assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRAPMainTank") ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["maintank"] = true, ["MainTank"] = true, ["mt"] = true, ["Options for the maintanks."] = true, ["refresh"] = true, ["The local maintank list has been refreshed."] = true, ["Refresh Maintanks"] = true, ["Refresh the local maintank list."] = true, ["Participant/MainTank"] = true, ["notifydeath"] = true, ["Notify deaths"] = true, ["Notifies you when a main tank dies."] = true, ["Tank %s has died!"] = true, maintankdies = "^([^%s]+) dies%.$", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["MainTank"] = "메인탱커", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "메인탱커 설정", ["The local maintank list has been refreshed."] = "로컬 메인탱커 목록이 갱신되었습니다.", ["Refresh Maintanks"] = "메인탱커 갱신", ["Refresh the local maintank list."] = "로컬 메인탱커 목록을 갱신합니다.", ["Participant/MainTank"] = "부분/메인탱커", ["Notify deaths"] = "사망 알림", ["Notifies you when a main tank dies."] = "메인탱커가 사망시 이를 알려줍니다.", ["Tank %s has died!"] = "메인탱커 %s|1이;가; 죽었습니다!", maintankdies = "^([^%s]+)|1이;가; 죽었습니다%.$", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["maintank"] = "MT目标", ["MainTank"] = "MT目标", ["mt"] = "MT目标", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "MT选项", ["refresh"] = "刷新", ["The local maintank list has been refreshed."] = "本地MT已刷新", ["Refresh Maintanks"] = "刷新MT", ["Refresh the local maintank list."] = "刷新本地MT名单", ["Participant/MainTank"] = "Participant/MainTank", ["notifydeath"] = "死亡通知", ["Notify deaths"] = "死亡通知", ["Notifies you when a main tank dies."] = "当MT死亡是通知你", ["Tank %s has died!"] = "MT %s 已死亡!", maintankdies = "^(.+)死亡了.", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["maintank"] = "主坦", ["MainTank"] = "主坦", ["mt"] = "主坦", ["Options for the maintanks."] = "主坦選項", ["refresh"] = "更新", ["The local maintank list has been refreshed."] = "個人主坦名單已更新", ["Refresh Maintanks"] = "更新主坦", ["Refresh the local maintank list."] = "更新個人主坦名單", ["Participant/MainTank"] = "隊員/主坦", ["notifydeath"] = "死亡通知", ["Notify deaths"] = "死亡通知", ["Notifies you when a main tank dies."] = "當主坦死亡時通知你", ["Tank %s has died!"] = "主坦 %s 已死亡!", maintankdies = "^(.+)死亡了.", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["maintank"] = true, --["MainTank"] = true, --["mt"] = true, ["Options for the maintanks."] = "Options concernant les maintanks.", --["refresh"] = true, ["The local maintank list has been refreshed."] = "La liste locale des maintanks a \195\169t\195\169 rafra\195\174chie.", ["Refresh Maintanks"] = "Rafra\195\174chir les maintanks", ["Refresh the local maintank list."] = "Rafra\195\174chit la liste locale des maintanks.", ["Participant/MainTank"] = "Participant/MainTank", --["notifydeath"] = true, ["Notify deaths"] = "Annoncer les morts", ["Notifies you when a main tank dies."] = "Pr\195\169viens quand un maintank meurt.", ["Tank %s has died!"] = "Le tank %s est mort !", maintankdies = "^([^%s]+) meurt%.$", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { ["Tank %s has died!"] = "Tank %s ist gestorben!", maintankdies = "^([^%s]+) stirbt%.$", } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRAPMainTank = oRA:NewModule(L["maintank"]) oRAPMainTank.defaults = { notifydeath = false, } oRAPMainTank.participant = true = L["Participant/MainTank"] oRAPMainTank.consoleCmd = L["mt"] oRAPMainTank.consoleOptions = { type = "group", desc = L["Options for the maintanks."], name = L["MainTank"], args = { [L["refresh"]] = { name = L["Refresh Maintanks"], type = "execute", desc = L["Refresh the local maintank list."], func = function() oRAPMainTank:Refresh() end, disabled = function() return not oRA:IsModuleActive(oRAPMainTank) end, }, [L["notifydeath"]] = { name = L["Notify deaths"], type = "toggle", desc = L["Notifies you when a main tank dies."], get = function() return oRAPMainTank.db.profile.notifydeath end, set = function(v) oRAPMainTank.db.profile.notifydeath = v end, }, } } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRAPMainTank:OnRegister() if not self.core.maintanktable then self.core.maintanktable = self.core.db.profile.maintanktable or {} end end function oRAPMainTank:OnEnable() self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLY_DEATH") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_LeftRaid") self:RegisterCheck("SET", "oRA_SetMainTank") self:RegisterCheck("R", "oRA_RemoveMainTank") end function oRAPMainTank:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:UnregisterCheck("SET") self:UnregisterCheck("R") end ------------------------------- -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------------- function oRAPMainTank:CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLY_DEATH(msg) if not self.db.profile.notifydeath then return end local _, _, tank = string.find(msg, L["maintankdies"]) if not tank then return end for k, name in pairs(self.core.maintanktable) do if name == tank then -- I'm pretty sure this is the same sound that CTRA uses, someone -- should confirm. if BigWigs then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["Tank %s has died!"], name), "Red", true, false) elseif RaidWarningFrame then RaidWarningFrame:AddMessage(string.format(L["Tank %s has died!"], name), 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME) end PlaySound("igQuestFailed") end end end function oRAPMainTank:oRA_SetMainTank(msg, author) if not self:IsValidRequest( author, true ) then return end msg = self:CleanMessage(msg) local _, _, num, name = string.find(msg, "^SET (%d+) (.+)$") if not num or not name then return end self:RemoveTank(name) self.core.maintanktable[tonumber(num)] = name self.core.db.profile.maintanktable = self.core.maintanktable self:TriggerEvent("oRA_MainTankUpdate", self.core.maintanktable) end function oRAPMainTank:oRA_RemoveMainTank(msg, author) if not self:IsValidRequest( author, true ) then return end msg = self:CleanMessage(msg) local _, _, name = string.find( msg, "^R (.+)$") if not name then return end self:RemoveTank(name) self:TriggerEvent("oRA_MainTankUpdate", self.core.maintanktable) end function oRAPMainTank:oRA_LeftRaid() self.core.maintanktable = {} self.core.db.profile.maintanktable = nil self:TriggerEvent("oRA_MainTankUpdate", self.core.maintanktable ) end ------------------------------- -- Utility Functions -- ------------------------------- function oRAPMainTank:RemoveTank(name) if not name then return end for n, t in pairs(self.core.maintanktable) do if t == name then self.core.maintanktable[n] = nil end end self.core.db.profile.maintanktable = self.core.maintanktable end ------------------------------- -- Command Handlers -- ------------------------------- function oRAPMainTank:Refresh() self:TriggerEvent("oRA_MainTankUpdate", self.core.maintanktable) self:Print(L["The local maintank list has been refreshed."]) end