assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRAPItem") -- DO NOT translate these, use the locale tables below local reagents = { ["PRIEST"] = "SacredCandle", ["MAGE"] = "ArcanePowder", ["DRUID"] = "WildThornroot", ["WARLOCK"] = "SoulShard", ["SHAMAN"] = "Ankh", ["PALADIN"] = "SymbolofDivinity", ["ROGUE"] = "FlashPowder", } ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["itemparticipant"] = true, ["item"] = true, ["Item"] = true, ["Options for item checks."] = true, ["SacredCandle"] = "Sacred Candle", ["ArcanePowder"] = "Arcane Powder", ["WildThornroot"] = "Wild Thornroot", ["Ankh"] = "Ankh", ["SoulShard"] = "Soul Shard", ["SymbolofDivinity"] = "Symbol of Divinity", ["FlashPowder"] = "Flash Powder", ["Participant/Item"] = true, ["Disable Checks"] = true, ["Disable"] = true, ["Disable Responding to Item Checks."] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["Item"] = "아이템", ["Options for item checks."] = "아이템 확인 설정", ["SacredCandle"] = "성스러운 양초", ["ArcanePowder"] = "불가사의한 가루", ["WildThornroot"] = "야생 가시", ["Ankh"] = "십자가", ["SoulShard"] = "영혼의 조각", ["SymbolofDivinity"] = "신앙의 징표", ["FlashPowder"] = "섬광 화약", ["Participant/Item"] = "부분/아이템", ["Disable Checks"] = "확인 응답 안함", ["Disable"] = "사용안함", ["Disable Responding to Item Checks."] = "아이템 확인에 대한 응답을 하지 않습니다.", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["itemparticipant"] = "itemparticipant", ["item"] = "物品", ["Options for item checks."] = "物品检查选项", ["SacredCandle"] = "神圣蜡烛", ["ArcanePowder"] = "魔粉", ["WildThornroot"] = "野生棘根草", ["Ankh"] = "十字章", ["SoulShard"] = "灵魂碎片", ["SymbolofDivinity"] = "神圣符印", ["FlashPowder"] = "闪光粉", ["Participant/Item"] = "Participant/Item", ["Disable Checks"] = "禁止检查", ["Disable"] = "禁止", ["Disable Responding to Item Checks."] = "禁止回复物品检查", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["itemparticipant"] = "itemparticipant", ["item"] = "物品", ["Options for item checks."] = "物品檢查選項", ["SacredCandle"] = "神聖蠟燭", ["ArcanePowder"] = "魔粉", ["WildThornroot"] = "野生棘根草", ["Ankh"] = "十字章", ["SoulShard"] = "靈魂碎片", ["SymbolofDivinity"] = "神聖符印", ["FlashPowder"] = "閃光粉", ["Participant/Item"] = "隊員/物品", ["Disable Checks"] = "停用檢查", ["Disable"] = "停用", ["Disable Responding to Item Checks."] = "停止回應物品檢查。", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { ["SacredCandle"] = "Hochheilige Kerze", ["ArcanePowder"] = "Arkanes Pulver", ["WildThornroot"] = "Wilder Dornwurz", ["Ankh"] = "Ankh", ["SymbolofDivinity"] = "Symbol der Offenbarung", ["FlashPowder"] = "Blitzstrahlpulver", ["SoulShard"] = "Seelensplitter", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["itemparticipant"] = true, --["item"] = true, ["Item"] = "Objet", ["Options for item checks."] = "Options concernant les v\195\169rifications des objets.", ["SacredCandle"] = "Bougie sacr\195\169e", ["ArcanePowder"] = "Poudre des arcanes", ["WildThornroot"] = "Ronceterre sauvage", ["Ankh"] = "Ankh", ["SoulShard"] = "Fragment d'\195\162me", ["SymbolofDivinity"] = "Symbole de divinit\195\169", ["FlashPowder"] = "Poudre aveuglante", ["Participant/Item"] = "Participant/Objet", ["Disable Checks"] = "D\195\169sactiver les v\195\169rifications", ["Disable"] = "D\195\169sactiver", ["Disable Responding to Item Checks."] = "D\195\169sactive l'envoi d'une r\195\169ponse lors des v\195\169rifications des objets.", } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRAPItem = oRA:NewModule(L["itemparticipant"]) oRAPItem.defaults = { disable = false, } oRAPItem.participant = true = L["Participant/Item"] oRAPItem.consoleCmd = L["item"] oRAPItem.consoleOptions = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for item checks."], name = L["Item"], args = { [L["Disable"]] = { type = "toggle", name = L["Disable Checks"], desc = L["Disable Responding to Item Checks."], get = function() return oRAPItem.db.profile.disable end, set = function(v) oRAPItem.db.profile.disable = v end, }, } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRAPItem:OnEnable() self:RegisterCheck("ITMC", "oRA_ItemCheck") self:RegisterCheck("REAC", "oRA_ReagentCheck") end function oRAPItem:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:UnregisterCheck("ITMC") self:UnregisterCheck("REAC") end ------------------------- -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------- function oRAPItem:oRA_ItemCheck( msg, author) if not self:IsValidRequest(author) then return end msg = self:CleanMessage(msg) local _, _, itemname = string.find(msg, "^ITMC (.+)$") if itemname then if self.db.profile.disable then self:SendMessage("ITM -1 "..itemname.." " else local numitems = self:GetItems(itemname) if numitems and numitems > 0 then self:SendMessage("ITM "..numitems.." "..itemname.." " end end end end function oRAPItem:oRA_ReagentCheck(msg, author) if not self:IsValidRequest(author) then return end msg = self:CleanMessage(msg) if self.db.profile.disable then self:SendMessage("REA -1 " ) else local numitems = self:GetReagents() if numitems and numitems > 0 then self:SendMessage("REA " .. numitems .. " " .. author ) end end end ------------------------- -- Utility Functions -- ------------------------- function oRAPItem:GetItems( itemname ) local numitems = 0 for bag = 4, 0, -1 do local size = GetContainerNumSlots(bag) if size > 0 then for slot=1, size, 1 do local ilink = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if ilink then local _, _, name = string.find(ilink, "%[(.+)%]") if string.find(name, itemname) then local _, itemcount, _, _, _ = GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot) numitems = numitems + itemcount end end end end end return numitems end function oRAPItem:GetReagents() local numitems = -1 if UnitClass("player") then local _,class = UnitClass("player") if reagents[class] then numitems = self:GetItems( L[reagents[class]] ) end end return numitems end