assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRAOResurrection") ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["Resurrection Monitor"] = true, ["resurrection"] = true, ["resurrectionoptional"] = true, ["Optional/Resurrection"] = true, ["Options for resurrection."] = true, ["Toggle"] = true, ["toggle"] = true, ["Toggle the Resurrection Monitor."] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["Resurrection Monitor"] = "부활상태 모니터", ["Optional/Resurrection"] = "부가/부활", ["Options for resurrection."] = "부활 모니터링 설정", ["Toggle"] = "토글", ["Toggle the Resurrection Monitor."] = "부활 상태 모니터를 토글합니다.", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["Resurrection Monitor"] = "复活监视器", ["resurrection"] = "复活", ["resurrectionoptional"] = "resurrectionoptional", ["Optional/Resurrection"] = "Optional/Resurrection", ["Options for resurrection."] = "复活选项", ["Toggle"] = "激活", ["toggle"] = "激活", ["Toggle the Resurrection Monitor."] = "激活复活监视器", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["Resurrection Monitor"] = "復活監視器", ["resurrection"] = "復活", ["resurrectionoptional"] = "resurrectionoptional", ["Optional/Resurrection"] = "可選/復活", ["Options for resurrection."] = "復活選項", ["Toggle"] = "顯示", ["toggle"] = "顯示", ["Toggle the Resurrection Monitor."] = "顯示復活監視器", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { ["Resurrection Monitor"] = "Surveillance des r\195\169surrections", --["resurrection"] = true, --["resurrectionoptional"] = true, ["Optional/Resurrection"] = "Optionnel/R\195\169surrection", ["Options for resurrection."] = "Options concernant les r\195\169surrections.", ["Toggle"] = "Afficher", --["toggle"] = true, ["Toggle the Resurrection Monitor."] = "Affiche ou non la surveillance des r\195\169surrections.", } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRAOResurrection = oRA:NewModule(L["resurrectionoptional"]) oRAOResurrection.defaults = { hidden = true, } oRAOResurrection.optional = true = L["Optional/Resurrection"] oRAOResurrection.consoleCmd = L["resurrection"] oRAOResurrection.consoleOptions = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for resurrection."], name = L["Resurrection Monitor"], args = { [L["toggle"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Toggle"], desc = L["Toggle the Resurrection Monitor."], get = function() return not oRAOResurrection.db.profile.hidden end, set = function(v) oRAOResurrection:ToggleView() end, } } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRAOResurrection:OnEnable() self.ressers = {} self.enabled = nil self:RegisterEvent("oRA_LeftRaid") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_JoinedRaid") end function oRAOResurrection:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:DisableMonitor() end ------------------------ -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------ function oRAOResurrection:oRA_JoinedRaid() if not self.enabled then self.enabled = true self.ressers = {} if not self.db.profile.hidden then self:SetupFrames() self.resframe:Show() self:UpdateFrame() end self:RegisterCheck("RES", "oRA_ResurrectionStart") self:RegisterCheck("RESNO", "oRA_ResurrectionStop") self:RegisterCheck("CANRES", "oRA_PlayerCanResurrect") self:RegisterCheck("RESSED", "oRA_PlayerResurrected") self:RegisterCheck("NORESSED", "oRA_PlayerNotResurrected") self:RegisterEvent("RosterLib_RosterChanged", function() self:ScheduleEvent("oRACheckMonitor", self.CheckMonitor, 2, self) end ) end end function oRAOResurrection:oRA_LeftRaid() self:DisableMonitor() end function oRAOResurrection:CheckMonitor() local u,v local update = false for key, val in pairs(self.ressers) do u = self.core.roster:GetUnitObjectFromName(key) v = self.core.roster:GetUnitObjectFromName(val) if not u or not v then self.ressers[key] = nil update = true end end if update and self.enabled and not self.db.profile.hidden then self:UpdateFrame() end end function oRAOResurrection:oRA_ResurrectionStart(msg, author) msg = self:CleanMessage(msg) local _,_,player = string.find(msg, "^RES (.+)$") if player and author then if not self.ressers then self.ressers = {} end self.ressers[author] = player self:UpdateFrame() end end function oRAOResurrection:oRA_ResurrectionStop(msg, author) msg = self:CleanMessage(msg) if not self.ressers then self.ressers = {} end if author and self.ressers[author] then self.ressers[author] = nil self:UpdateFrame() end end function oRAOResurrection:oRA_PlayerCanResurrect( msg, author) -- we do nothing with these atm. end function oRAOResurrection:oRA_PlayerResurrected( msg, author) -- we do nothing with these atm. end function oRAOResurrection:oRA_PlayerNotResurrected( msg, author) -- we do nothing with these atm. end ------------------------- -- Utility Functions -- ------------------------- function oRAOResurrection:DisableMonitor() self.enabled = nil if self.resframe and self.resframe:IsVisible() then self.resframe:Hide() end if self:IsEventRegistered("RosterLib_RosterChanged") then self:UnregisterEvent("RosterLib_RosterChanged") end self:UnregisterCheck("RES") self:UnregisterCheck("RESNO") self:UnregisterCheck("CANRES") self:UnregisterCheck("RESSED") self:UnregisterCheck("NORESSED") end function oRAOResurrection:SavePosition() local f = self.resframe local x,y = f:GetLeft(), f:GetTop() local s = f:GetEffectiveScale() x,y = x*s,y*s self.db.profile.posx = x self.db.profile.posy = y end function oRAOResurrection:RestorePosition() local x = self.db.profile.posx local y = self.db.profile.posy if not x or not y then return end local f = self.resframe local s = f:GetEffectiveScale() x,y = x/s,y/s f:ClearAllPoints() f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y) end function oRAOResurrection:SetupFrames() if not self.resframe then local resframe = CreateFrame("Frame", "oRAResurrectionFrame", UIParent) resframe:EnableMouse(true) resframe:SetMovable(true) resframe:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") resframe:SetScript("OnDragStart", function() if IsAltKeyDown() then self["resframe"]:StartMoving() end end) resframe:SetScript("OnDragStop", function() self["resframe"]:StopMovingOrSizing() self:SavePosition() end) resframe:SetWidth(175) resframe:SetHeight(50) --resframe:SetBackdrop({ -- bgFile = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Background", tile = true, tileSize = 16, -- edgeFile = "Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border", edgeSize = 16, -- insets = {left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0}, --}) --resframe:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.5) --resframe:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,.5) resframe:Hide() resframe:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0) local title = resframe:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") title:SetFontObject(GameFontNormalSmall) title:SetText(L["Resurrection Monitor"]) title:SetJustifyH("CENTER") title:SetWidth(160) title:SetHeight(12) title:Show() title:ClearAllPoints() title:SetPoint("TOP", resframe, "TOP", 0, -5) local text = resframe:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") text:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmall) text:SetJustifyH("CENTER") text:SetJustifyV("TOP") text:SetWidth(160) --text:SetHeight(25) text:Show() text:ClearAllPoints() text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -5) self.resframe = resframe self.title = title self.text = text self:RestorePosition() end end function oRAOResurrection:UpdateFrame() if self.resframe and self.resframe:IsVisible() then local text = "" for key, val in pairs(self.ressers) do if ( strlen(text) > 0 ) then text = text.."\n" end text = string.format("%s %s: %s",text, key, val) end self.text:SetText(text) self.resframe:SetWidth(max(self.text:GetWidth()+15, 175)) self.resframe:SetHeight(max(self.text:GetHeight()+25, 50)) end end ------------------------- -- Command Handlers -- ------------------------- function oRAOResurrection:ToggleView() self.db.profile.hidden = not self.db.profile.hidden if self.resframe and self.resframe:IsVisible() then self.resframe:Hide() end if self.enabled and not self.db.profile.hidden then if not self.resframe then self:SetupFrames() end self.resframe:Show() end end