.set] arg1 = handler if passValue ~= nil then arg2 = passValue arg3 = k else arg2 = k end end local checked = (k == current or (type(k) == "string" and type(current) == "string" and string.lower(k) == string.lower(current))) self:AddLine( 'text', v, 'func', not checked and func or nil, 'arg1', not checked and arg1 or nil, 'arg2', not checked and arg2 or nil, 'arg3', not checked and arg3 or nil, 'isRadio', true, 'checked', checked, 'tooltipTitle', options.guiName or options.name, 'tooltipText', v ) end for k in pairs(values) do values[k] = nil end table_setn(values, 0) else return false end return true end function Refresh(self, level) if type(level) == "number" then level = levels[level] end if not level then return end if baseFunc then Clear(self, level) currentLevel = level.num if type(baseFunc) == "table" then if currentLevel == 1 then local handler = baseFunc.handler if handler then local name = tostring(handler) if not string.find(name, '^table:') then name = string.gsub(name, "|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r", "%1") self:AddLine( 'text', name, 'isTitle', true ) end end -- elseif level.parentText then -- self:AddLine( -- 'text', level.parentText, -- 'tooltipTitle', level.parentTooltipTitle, -- 'tooltipText', level.parentTooltipText, -- 'tooltipFunc', level.parentTooltipFunc, -- 'isTitle', true -- ) end self:FeedAceOptionsTable(baseFunc) if currentLevel == 1 then self:AddLine( 'text', CLOSE, 'closeWhenClicked', true ) end else -- if level.parentText then -- self:AddLine( -- 'text', level.parentText, -- 'tooltipTitle', level.parentTooltipTitle, -- 'tooltipText', level.parentTooltipText, -- 'tooltipFunc', level.parentTooltipFunc, -- 'isTitle', true -- ) -- end baseFunc(currentLevel, level.value, levels[level.num - 1] and levels[level.num - 1].value, levels[level.num - 2] and levels[level.num - 2].value, levels[level.num - 3] and levels[level.num - 3].value, levels[level.num - 4] and levels[level.num - 4].value) end currentLevel = nil CheckSize(self, level) end end function Dewdrop:Refresh(level) self:argCheck(level, 2, "number") Refresh(self, levels[level]) end function OpenSlider(self, parent) if not sliderFrame then sliderFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, nil) sliderFrame:SetWidth(80) sliderFrame:SetHeight(170) sliderFrame:SetScale(UIParent:GetScale()) sliderFrame:SetBackdrop(tmp( 'bgFile', "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", 'edgeFile', "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", 'tile', true, 'insets', tmp2( 'left', 5, 'right', 5, 'top', 5, 'bottom', 5 ), 'tileSize', 16, 'edgeSize', 16 )) sliderFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") if sliderFrame.SetTopLevel then sliderFrame:SetTopLevel(true) end sliderFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.r, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.g, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.b) sliderFrame:SetBackdropColor(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.r, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.g, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.b) sliderFrame:EnableMouse(true) sliderFrame:Hide() sliderFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER") local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, sliderFrame) sliderFrame.slider = slider slider:SetOrientation("VERTICAL") slider:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1) slider:SetValueStep(0.01) slider:SetValue(0.5) slider:SetWidth(16) slider:SetHeight(128) slider:SetPoint("LEFT", sliderFrame, "LEFT", 15, 0) slider:SetBackdrop(tmp( 'bgFile', "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Background", 'edgeFile', "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Border", 'tile', true, 'edgeSize', 8, 'tileSize', 8, 'insets', tmp2( 'left', 3, 'right', 3, 'top', 3, 'bottom', 3 ) )) local texture = slider:CreateTexture() slider:SetThumbTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-SliderBar-Button-Vertical") local text = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") sliderFrame.topText = text text:SetFontObject(GameFontGreenSmall) text:SetText("100%") text:SetPoint("BOTTOM", slider, "TOP") local text = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") sliderFrame.bottomText = text text:SetFontObject(GameFontGreenSmall) text:SetText("0%") text:SetPoint("TOP", slider, "BOTTOM") local text = slider:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") sliderFrame.currentText = text text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall) text:SetText("50%") text:SetPoint("LEFT", slider, "RIGHT") text:SetPoint("RIGHT", sliderFrame, "RIGHT", -6, 0) text:SetJustifyH("CENTER") local changed = false local inside = false slider:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function() if sliderFrame.changing then return end changed = true local done = false if sliderFrame.parent then if sliderFrame.parent.sliderFunc then local min = sliderFrame.parent.sliderMin or 0 local max = sliderFrame.parent.sliderMax or 1 local step = sliderFrame.parent.sliderStep or (max - min) / 100 local a1,a2,a3,a4 = sliderFrame.parent.sliderArg1, sliderFrame.parent.sliderArg2, sliderFrame.parent.sliderArg3, sliderFrame.parent.sliderArg4 local value = (1 - slider:GetValue()) * (max - min) + min if step > 0 then value = math.floor((value - min) / step + 0.5) * step + min if value > max then value = max elseif value < min then value = min end end local text if a1 == nil then text = sliderFrame.parent.sliderFunc(value) elseif a2 == nil then text = sliderFrame.parent.sliderFunc(a1, value) elseif a3 == nil then text = sliderFrame.parent.sliderFunc(a1, a2, value) elseif a4 == nil then text = sliderFrame.parent.sliderFunc(a1, a2, a3, value) else text = sliderFrame.parent.sliderFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4, value) end if text then sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(text) done = true end end end if not done then local min = sliderFrame.parent.sliderMin or 0 local max = sliderFrame.parent.sliderMax or 1 local step = sliderFrame.parent.sliderStep or (max - min) / 100 local value = (1 - slider:GetValue()) * (max - min) + min if step > 0 then value = math.floor((value - min) / step + 0.5) * step + min if value > max then value = max elseif value < min then value = min end end if sliderFrame.parent.sliderIsPercent then sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(string.format("%.0f%%", value * 100)) else if step < 0.1 then sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(string.format("%.2f", value)) elseif step < 1 then sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(string.format("%.1f", value)) else sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(string.format("%.0f", value)) end end end end) sliderFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function() StopCounting(self, sliderFrame.level) end) sliderFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() StartCounting(self, sliderFrame.level) end) slider:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() sliderFrame.mouseDown = true end) slider:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() sliderFrame.mouseDown = false if changed and not inside then local parent = sliderFrame.parent for i = 1, sliderFrame.level - 1 do Refresh(self, levels[i]) end OpenSlider(self, parent) end end) slider:SetScript("OnEnter", function() inside = true StopCounting(self, sliderFrame.level) end) slider:SetScript("OnLeave", function() inside = false StartCounting(self, sliderFrame.level) if changed and not sliderFrame.mouseDown then local parent = sliderFrame.parent for i = 1, sliderFrame.level - 1 do Refresh(self, levels[i]) end OpenSlider(self, parent) end end) end sliderFrame.parent = parent sliderFrame.level = parent.level.num + 1 sliderFrame.parentValue = parent.level.value sliderFrame:SetFrameLevel(parent.level:GetFrameLevel() + 3) sliderFrame.slider:SetFrameLevel(sliderFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1) sliderFrame.changing = true if not parent.sliderMin or not parent.sliderMax then return end if parent.arrow then -- parent.arrow:SetVertexColor(0.2, 0.6, 0) parent.arrow:SetHeight(24) parent.arrow:SetWidth(24) end if not parent.sliderValue then parent.sliderValue = (parent.sliderMin + parent.sliderMax) / 2 end sliderFrame.slider:SetValue(1 - (parent.sliderValue - parent.sliderMin) / (parent.sliderMax - parent.sliderMin)) sliderFrame.changing = false sliderFrame.bottomText:SetText(parent.sliderMinText or "0") sliderFrame.topText:SetText(parent.sliderMaxText or "1") local text if parent.sliderFunc then local a1,a2,a3,a4 = parent.sliderArg1, parent.sliderArg2, parent.sliderArg3, parent.sliderArg4 if a1 == nil then text = parent.sliderFunc(parent.sliderValue) elseif a2 == nil then text = parent.sliderFunc(a1, parent.sliderValue) elseif a3 == nil then text = parent.sliderFunc(a1, a2, parent.sliderValue) elseif a4 == nil then text = parent.sliderFunc(a1, a2, a3, parent.sliderValue) else text = parent.sliderFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4, parent.sliderValue) end end if text then sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(text) elseif parent.sliderIsPercent then sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(string.format("%.0f%%", parent.sliderValue * 100)) else sliderFrame.currentText:SetText(parent.sliderValue) end local level = parent.level sliderFrame:Show() sliderFrame:ClearAllPoints() if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then sliderFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else sliderFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then sliderFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", parent, "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else sliderFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end local dirty if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if sliderFrame:GetRight() > GetScreenWidth() then level.lastDirection = "LEFT" dirty = true end elseif sliderFrame:GetLeft() < 0 then level.lastDirection = "RIGHT" dirty = true end if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then if sliderFrame:GetBottom() < 0 then level.lastVDirection = "UP" dirty = true end elseif sliderFrame:GetTop() > GetScreenWidth() then level.lastVDirection = "DOWN" dirty = true end if dirty then sliderFrame:ClearAllPoints() if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then sliderFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else sliderFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then sliderFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", parent, "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else sliderFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end end local left, bottom = sliderFrame:GetLeft(), sliderFrame:GetBottom() sliderFrame:ClearAllPoints() sliderFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", left, bottom) if mod(level.num, 5) == 0 then local left, bottom = level:GetLeft(), level:GetBottom() level:ClearAllPoints() level:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", left, bottom) end end function OpenEditBox(self, parent) if not editBoxFrame then editBoxFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, nil) editBoxFrame:SetWidth(200) editBoxFrame:SetHeight(40) editBoxFrame:SetScale(UIParent:GetScale()) editBoxFrame:SetBackdrop(tmp( 'bgFile', "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", 'edgeFile', "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", 'tile', true, 'insets', tmp2( 'left', 5, 'right', 5, 'top', 5, 'bottom', 5 ), 'tileSize', 16, 'edgeSize', 16 )) editBoxFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") if editBoxFrame.SetTopLevel then editBoxFrame:SetTopLevel(true) end editBoxFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.r, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.g, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR.b) editBoxFrame:SetBackdropColor(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.r, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.g, TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR.b) editBoxFrame:EnableMouse(true) editBoxFrame:Hide() editBoxFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER") local editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, editBoxFrame) editBoxFrame.editBox = editBox editBox:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal) editBox:SetWidth(160) editBox:SetHeight(13) editBox:SetPoint("CENTER", editBoxFrame, "CENTER", 0, 0) local left = editBox:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") left:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatInputBorder-Left") left:SetTexCoord(0, 100 / 256, 0, 1) left:SetWidth(100) left:SetHeight(32) left:SetPoint("LEFT", editBox, "LEFT", -10, 0) local right = editBox:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") right:SetTexture("Interface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatInputBorder-Right") right:SetTexCoord(156/256, 1, 0, 1) right:SetWidth(100) right:SetHeight(32) right:SetPoint("RIGHT", editBox, "RIGHT", 10, 0) editBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function() if editBoxFrame.parent and editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateFunc then local a1,a2,a3,a4 = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateArg1, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateArg2, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateArg3, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateArg4 local result if a1 == nil then result = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateFunc(editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a2 == nil then result = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateFunc(a1, editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a3 == nil then result = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateFunc(a1, a2, editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a4 == nil then result = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateFunc(a1, a2, a3, editBox:GetText() or "") else result = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxValidateFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4, editBox:GetText() or "") end if not result then message("Validation error: [" .. tostring(text) .. "]") return end end if editBoxFrame.parent and editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxFunc then local a1,a2,a3,a4 = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxArg1, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxArg2, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxArg3, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxArg4 if a1 == nil then editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxFunc(editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a2 == nil then editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxFunc(a1, editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a3 == nil then editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxFunc(a1, a2, editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a4 == nil then editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxFunc(a1, a2, a3, editBox:GetText() or "") else editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4, editBox:GetText() or "") end end self:Close(editBoxFrame.level) for i = 1, editBoxFrame.level - 1 do Refresh(self, levels[i]) end end) editBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", function() self:Close(editBoxFrame.level) end) local changing = false local skipNext = false function editBox:SpecialSetText(text) local oldText = editBox:GetText() or "" if not text then text = "" end if text ~= oldText then changing = true self:SetText(text) changing = false skipNext = true end end editBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged", function() if skipNext then skipNext = false elseif not changing and editBoxFrame.parent and editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeFunc then local a1,a2,a3,a4 = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeArg1, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeArg2, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeArg3, editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeArg4 local text if a1 == nil then text = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeFunc(editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a2 == nil then text = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeFunc(a1, editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a3 == nil then text = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeFunc(a1, a2, editBox:GetText() or "") elseif a4 == nil then text = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeFunc(a1, a2, a3, editBox:GetText() or "") else text = editBoxFrame.parent.editBoxChangeFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4, editBox:GetText() or "") end if text then editBox:SpecialSetText(text) end end end) editBoxFrame:SetScript("OnEnter", function() StopCounting(self, editBoxFrame.level) end) editBoxFrame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() StartCounting(self, editBoxFrame.level) end) editBox:SetScript("OnEnter", function() StopCounting(self, editBoxFrame.level) end) editBox:SetScript("OnLeave", function() StartCounting(self, editBoxFrame.level) end) end editBoxFrame.parent = parent editBoxFrame.level = parent.level.num + 1 editBoxFrame.parentValue = parent.level.value editBoxFrame:SetFrameLevel(parent.level:GetFrameLevel() + 3) editBoxFrame.editBox:SetFrameLevel(editBoxFrame:GetFrameLevel() + 1) editBoxFrame.editBox:SpecialSetText(parent.editBoxText) if parent.arrow then -- parent.arrow:SetVertexColor(0.2, 0.6, 0) parent.arrow:SetHeight(24) parent.arrow:SetWidth(24) end local level = parent.level editBoxFrame:Show() editBoxFrame:ClearAllPoints() if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then editBoxFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else editBoxFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then editBoxFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", parent, "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else editBoxFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end local dirty if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if editBoxFrame:GetRight() > GetScreenWidth() then level.lastDirection = "LEFT" dirty = true end elseif editBoxFrame:GetLeft() < 0 then level.lastDirection = "RIGHT" dirty = true end if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then if editBoxFrame:GetBottom() < 0 then level.lastVDirection = "UP" dirty = true end elseif editBoxFrame:GetTop() > GetScreenWidth() then level.lastVDirection = "DOWN" dirty = true end if dirty then editBoxFrame:ClearAllPoints() if level.lastDirection == "RIGHT" then if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then editBoxFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPRIGHT", 5, 10) else editBoxFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -10) end else if level.lastVDirection == "DOWN" then editBoxFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", parent, "TOPLEFT", -5, 10) else editBoxFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, -10) end end end local left, bottom = editBoxFrame:GetLeft(), editBoxFrame:GetBottom() editBoxFrame:ClearAllPoints() editBoxFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", left, bottom) if mod(level.num, 5) == 0 then local left, bottom = level:GetLeft(), level:GetBottom() level:ClearAllPoints() level:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", left, bottom) end end function Dewdrop:IsOpen(parent) self:argCheck(parent, 2, "table", "nil") return levels[1] and levels[1]:IsShown() and (not parent or parent == levels[1].parent or parent == levels[1]:GetParent()) end function Dewdrop:GetOpenedParent() return (levels[1] and levels[1]:IsShown()) and (levels[1].parent or levels[1]:GetParent()) end function Open(self, parent, func, level, value, point, relativePoint, cursorX, cursorY) self:Close(level) if DewdropLib then local d = DewdropLib:GetInstance('1.0') local ret, val = pcall(d, IsOpen, d) if ret and val then DewdropLib:GetInstance('1.0'):Close() end end parent:GetCenter() local frame = AcquireLevel(self, level) if level == 1 then frame.lastDirection = "RIGHT" frame.lastVDirection = "DOWN" else frame.lastDirection = levels[level - 1].lastDirection frame.lastVDirection = levels[level - 1].lastVDirection end frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") frame:ClearAllPoints() frame.parent = parent frame:SetPoint("LEFT", UIParent, "RIGHT", 10000, 0) frame:Show() if level == 1 then baseFunc = func end levels[level].value = value -- levels[level].parentText = parent.text and parent.text:GetText() or nil -- levels[level].parentTooltipTitle = parent.tooltipTitle -- levels[level].parentTooltipText = parent.tooltipText -- levels[level].parentTooltipFunc = parent.tooltipFunc if parent.arrow then -- parent.arrow:SetVertexColor(0.2, 0.6, 0) parent.arrow:SetHeight(24) parent.arrow:SetWidth(24) end relativePoint = relativePoint or point Refresh(self, levels[level]) if point or (cursorX and cursorY) then frame:ClearAllPoints() if cursorX and cursorY then local curX, curY = GetScaledCursorPosition() if curY < GetScreenHeight() / 2 then point, relativePoint = "BOTTOM", "BOTTOM" else point, relativePoint = "TOP", "TOP" end if curX < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then point, relativePoint = point .. "LEFT", relativePoint .. "RIGHT" else point, relativePoint = point .. "RIGHT", relativePoint .. "LEFT" end end frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint) if cursorX and cursorY then local left = frame:GetLeft() local width = frame:GetWidth() local bottom = frame:GetBottom() local height = frame:GetHeight() local curX, curY = GetScaledCursorPosition() frame:ClearAllPoints() relativePoint = relativePoint or point if point == "BOTTOM" or point == "TOP" then if curX < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then point = point .. "LEFT" else point = point .. "RIGHT" end elseif point == "CENTER" then if curX < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then point = "LEFT" else point = "RIGHT" end end local xOffset, yOffset = 0, 0 if curY > GetScreenHeight() / 2 then yOffset = -height end if curX > GetScreenWidth() / 2 then xOffset = -width end frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, curX - left + xOffset, curY - bottom + yOffset) if level == 1 then frame.lastDirection = "RIGHT" end elseif cursorX then local left = frame:GetLeft() local width = frame:GetWidth() local curX, curY = GetScaledCursorPosition() frame:ClearAllPoints() relativePoint = relativePoint or point if point == "BOTTOM" or point == "TOP" then if curX < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then point = point .. "LEFT" else point = point .. "RIGHT" end elseif point == "CENTER" then if curX < GetScreenWidth() / 2 then point = "LEFT" else point = "RIGHT" end end frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, curX - left - width / 2, 0) if level == 1 then frame.lastDirection = "RIGHT" end elseif cursorY then local bottom = frame:GetBottom() local height = frame:GetHeight() local curX, curY = GetScaledCursorPosition() frame:ClearAllPoints() relativePoint = relativePoint or point if point == "LEFT" or point == "RIGHT" then if curX < GetScreenHeight() / 2 then point = point .. "BOTTOM" else point = point .. "TOP" end elseif point == "CENTER" then if curX < GetScreenHeight() / 2 then point = "BOTTOM" else point = "TOP" end end frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, 0, curY - bottom - height / 2) if level == 1 then frame.lastDirection = "DOWN" end end if (strsub(point, 1, 3) ~= strsub(relativePoint, 1, 3)) then if frame:GetBottom() < 0 then local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = frame:GetPoint(1) local change = GetScreenHeight() - frame:GetTop() local otherChange = -frame:GetBottom() if otherChange < change then change = otherChange end frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x, y + change) elseif frame:GetTop() > GetScreenHeight() then local point, parent, relativePoint, x, y = frame:GetPoint(1) local change = GetScreenHeight() - frame:GetTop() local otherChange = -frame:GetBottom() if otherChange < change then change = otherChange end frame:SetPoint(point, parent, relativePoint, x, y + change) end end end CheckDualMonitor(self, frame) StartCounting(self, level) end function Dewdrop:IsRegistered(parent) self:argCheck(parent, 2, "table") return not not self.registry[parent] end function Dewdrop:Register(parent, k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) self:argCheck(parent, 2, "table") if self.registry[parent] then self:Unregister(parent) end local info = new(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) if type(info.children) == "table" then local err, position = validateOptions(info.children) if err then if position then Dewdrop:error(position .. ": " .. err) else Dewdrop:error(err) end end end self.registry[parent] = info if not info.dontHook and not self.onceRegistered[parent] then if parent:HasScript("OnMouseUp") then local script = parent:GetScript("OnMouseUp") parent:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() if script then script() end if arg1 == "RightButton" and self.registry[parent] then if self:IsOpen(parent) then self:Close() else self:Open(parent) end end end) end if parent:HasScript("OnMouseDown") then local script = parent:GetScript("OnMouseDown") parent:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() if script then script() end if self.registry[parent] then self:Close() end end) end end self.onceRegistered[parent] = true end function Dewdrop:Unregister(parent) self:argCheck(parent, 2, "table") self.registry[parent] = nil end function Dewdrop:Open(parent, k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) self:argCheck(parent, 2, "table") local info if type(k1) == "table" and k1[0] and k1.IsFrameType and self.registry[k1] then info = tmp() for k,v in pairs(self.registry[k1]) do info[k] = v end else info = tmp(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) if self.registry[parent] then for k,v in pairs(self.registry[parent]) do if info[k] == nil then info[k] = v end end end end local point = info.point local relativePoint = info.relativePoint local cursorX = info.cursorX local cursorY = info.cursorY if type(point) == "function" then local b point, b = point(parent) if b then relativePoint = b end end if type(relativePoint) == "function" then relativePoint = relativePoint(parent) end Open(self, parent, info.children, 1, nil, point, relativePoint, cursorX, cursorY) end function Clear(self, level) if level then if level.buttons then for i = table.getn(level.buttons), 1, -1 do ReleaseButton(self, level, i) end end end end function Dewdrop:Close(level) if DropDownList1:IsShown() then DropDownList1:Hide() end if DewdropLib then local d = DewdropLib:GetInstance('1.0') local ret, val = pcall(d, IsOpen, d) if ret and val then DewdropLib:GetInstance('1.0'):Close() end end self:argCheck(level, 2, "number", "nil") if not level then level = 1 end if level == 1 and levels[level] then levels[level].parented = false end if level > 1 and levels[level-1].buttons then local buttons = levels[level-1].buttons for _,button in ipairs(buttons) do button.arrow:SetWidth(16) button.arrow:SetHeight(16) -- button.arrow:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1) end end if sliderFrame and sliderFrame.level >= level then sliderFrame:Hide() end if editBoxFrame and editBoxFrame.level >= level then editBoxFrame:Hide() end for i = level, table.getn(levels) do Clear(self, levels[level]) levels[level]:Hide() levels[i]:ClearAllPoints() levels[i]:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER") end end function Dewdrop:AddLine(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) local info = tmp(k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, k4, v4, k5, v5, k6, v6, k7, v7, k8, v8, k9, v9, k10, v10, k11, v11, k12, v12, k13, v13, k14, v14, k15, v15, k16, v16, k17, v17, k18, v18, k19, v19, k20, v20) local level = info.level or currentLevel info.level = nil local button = AcquireButton(self, level) if not next(info) then info.disabled = true end button.disabled = info.isTitle or info.notClickable or info.disabled button.isTitle = info.isTitle button.notClickable = info.notClickable if button.isTitle then button.text:SetFontObject(GameFontNormalSmall) elseif button.notClickable then button.text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall) elseif button.disabled then button.text:SetFontObject(GameFontDisableSmall) else button.text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall) end if info.disabled then button.arrow:SetDesaturated(true) button.check:SetDesaturated(true) else button.arrow:SetDesaturated(false) button.check:SetDesaturated(false) end if info.textR and info.textG and info.textB then button.textR = info.textR button.textG = info.textG button.textB = info.textB button.text:SetTextColor(button.textR, button.textG, button.textB) else button.text:SetTextColor(button.text:GetFontObject():GetTextColor()) end button.notCheckable = info.notCheckable button.text:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "LEFT", button.notCheckable and 0 or 24, 0) button.checked = not info.notCheckable and info.checked button.isRadio = not info.notCheckable and info.isRadio if info.isRadio then button.check:Show() button.check:SetTexture(info.checkIcon or "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton") if button.checked then button.check:SetTexCoord(0.25, 0.5, 0, 1) button.check:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 1) else button.check:SetTexCoord(0, 0.25, 0, 1) button.check:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5) end button.radioHighlight:SetTexture(info.checkIcon or "Interface\\Buttons\\UI-RadioButton") button.check:SetWidth(16) button.check:SetHeight(16) elseif info.icon then button.check:Show() button.check:SetTexture(info.icon) if info.iconWidth and info.iconHeight then button.check:SetWidth(info.iconWidth) button.check:SetHeight(info.iconHeight) else button.check:SetWidth(16) button.check:SetHeight(16) end if info.iconCoordLeft and info.iconCoordRight and info.iconCoordTop and info.iconCoordBottom then button.check:SetTexCoord(info.iconCoordLeft, info.iconCoordRight, info.iconCoordTop, info.iconCoordBottom) elseif string.find(info.checkIcon, "^Interface\\Icons\\") then button.check:SetTexCoord(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95) else button.check:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1) end button.check:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 1) else if button.checked then if info.checkIcon then button.check:SetWidth(16) button.check:SetHeight(16) button.check:SetTexture(info.checkIcon) if string.find(info.checkIcon, "^Interface\\Icons\\") then button.check:SetTexCoord(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95) else button.check:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1) end else button.check:SetWidth(24) button.check:SetHeight(24) button.check:SetTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check") button.check:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1) end button.check:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 1) else button.check:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0) end end if not button.disabled then button.func = info.func end button.hasColorSwatch = info.hasColorSwatch if button.hasColorSwatch then button.colorSwatch:Show() button.colorSwatch.texture:Show() button.r = info.r or 1 button.g = info.g or 1 button.b = info.b or 1 button.colorSwatch.texture:SetTexture(button.r, button.g, button.b) button.checked = false button.func = nil button.colorFunc = info.colorFunc button.colorArg1 = info.colorArg1 button.colorArg2 = info.colorArg2 button.colorArg3 = info.colorArg3 button.colorArg4 = info.colorArg4 button.hasOpacity = info.hasOpacity button.opacity = info.opacity or 1 else button.colorSwatch:Hide() button.colorSwatch.texture:Hide() end button.hasArrow = not button.hasColorSwatch and (info.value or info.hasSlider or info.hasEditBox) and info.hasArrow if button.hasArrow then button.arrow:SetAlpha(1) if info.hasSlider then button.hasSlider = true button.sliderMin = info.sliderMin or 0 button.sliderMax = info.sliderMax or 1 button.sliderStep = info.sliderStep or 0 button.sliderIsPercent = info.sliderIsPercent and true or false button.sliderMinText = info.sliderMinText or button.sliderIsPercent and string.format("%.0f%%", button.sliderMin * 100) or button.sliderMin button.sliderMaxText = info.sliderMaxText or button.sliderIsPercent and string.format("%.0f%%", button.sliderMax * 100) or button.sliderMax button.sliderFunc = info.sliderFunc button.sliderValue = info.sliderValue button.sliderArg1 = info.sliderArg1 button.sliderArg2 = info.sliderArg2 button.sliderArg3 = info.sliderArg3 button.sliderArg4 = info.sliderArg4 elseif info.hasEditBox then button.hasEditBox = true button.editBoxText = info.editBoxText or "" button.editBoxFunc = info.editBoxFunc button.editBoxArg1 = info.editBoxArg1 button.editBoxArg2 = info.editBoxArg2 button.editBoxArg3 = info.editBoxArg3 button.editBoxArg4 = info.editBoxArg4 button.editBoxChangeFunc = info.editBoxChangeFunc button.editBoxChangeArg1 = info.editBoxChangeArg1 button.editBoxChangeArg2 = info.editBoxChangeArg2 button.editBoxChangeArg3 = info.editBoxChangeArg3 button.editBoxChangeArg4 = info.editBoxChangeArg4 button.editBoxValidateFunc = info.editBoxValidateFunc button.editBoxValidateArg1 = info.editBoxValidateArg1 button.editBoxValidateArg2 = info.editBoxValidateArg2 button.editBoxValidateArg3 = info.editBoxValidateArg3 button.editBoxValidateArg4 = info.editBoxValidateArg4 else button.value = info.value end else button.arrow:SetAlpha(0) end button.arg1 = info.arg1 button.arg2 = info.arg2 button.arg3 = info.arg3 button.arg4 = info.arg4 button.closeWhenClicked = info.closeWhenClicked button.textHeight = info.textHeight or UIDROPDOWNMENU_DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT or 10 local font,_ = button.text:GetFont() button.text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT or "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", button.textHeight) button:SetHeight(button.textHeight + 6) button.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", button.arrow, (button.hasColorSwatch or button.hasArrow) and "LEFT" or "RIGHT") button.text:SetJustifyH(info.justifyH or "LEFT") button.text:SetText(info.text) button.tooltipTitle = info.tooltipTitle button.tooltipText = info.tooltipText button.tooltipFunc = info.tooltipFunc button.tooltipArg1 = info.tooltipArg1 button.tooltipArg2 = info.tooltipArg2 button.tooltipArg3 = info.tooltipArg3 button.tooltipArg4 = info.tooltipArg4 if not button.tooltipTitle and not button.tooltipText and not button.tooltipFunc and not info.isTitle then button.tooltipTitle = info.text end if type(button.func) == "string" then self:assert(type(button.arg1) == "table", "Cannot call method " .. button.func .. " on a non-table") self:assert(type(button.arg1[button.func]) == "function", "Method " .. button.func .. " nonexistant.") end end function Dewdrop:InjectAceOptionsTable(handler, options) self:argCheck(handler, 2, "table") self:argCheck(options, 3, "table") if string.lower(tostring(options.type)) ~= "group" then self:error('Cannot inject into options table argument #3 if its type is not "group"') end if options.handler ~= nil and options.handler ~= handler then self:error("Cannot inject into options table argument #3 if it has a different handler than argument #2") end options.handler = handler local class = handler.class if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceOO-2.0") or not class then self:error("Cannot retrieve AceOptions tables from a non-object argument #2") end while class and class ~= AceLibrary("AceOO-2.0").Class do if type(class.GetAceOptionsDataTable) == "function" then local t = class:GetAceOptionsDataTable(handler) for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(options.args) ~= "table" then options.args = {} end if options.args[k] == nil then options.args[k] = v end end end local mixins = class.mixins if mixins then for mixin in pairs(mixins) do if type(mixin.GetAceOptionsDataTable) == "function" then local t = mixin:GetAceOptionsDataTable(handler) for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(options.args) ~= "table" then options.args = {} end if options.args[k] == nil then options.args[k] = v end end end end end class = class.super end return options end local function activate(self, oldLib, oldDeactivate) Dewdrop = self if oldLib and oldLib.registry then self.registry = oldLib.registry self.onceRegistered = oldLib.onceRegistered else self.registry = {} self.onceRegistered = {} local WorldFrame_OnMouseDown = WorldFrame:GetScript("OnMouseDown") local WorldFrame_OnMouseUp = WorldFrame:GetScript("OnMouseUp") local oldX, oldY, clickTime WorldFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() oldX,oldY = GetCursorPosition() clickTime = GetTime() if WorldFrame_OnMouseDown then WorldFrame_OnMouseDown() end end) WorldFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() local x,y = GetCursorPosition() if not oldX or not oldY or not x or not y or not clickTime then self:Close() if WorldFrame_OnMouseUp then WorldFrame_OnMouseUp() end return end local d = math.abs(x - oldX) + math.abs(y - oldY) if d <= 5 and GetTime() - clickTime < 0.5 then self:Close() end if WorldFrame_OnMouseUp then WorldFrame_OnMouseUp() end end) if hooksecurefunc then hooksecurefunc(DropDownList1, "Show", function() if levels[1] and levels[1]:IsVisible() then self:Close() end end) else local DropDownList1_Show = DropDownList1.Show function DropDownList1.Show(DropDownList1) if levels[1] and levels[1]:IsVisible() then self:Close() end DropDownList1_Show(DropDownList1) end end if hooksecurefunc then hooksecurefunc("HideDropDownMenu", function() if levels[1] and levels[1]:IsVisible() then self:Close() end end) else local old_HideDropDownMenu = HideDropDownMenu function HideDropDownMenu(num) if levels[1] and levels[1]:IsVisible() then self:Close() end old_HideDropDownMenu(num) end end if hooksecurefunc then hooksecurefunc("CloseDropDownMenus", function() if levels[1] and levels[1]:IsVisible() then self:Close() end end) else local old_CloseDropDownMenus = CloseDropDownMenus function CloseDropDownMenus(num) if levels[1] and levels[1]:IsVisible() then self:Close() end old_CloseDropDownMenus(num) end end end levels = {} buttons = {} if oldDeactivate then oldDeactivate(oldLib) end end AceLibrary:Register(Dewdrop, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, activate)