assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRAOMainTank") local roster = AceLibrary("RosterLib-2.0") local paintchips = AceLibrary("PaintChips-2.0") ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["maintankoptional"] = true, ["mt"] = true, ["MainTank"] = true, ["Optional/MainTank"] = true, ["Options for the maintanks."] = true, ["Targettarget"] = true, ["Toggle TargetTarget frames."] = true, ["Scale"] = true, ["Set frame scale."] = true, ["Alpha"] = true, ["Set frame alpha."] = true, ["Raidicon"] = true, ["Toggle raid icons."] = true, ["Frames"] = true, ["Options for the maintank frames."] = true, ["Growup"] = true, ["Toggle growup."] = true, ["Inverse"] = true, ["Toggle inverse healthbar."] = true, ["Deficit"] = true, ["Toggle deficit health."] = true, ["Clickcast"] = true, ["Toggle clickcast support."] = true, ["Clicktarget"] = true, ["Define clicktargets."] = true, ["Define the clicktarget for maintank."] = true, ["Define the clicktarget for target."] = true, ["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."] = true, ["Target"] = true, ["Maintank"] = true, ["TargetTarget"] = true, ["Nr of Maintanks shown."] = true, ["Nr Maintanks"] = true, ["Nr"] = true, ["Classcolor"] = true, ["Color healthbars by class."] = true, ["Enemycolor"] = true, ["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"] = true, ["Coloraggro"] = true, ["Color Aggro"] = true, ["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."] = true, ["Backdrop"] = true, ["Toggle the backdrop."] = true, ["Highlight"] = true, ["Toggle highlighting your target."] = true, ["Reverse"] = true, ["Toggle reverse order MT|MTT|MTTT or MTTT|MTT|MT."] = true, ["Numbers"] = true, ["Toggle showing of MT numbers."] = true, ["Tooltips"] = true, ["Toggle showing of tooltips."] = true, ["Show"] = true, ["Show maintank."] = true, ["Show target."] = true, ["Show targettarget."] = true, ["Define which frames you want to see."] = true, ["Layout"] = true, ["Set the layout for the MT frames."] = true, ["Vertical"] = true, ["Horizontal"] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["MainTank"] = "메인탱커창", ["Optional/MainTank"] = "부가/메인탱커", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "메인탱커에 대한 설정을 변경합니다.", ["Targettarget"] = "대상의대상", ["Toggle TargetTarget frames."] = "대상의 대상창을 토글합니다.", ["Scale"] = "크기", ["Set frame scale."] = "창의 크기를 설정합니다.", ["Alpha"] = "투명도", ["Set frame alpha."] = "창의 투명도를 설정합니다.", ["Raidicon"] = "공격대아이콘", ["Toggle raid icons."] = "공격대 아이콘 표시를 토글합니다.", ["Frames"] = "창", ["Options for the maintank frames."] = "메인탱커 창에 관한 설정을 변경합니다.", ["Growup"] = "방향", ["Toggle growup."] = "창의 진행 방향을 토글합니다.", ["Inverse"] = "반전", ["Toggle inverse healthbar."] = "생명력바 반전기능을 토글합니다.", ["Deficit"] = "결손치", ["Toggle deficit health."] = "생명력바 결손치 표시기능을 토글합니다.", ["Clickcast"] = "시전", ["Toggle clickcast support."] = "클릭캐스트 기능 지원을 토글합니다.", ["Clicktarget"] = "클릭시대상선정", ["Define clicktargets."] = "클릭시 선택 대상을 정의합니다.", ["Define the clicktarget for maintank."] = "메인탱커를 클릭시 선택 대상을 정의합니다.", ["Define the clicktarget for target."] = "대상 클릭시 선택 대상을 정의합니다.", ["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."] = "대상의 대상을 클릭시 선택 대상을 정의합니다.", ["Target"] = "대상", ["Maintank"] = "메인탱커", ["TargetTarget"] = "대상의대상", ["Nr of Maintanks shown."] = "메인탱커의 번호를 표시합니다.", ["Nr Maintanks"] = "메인탱커의 수", ["Nr"] = "수", ["Classcolor"] = "직업별색상", ["Color healthbars by class."] = "직업별로 생명력바의 색상을 변경합니다.", ["Enemycolor"] = "적색상", ["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"] = "적의 경우의 색상을 설정합니다. (직업별색상 기능을 사용할 때)", ["Color Aggro"] = "어그로 색상", ["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."] = "현재 상태에 따라서 탱커를 위한 어그로 색상을 표시합니다. 오렌지는 대상. 녹색은 탱커 적색은 어그로 없음입니다.", ["Backdrop"] = "배경", ["Toggle the backdrop."] = "배경 토글", ["Highlight"] = "강조", ["Toggle highlighting your target."] = "대상 강조 기능 토글", ["Reverse"] = "반전", ["Toggle reverse order MT|MTT|MTTT or MTTT|MTT|MT."] = "메인탱커목록의 순서를 반대로 표시합니다.", ["Numbers"] = "메인탱커번호", ["Toggle showing of MT numbers."] = "메인탱커의 번호의 표시를 토글합니다.", ["Tooltips"] = "툴팁", ["Toggle showing of tooltips."] = "툴팁의 표시를 토글합니다.", ["Show"] = "표시", ["Show maintank."] = "메인탱커 표시", ["Show target."] = "대상 표시", ["Show targettarget."] = "대상의 대상 표시", ["Define which frames you want to see."] = "표시하길 원하는 창을 정의합니다.", ["Layout"] = "레이아웃", ["Set the layout for the MT frames."] = "메인탱커창의 레이아웃을 설정합니다.", ["Vertical"] = "수직", ["Horizontal"] = "수평", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["maintankoptional"] = "MT选项", ["mt"] = "MT目标", ["MainTank"] = "MT目标", ["Optional/MainTank"] = "Optional/MainTank", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "MT选项", ["Targettarget"] = "目标的目标", ["Toggle TargetTarget frames."] = "显示目标的目标框体", ["Scale"] = "大小", ["Set frame scale."] = "设定框体大小", ["Alpha"] = "透明度", ["Set frame alpha."] = "设置框体透明度", ["Raidicon"] = "raid图标", ["Toggle raid icons."] = "显示raid图标", ["Frames"] = "框体", ["Options for the maintank frames."] = "MT框体选项", ["Growup"] = "往上增添", ["Toggle growup."] = "选择往上增添", ["Inverse"] = "翻转", ["Toggle inverse healthbar."] = "选择翻转血条", ["Deficit"] = "亏损血量", ["Toggle deficit health."] = "显示亏损血量", ["Clickcast"] = "点击施法", ["Toggle clickcast support."] = "选择点击施法支持", ["Clicktarget"] = "点击设定目标", ["Define clicktargets."] = "定义点击设定目标", ["Define the clicktarget for maintank."] = "定义点击MT设定的目标", ["Define the clicktarget for target."] = "定义点击MTT设定的目标", ["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."] = "定义点击MTTT设定的目标", ["Target"] = "目标", ["Maintank"] = "MT", ["TargetTarget"] = "目标的目标", ["Nr of Maintanks shown."] = "显示的MT数量", ["Nr Maintanks"] = "MT数量", ["Nr"] = "数量", ["Classcolor"] = "职业颜色", ["Color healthbars by class."] = "把血条着色为职业颜色", ["Enemycolor"] = "敌人颜色", ["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"] = "为敌人设置颜色(需要激活职业颜色)", ["Coloraggro"] = "仇恨颜色", ["Color Aggro"] = "仇恨颜色", ["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."] = "MT的名字边框用颜色来显示仇恨的状态。橘红是有目标,绿色是正在坦克,红色是没有仇恨", ["Backdrop"] = "背景", ["Toggle the backdrop."] = "显示背景", ["Highlight"] = "高亮", ["Toggle highlighting your target."] = "高亮显示你的目标", ["Reverse"] = "逆转", ["Toggle reverse order MT|MTT|MTTT or MTTT|MTT|MT."] = "逆转顺序:MT|MTT|MTTT 或 MTTT|MTT|MT", ["Numbers"] = "数量", ["Toggle showing of MT numbers."] = "显示MT的数量", ["Tooltips"] = "提示", ["Toggle showing of tooltips."] = "选择显示提示", ["Show"] = "显示", ["Show maintank."] = "显示MT", ["Show target."] = "显示目标", ["Show targettarget."] = "显示目标的目标", ["Define which frames you want to see."] = "定义想要看到的框架", ["Layout"] = "布局", ["Set the layout for the MT frames."] = "设置MT框架的布局", ["Vertical"] = "垂直", ["Horizontal"] = "水平", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["maintankoptional"] = "主坦選項", ["mt"] = "MT", ["MainTank"] = "主坦", ["Optional/MainTank"] = "可選/主坦", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "主坦選項", ["Targettarget"] = "目標的目標", ["Toggle TargetTarget frames."] = "顯示目標的目標框架", ["Scale"] = "大小", ["Set frame scale."] = "設定框架大小", ["Alpha"] = "透明度", ["Set frame alpha."] = "設定框架透明度", ["Raidicon"] = "團隊圖示", ["Toggle raid icons."] = "切換團隊圖示", ["Frames"] = "框體", ["Options for the maintank frames."] = "主坦框架選項", ["Growup"] = "往上排列", ["Toggle growup."] = "切換往上排列", ["Inverse"] = "倒轉", ["Toggle inverse healthbar."] = "切換倒轉血條", ["Deficit"] = "減少血量", ["Toggle deficit health."] = "顯示減少血量", ["Clickcast"] = "點擊施法", ["Toggle clickcast support."] = "切換點擊施法支援", ["Clicktarget"] = "點擊設定目標", ["Define clicktargets."] = "定義點擊設定目標", ["Define the clicktarget for maintank."] = "定義點擊MT設定的目標", ["Define the clicktarget for target."] = "定義點擊MTT設定的目標", ["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."] = "定義點擊MTTT設定的目標", ["Target"] = "目標", ["Maintank"] = "主坦", ["TargetTarget"] = "目標的目標", ["Nr of Maintanks shown."] = "顯示的主坦數量", ["Nr Maintanks"] = "主坦數量", ["Nr"] = "數量", ["Classcolor"] = "職業顏色", ["Color healthbars by class."] = "依職業設定血條顏色", ["Enemycolor"] = "敵人顏色", ["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"] = "為敵人設定顏色(需要使用職業顏色)", ["Coloraggro"] = "仇恨顏色", ["Color Aggro"] = "仇恨顏色", ["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."] = "主坦的名字邊框用顏色來顯示仇恨的狀態。橘紅是有目標,綠色是正在坦怪,紅色是沒有仇恨。", ["Backdrop"] = "背景", ["Toggle the backdrop."] = "顯示背景", ["Highlight"] = "高亮度", ["Toggle highlighting your target."] = "高亮度顯示你的目標", ["Reverse"] = "反轉", ["Toggle reverse order MT|MTT|MTTT or MTTT|MTT|MT."] = "反轉順序:MT|MTT|MTTT 或 MTTT|MTT|MT", ["Numbers"] = "數量", ["Toggle showing of MT numbers."] = "顯示主坦的數量", ["Tooltips"] = "提示", ["Toggle showing of tooltips."] = "顯示提示", ["Show"] = "顯示", ["Show maintank."] = "顯示主坦", ["Show target."] = "顯示目標", ["Show targettarget."] = "顯示目標的目標", ["Define which frames you want to see."] = "定義想要看到的框架", ["Layout"] = "佈置", ["Set the layout for the MT frames."] = "設定主坦框架的佈置", ["Vertical"] = "垂直", ["Horizontal"] = "水平", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { ["Options for the maintanks."] = "Einstellungen f\195\188r die Maintanks.", ["Toggle TargetTarget frames."] = "Aktiviere TargetTarget Frames.", ["Scale"] = "Gr\195\182\195\159e", ["Set frame scale."] = "Setze Framegr\195\182\195\159e", ["Set frame alpha."] = "Setze Framealpha", ["Toggle raid icons."] = "Aktiviert Raidicons.", ["Options for the maintank frames."] = "Einstellungen fr die Maintanks-Frames.", ["Toggle growup."] = "Aktiviert das aufbauen nach oben.", ["Inverse"] = "Invertieren", ["Toggle inverse healthbar."] = "Aktiviert invertierte Lebensbalken.", ["Deficit"] = "Defizit", ["Toggle deficit health."] = "Aktiviert Lebensdefizit", ["Toggle clickcast support."] = "Aktiviert Clickcast support.", ["Define clicktargets."] = "Definiert Clicktargets.", ["Define the clicktarget for maintank."] = "Definiert Clicktarget f\195\188r Maintank.", ["Define the clicktarget for target."] = "Definiert Clicktarget f\195\188r target.", ["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."] = "Definiert Clicktarget f\195\188r targettarget.", ["Nr of Maintanks shown."] = "Nr der Maintanks anzeigen.", ["Color healthbars by class."] = "F\195\164rbt Lebensbalken nach Klassen", ["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"] = "Setzt die Farbe f\195\188r Gegner. (nur mit Classcolor aktiv)", ["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."] = "Farbaggro status f\195\188r die MTs. Orange hat ein Ziel, Gr\195\188n tankt, Rot hat keine aggro.", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["maintankoptional"] = true, --["mt"] = true, --["MainTank"] = true, ["Optional/MainTank"] = "Optionnel/MainTank", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "Optons concernant les maintanks.", --["Targettarget"] = true, ["Toggle TargetTarget frames."] = "Affiche ou non les cadres de la cible de la cible.", ["Scale"] = "Taille", ["Set frame scale."] = "D\195\169termine la taille des cadres.", ["Alpha"] = "Transparence", ["Set frame alpha."] = "D\195\169termine la transparence des cadres.", ["Raidicon"] = "Ic\195\180nedeRaid", ["Toggle raid icons."] = "Affiche ou non les ic\195\180nes de raid.", ["Frames"] = "Cadres", ["Options for the maintank frames."] = "Options concernant les cadres des maintanks.", ["Growup"] = "VersleHaut", ["Toggle growup."] = "Ajoute ou non les MTs vers le haut.", ["Inverse"] = "Inverser", ["Toggle inverse healthbar."] = "Inverse ou non le sens de remplissage des barres de vie.", ["Deficit"] = "D\195\169ficit", ["Toggle deficit health."] = "Affiche ou non le d\195\169ficit en vie.", --["Clickcast"] = true, ["Toggle clickcast support."] = "Active ou non le support des addons de \"clickcasting\".", --["Clicktarget"] = true, ["Define clicktargets."] = "D\195\169termine la cible des clics.", ["Define the clicktarget for maintank."] = "D\195\169termine la cible lors du clic sur le cadre du maintank.", ["Define the clicktarget for target."] = "D\195\169termine la cible lors du clic sur le cadre de la cible.", ["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."] = "D\195\169termine la cible lors du clic sur le cadre de la cible de la cible.", ["Target"] = "Cible", --["Maintank"] = true, ["TargetTarget"] = "CibledelaCible", ["Nr of Maintanks shown."] = "Nombre de maintanks \195\160 afficher.", ["Nr Maintanks"] = "Nbre de maintanks", ["Nr"] = "N\194\176", ["Classcolor"] = "CouleurdeClasse", ["Color healthbars by class."] = "Colore les barres de vie selon la classe.", ["Enemycolor"] = "CouleurEnnemi", ["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"] = "D\195\169termine la couleur pour les ennemis. (utilis\195\169 si CouleurdeClasse est activ\195\169)", --["Coloraggro"] = true, ["Color Aggro"] = "Couleur d'aggro", ["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."] = "Indique le statut de l'aggro des MTs selon la couleur de leurs noms. Orange s'ils ont la cible, Vert s'ils tankent, Rouge s'ils n'ont pas l'aggro.", ["Backdrop"] = "Fond", ["Toggle the backdrop."] = "Affiche ou non le fond.", ["Highlight"] = "Surbrillance", ["Toggle highlighting your target."] = "Met ou non en surbrillance votre cible.", ["Reverse"] = "Inverser", ["Toggle reverse order MT|MTT|MTTT or MTTT|MTT|MT."] = "Inverse ou non l'ordre d'affichage. (MT|MTT|MTTT ou MTTT|MTT|MT)", ["Numbers"] = "Num\195\169ros", ["Toggle showing of MT numbers."] = "Affiche ou non les num\195\169ros des MTs.", ["Tooltips"] = "Infobulles", ["Toggle showing of tooltips."] = "Affiche ou non les infobulles.", ["Show"] = "Afficher", ["Show maintank."] = "Affiche le maintank.", ["Show target."] = "Affiche la cible.", ["Show targettarget."] = "Affiche la cible de la cible.", ["Define which frames you want to see."] = "D\195\169termine les cadres que vous souhaitez voir.", ["Layout"] = "Style", ["Set the layout for the MT frames."] = "D\195\169termine le style des cadres des MTs.", --["Vertical"] = true, --["Horizontal"] = true, } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRAOMainTank = oRA:NewModule(L["maintankoptional"]) oRAOMainTank.defaults = { raidicon = true, alpha = 1, scale = 1, growup = false, inverse = false, deficit = false, clickcast = true, ctmaintank = L["Maintank"], cttarget = L["Target"], cttargettarget = L["TargetTarget"], nrmts = 10, classcolor = true, enemycolor = "cc2200", coloraggro = true, backdrop = true, highlight = true, reverse = false, numbers = true, tooltips = true, showmt = true, showmtt = true, showmttt = true, layout = L["Vertical"], } oRAOMainTank.optional = true = L["Optional/MainTank"] oRAOMainTank.consoleCmd = L["mt"] oRAOMainTank.consoleOptions = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for the maintanks."], name = L["MainTank"], args = { [L["Nr"]] = { type = "range", name = L["Nr Maintanks"], desc = L["Nr of Maintanks shown."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.nrmts end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:SetNrMaintanks(v) end, min = 0, max = 10, step = 1, }, [L["Frames"]] = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for the maintank frames."], name = L["Frames"], args = { [L["Classcolor"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Classcolor"], desc = L["Color healthbars by class."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.classcolor end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:SetClassColor(v) end, }, [L["Enemycolor"]] = { type = "color", name = L["Enemycolor"], desc = L["Set the color for enemies. (used when classcolor is enabled)"], get = function() local _, r, g, b = paintchips:GetRGBPercent( oRAOMainTank.db.profile.enemycolor ) return r, g, b end, set = function(r, g, b) local hex = format("%02x%02x%02x", r*255, g*255, b*255) paintchips:RegisterHex( hex ) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.enemycolor = hex end, disabled = function() return not oRAOMainTank.db.profile.classcolor end, }, [L["Coloraggro"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Color Aggro"], desc = L["Color aggro status for MTs on their names. Orange has target, Green is tanking, Red has no aggro."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.coloraggro end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.coloraggro = v end, }, [L["Backdrop"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Backdrop"], desc = L["Toggle the backdrop."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.backdrop end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.backdrop = v end, }, [L["Highlight"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Highlight"], desc = L["Toggle highlighting your target."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.highlight end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.highlight = v end, }, [L["Scale"]] = { type = "range", name = L["Scale"], desc = L["Set frame scale."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.scale end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:SetScale(v) end, min = 0.1, max = 2, }, [L["Alpha"]] = { type = "range", name = L["Alpha"], desc = L["Set frame alpha."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.alpha end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:SetAlpha(v) end, min = 0.1, max = 1, }, [L["Raidicon"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Raidicon"], desc = L["Toggle raid icons."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.raidicon end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:ToggleRaidIcon(v) end, }, [L["Growup"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Growup"], desc = L["Toggle growup."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.growup end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:ToggleGrowup(v) end, }, [L["Inverse"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Inverse"], desc = L["Toggle inverse healthbar."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.inverse end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:ToggleInverse(v) end, }, [L["Reverse"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Reverse"], desc = L["Toggle reverse order MT|MTT|MTTT or MTTT|MTT|MT."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.reverse end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:ToggleReverse(v) end, }, [L["Numbers"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Numbers"], desc = L["Toggle showing of MT numbers."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.numbers end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:ToggleNumbers(v) end, }, [L["Tooltips"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Tooltips"], desc = L["Toggle showing of tooltips."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.tooltips end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.tooltips = v end, }, [L["Deficit"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Deficit"], desc = L["Toggle deficit health."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.deficit end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:ToggleDeficit(v) end, }, [L["Clickcast"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Clickcast"], desc = L["Toggle clickcast support."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.clickcast end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.clickcast = v end, }, [L["Layout"]] = { type = "text", name = L["Layout"], desc = L["Set the layout for the MT frames."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.layout end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank:SetLayout(v) end, validate = {L["Vertical"], L["Horizontal"]} }, [L["Clicktarget"]] = { type = "group", name = L["Clicktarget"], desc = L["Define clicktargets."], args = { [L["Maintank"]] = { name = L["Maintank"], type = "text", desc = L["Define the clicktarget for maintank."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.ctmaintank end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.ctmaintank = v end, validate = { L["Maintank"], L["Target"], L["TargetTarget"] } }, [L["Target"]] = { name = L["Target"], type = "text", desc = L["Define the clicktarget for target."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.cttarget end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.cttarget = v end, validate = { L["Maintank"], L["Target"], L["TargetTarget"] } }, [L["TargetTarget"]] = { name = L["TargetTarget"], type = "text", desc = L["Define the clicktarget for targettarget."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.cttargettarget end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.cttargettarget = v end, validate = { L["Maintank"], L["Target"], L["TargetTarget"] } }, }, }, [L["Show"]] = { type = "group", name = L["Show"], desc = L["Define which frames you want to see."], args = { [L["Maintank"]] = { name = L["Maintank"], type = "toggle", desc = L["Show maintank."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.showmt end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.showmt = v oRAOMainTank:UpdateFrameShow() end, }, [L["Target"]] = { name = L["Target"], type = "toggle", desc = L["Show target."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.showmtt end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.showmtt = v oRAOMainTank:UpdateFrameShow() end, }, [L["TargetTarget"]] = { name = L["TargetTarget"], type = "toggle", desc = L["Show targettarget."], get = function() return oRAOMainTank.db.profile.showmttt end, set = function(v) oRAOMainTank.db.profile.showmttt = v oRAOMainTank:UpdateFrameShow() end, }, }, }, }, }, } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRAOMainTank:OnEnable() self.mtf = {} self.mttf = {} self.mtttf = {} paintchips:RegisterHex(self.db.profile.enemycolor or "cc2200" ) self:SetupFrames() self:RegisterEvent("oRA_MainTankUpdate") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_LeftRaid") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_JoinedRaid", "oRA_MainTankUpdate") self:RegisterEvent("RosterLib_RosterChanged", function() self:oRA_MainTankUpdate() end) self:RegisterEvent("oRA_BarTexture") -- Check for Watchdog if (WatchDog_OnClick) then oRA_MainTankFramesCustomClick = WatchDog_OnClick end end function oRAOMainTank:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() end ------------------------------ -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------------ function oRAOMainTank:oRA_LeftRaid() self.mainframe:Hide() end function oRAOMainTank:oRA_MainTankUpdate( maintanktable ) maintanktable = maintanktable or self.core.maintanktable if not maintanktable then return end local showmt, unitid for i = 1, self.db.profile.nrmts do unitid = roster:GetUnitIDFromName(maintanktable[i]) if unitid then if self.db.profile.showmt then if not self.mtf[i] then self.mtf[i] = self:CreateUnitFrame( self.mainframe, i, "mt" ) end self.mtf[i].unit = unitid end if self.db.profile.showmtt then if not self.mttf[i] then self.mttf[i] = self:CreateUnitFrame( self.mainframe, i, "mtt" ) end self.mttf[i].unit = unitid end if self.db.profile.showmttt then if not self.mtttf[i] then self.mtttf[i] = self:CreateUnitFrame( self.mainframe, i, "mttt" ) end self.mtttf[i].unit = unitid end showmt = true else -- unit nolonger in the raid or unknown if self.mtf and self.mtf[i] then self.mtf[i].unit = nil end if self.mttf and self.mttf[i] then self.mttf[i].unit = nil end if self.mtttf and self.mtttf[i] then self.mtttf[i].unit = nil end end end if showmt and self.mainframe then self.mainframe:Show() elseif self.mainframe then self.mainframe:Hide() end self:TriggerEvent("oRA_UpdateConfigGUI") end function oRAOMainTank:oRA_BarTexture( texture ) for _, f in pairs({ self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf }) do for _, f in pairs(f) do[texture])[texture]) end end end ------------------------------ -- ConsoleOption Functions -- ------------------------------ function oRAOMainTank:SetScale(scale) self.db.profile.scale = scale if self.mainframe then self.mainframe:SetScale(scale) end self:RestorePosition() end function oRAOMainTank:SetAlpha(alpha) self.db.profile.alpha = alpha if self.mainframe then self.mainframe:SetAlpha(alpha) end end function oRAOMainTank:SetClassColor(state) self.db.profile.classcolor = state if self.mtf then for _, f in pairs(self.mtf) do self:UpdateHealthBar(, self:GetUnit(f)) end end if self.mttf then for _, f in pairs(self.mttf) do self:UpdateHealthBar(, self:GetUnit(f)) end end if self.mtttf then for _, f in pairs(self.mtttf) do self:UpdateHealthBar(, self:GetUnit(f)) end end end function oRAOMainTank:UpdateFrameShow() for _, f in pairs({self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf}) do if f then for _, f in pairs(f) do if f then self:SetStyle(f) if f.type == "mt" then if self.db.profile.showmt then f:Show() else f:Hide() end elseif f.type == "mtt" then if self.db.profile.showmtt then f:Show() else f:Hide() end else if self.db.profile.showmttt then f:Show() else f:Hide() end end end end end end self:ToggleNumbers(self.db.profile.numbers) end function oRAOMainTank:ToggleRaidIcon(state) self.db.profile.raidicon = state if state then return end for _, f in pairs({ self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf }) do if f then for _, f in pairs(f) do if f then f.raidicon:Hide() end end end end end function oRAOMainTank:ToggleNumbers(state) self.db.profile.numbers = state local ff = self.mtttf if self.db.profile.showmtt then ff = self.mttf end if self.db.profile.showmt then ff = self.mtf end if not ff then return end for _, f in pairs(ff) do if state and f.number then f.number:Show() elseif f.number then f.number:Hide() end end end function oRAOMainTank:SetLayout(state) self.db.profile.layout = state for _, f in pairs({self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf}) do if f then for _, f in pairs(f) do if f then self:SetStyle(f) end end end end end function oRAOMainTank:ToggleGrowup(state) self.db.profile.growup = state for _, f in pairs({self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf}) do if f then for _, f in pairs(f) do if f then self:SetStyle(f) end end end end end function oRAOMainTank:ToggleInverse(state) self.db.profile.inverse = state end function oRAOMainTank:ToggleReverse(state) self.db.profile.reverse = state for _, f in pairs({self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf}) do if f then for _, f in pairs(f) do if f then self:SetStyle(f) end end end end end function oRAOMainTank:ToggleDeficit(state) self.db.profile.deficit = state for _, f in pairs({self.mtf, self.mttf, self.mtttf}) do if f then for _, f in pairs(f) do if f then self:UpdateHealthBar(, self:GetUnit(f)) end end end end end function oRAOMainTank:SetNrMaintanks( nr ) self.db.profile.nrmts = nr for i = ( nr + 1 ), 10 do if self.mtf and self.mtf[i] then self.mtf[i].unit = nil end if self.mttf and self.mttf[i] then self.mttf[i].unit = nil end if self.mtttf and self.mtttf[i] then self.mtttf[i].unit = nil end end -- We always show 10 MT assignment buttons anyway, since you should be able -- to set the MTs if you are the raid leader, but show less in your local -- UI - so triggering this event doesn't do anything now, but .. it's here. self:TriggerEvent("oRA_UpdateConfigGUI") self:oRA_MainTankUpdate() end ------------------------------ -- Utility Functions -- ------------------------------ function oRAOMainTank:SavePosition() local f = self.mainframe if not f then return end local s = f:GetEffectiveScale() self.db.profile.posx = f:GetLeft() * s self.db.profile.posy = f:GetTop() * s end function oRAOMainTank:RestorePosition() local x = self.db.profile.posx local y = self.db.profile.posy if not x or not y then return end local f = self.mainframe if not f then return end local s = f:GetEffectiveScale() f:ClearAllPoints() f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", x / s, y / s) end function oRAOMainTank:SetupFrames() local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) f:Hide() f:SetMovable(true) f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() self:OnUpdate() end) f:SetWidth(100) f:SetHeight(100) f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0) f:SetAlpha(self.db.profile.alpha) f:SetScale(self.db.profile.scale) f.update = 0 self.mainframe = f self:RestorePosition() end function oRAOMainTank:CreateUnitFrame( parent, id, type ) -- Main frame -- local f = CreateFrame("Button", "oRA_MainTankFrames_" .. type .. id, parent) local f = CreateFrame("Button", nil, parent) f:Hide() f:EnableMouse(true) f:SetMovable(true) f:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up") f:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") f:SetScript("OnEnter", function() self:OnEnter() end) f:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end) f:SetScript("OnClick", function() self:OnClick() end) f:SetScript("OnDragStart", function() if IsAltKeyDown() then parent:StartMoving() end end) f:SetScript("OnDragStop", function() parent:StopMovingOrSizing() self:SavePosition() end) -- Tank Statusbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, f),100) -- Tank Statusbar background texture, visible when the bar depleats =, "BORDER"), 0, 0, 0.5) -- Tank Statusbar text =, "OVERLAY")"RIGHT") -- Tank Number f.number =, "OVERLAY") f.number:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall) f.number:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") -- Tank Name =, "OVERLAY")"LEFT") -- Raid Icons f.raidicon =, "OVERLAY") f.raidicon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons") f.raidicon:Hide() -- Set static stuff and style f.number:SetText(id..".") f.type = type f:SetID(id) self:SetStyle(f) return f end function oRAOMainTank:GetPosition( f ) local relframe, relx, rely if self.db.profile.layout == L["Horizontal"] then -- HORIZONTAL POSITIONING -- default positioning relframe = self.mainframe relx = 136 * (f:GetID() - 1) if self.db.profile.reverse then relx = relx * -1 end rely = 0 if f.type == "mtt" and self.db.profile.showmt then relframe = self.mtf[f:GetID()] relx = 0 rely = -21 if self.db.profile.growup then rely = 21 end end -- same deal for mttt adjust if mtt or mt is shown if f.type == "mttt" then if self.db.profile.showmtt then relframe = self.mttf[f:GetID()] relx = 0 rely = -21 if self.db.profile.growup then rely = 21 end elseif self.db.profile.showmt then relframe = self.mtf[f:GetID()] relx = 0 rely = -21 if self.db.profile.growup then rely = 21 end end end else -- VERTICAL POSITIONING -- default positioning relframe = self.mainframe relx = 0 if self.db.profile.growup then rely = 21 * (f:GetID() - 1) else rely = -21 * (f:GetID() - 1) end -- adjust positioning for mtt if mt is shown if f.type == "mtt" and self.db.profile.showmt then relframe = self.mtf[f:GetID()] relx = 120 if self.db.profile.reverse then relx = -120 end rely = 0 end -- same deal for mttt adjust if mtt or mt is shown if f.type == "mttt" then if self.db.profile.showmtt then relframe = self.mttf[f:GetID()] relx = 120 if self.db.profile.reverse then relx = -120 end rely = 0 elseif self.db.profile.showmt then relframe = self.mtf[f:GetID()] relx = 120 if self.db.profile.reverse then relx = -120 end rely = 0 end end end return relframe, relx, rely end function oRAOMainTank:SetStyle(f) local relframe, relx, rely = self:GetPosition(f) self:SetWHP(f, 120, 21, "TOPLEFT", relframe, "TOPLEFT", relx , rely) f:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 16}) if self.db.profile.backdrop then f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .5) else f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0) end[self.core.db.profile.bartexture])[self.core.db.profile.bartexture]), .5, .5, .5) self:SetWHP(, 112, 16, "LEFT", f, "LEFT", 4, 0) self:SetWHP(, 112, 16, "CENTER",, "CENTER", 0, 0) if self.db.profile.reverse then f.number:SetJustifyH("LEFT") else f.number:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") end self:SetWHP(f.number, 32, 14, self.db.profile.reverse and "LEFT" or "RIGHT", f, self.db.profile.reverse and "RIGHT" or "LEFT", 0, 0) if not self.db.profile.numbers then f.number:Hide() else if f.type == "mt" and self.db.profile.showmt then f.number:Show() elseif f.type == "mtt" and not self.db.profile.showmt and self.db.profile.showmtt then f.number:Show() elseif f.type == "mttt" and not self.db.profile.showmt and not self.db.profile.showmtt and self.db.profile.showmttt then f.number:Show() else f.number:Hide() end end self:SetWHP(f.raidicon, 14, 14, "LEFT",, "LEFT", 1, 0) self:SetWHP(, 62, 14, "LEFT",, "LEFT", 18, 0) self:SetWHP(, 32, 14, "RIGHT",, "RIGHT", 0, 0) end function oRAOMainTank:SetWHP(f, width, height, p1, relative, p2, x, y) if not f then return end f:SetWidth(width) f:SetHeight(height) if p1 then f:ClearAllPoints() f:SetPoint(p1, relative, p2, x, y) end end function oRAOMainTank:GetUnit(f, click) if not f or not f.type then return end if not click then if f.type == "mt" then return f.unit end if f.type == "mtt" then return f.unit .. "target" end if f.type == "mttt" then return f.unit .. "targettarget" end else local c if f.type == "mt" then c = self.db.profile.ctmaintank end if f.type == "mtt" then c = self.db.profile.cttarget end if f.type == "mttt" then c = self.db.profile.cttargettarget end if c == L["Maintank"] then return f.unit end if c == L["Target"] then return f.unit .. "target" end if c == L["TargetTarget"] then return f.unit .. "targettarget" end end end function oRAOMainTank:UpdateFrames(f) for _, f in pairs(f) do if f.unit then local unit = self:GetUnit(f) if UnitExists(unit) then self:UpdateHealthBar(, unit) if self.db.profile.raidicon then self:UpdateRaidIcon(f, unit) end if f.type == "mt" and self.db.profile.coloraggro then if UnitExists( unit .. "target" ) then 1, 0.5, 0.25, 1 ) if UnitExists( unit .. "targettarget") then if UnitIsUnit(unit, unit .. "targettarget") then, 1, 0.5, 1) else, 0, 0, 1) end end else 1, 1, 1, 1) end else if UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then 1, 0, 0, 1) else 1, 1, 1, 1) end end if UnitIsUnit( unit, "target") and self.db.profile.highlight then f:SetBackdropColor(1, .84, 0, 1 ) elseif self.db.profile.backdrop then f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .5) else f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0) end f:Show() else f:Hide() end else f:Hide() end end end function oRAOMainTank:UpdateHealthBar(bar, unit) local cur, max = UnitHealth(unit) or 0, UnitHealthMax(unit) or 0 local perc = cur / max bar:SetMinMaxValues(0, max) if self.db.profile.inverse then bar:SetValue(max - cur) else bar:SetValue(cur) end if self.db.profile.classcolor then if not UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player") then local _, class = UnitClass( unit ) local _, r,g,b = paintchips:GetRGBPercent( class ) bar:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b) else local _, r,g,b = paintchips:GetRGBPercent( self.db.profile.enemycolor ) bar:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b) end else bar:SetStatusBarColor(self:GetHealthBarColor(perc)) end if self.db.profile.deficit then local val = max - cur if val > 1000 then val = ceil(val/100)/10 .. "k" elseif val == 0 then val = "" end bar.text:SetText(val) else bar.text:SetText(ceil(perc * 100) .. "%") end bar:Show() end function oRAOMainTank:GetHealthBarColor(perc) local r, g if perc > 0.5 then r = (1.0 - perc) * 2 g = 1.0 else r = 1.0 g = perc * 2 end return r, g, 0 end function oRAOMainTank:UpdateRaidIcon(f, unit) local icon = GetRaidTargetIndex(unit) if icon then SetRaidTargetIconTexture(f.raidicon, icon) f.raidicon:Show() else f.raidicon:Hide() end end ------------------------------- -- Key Binding Handlers -- ------------------------------- function oRAOMainTank:BindingAssist( nr ) if self.mtf and self.mtf[nr] and self.mtf[nr].unit then local unit = self:GetUnit( self.mtf[nr] ) if unit and UnitExists( unit .."target") then AssistUnit(unit) end end end function oRAOMainTank:BindingTarget( nr ) if self.mtf and self.mtf[nr] and self.mtf[nr].unit then local unit = self:GetUnit( self.mtf[nr] ) if unit then TargetUnit(unit) end end end ------------------------------- -- Frame Script Functions -- ------------------------------- function oRAOMainTank:OnUpdate() this.update = this.update + arg1 if this.update >= 0.3 then if self.db.profile.showmt then self:UpdateFrames(self.mtf) end if self.db.profile.showmtt then self:UpdateFrames(self.mttf) end if self.db.profile.showmttt then self:UpdateFrames(self.mtttf) end this.update = 0 end end function oRAOMainTank:OnEnter() if not self.db.profile.tooltips then return end local unit = self:GetUnit(this) GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this) if unit and GameTooltip:SetUnit(unit) then this.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME else this.updateTooltip = nil end end function oRAOMainTank:OnClick() local unit = self:GetUnit(this,true) if self.db.profile.clickcast and oRA_MainTankFramesCustomClick then oRA_MainTankFramesCustomClick(arg1, unit) elseif UnitExists(unit) then TargetUnit(unit) end -- this following piece of code is specifically for attack on assist. -- if unit == this.unit .. "target" and UnitExists( this.unit ) then -- AssistUnit("player") -- end end