assert( oRA, "oRA not found!") ------------------------------ -- Are you local? -- ------------------------------ local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("oRAPResurrection") local BS = AceLibrary("Babble-Spell-2.2") local G = AceLibrary("Gratuity-2.0") local spells = { [BS["Rebirth"]] = true, [BS["Resurrection"]] = true, [BS["Redemption"]] = true, [BS["Ancestral Spirit"]] = true, [BS["Reincarnation"]] = true, } ---------------------------- -- Localization -- ---------------------------- L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["resurrection"] = true, ["resurrectionparticipant"] = true, ["Participant/Resurrection"] = true, ["Options for resurrection."] = true, ["Toggle"] = true, ["toggle"] = true, ["^Corpse of (.+)$"] = true, } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return { ["Participant/Resurrection"] = "부분/부활", ["Options for resurrection."] = "부활 설정", ["Toggle"] = "토글", ["^Corpse of (.+)$"] = "^([^%s]+)의 시체", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return { ["resurrection"] = "复活术", ["resurrectionparticipant"] = "resurrectionparticipant", ["Participant/Resurrection"] = "Participant/Resurrection", ["Options for resurrection."] = "复活的选项", ["Toggle"] = "显示", ["toggle"] = "显示", ["^Corpse of (.+)$"] = "^([^%s]+)的尸体", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { ["resurrection"] = "復活", ["resurrectionparticipant"] = "resurrectionparticipant", ["Participant/Resurrection"] = "隊員/復活", ["Options for resurrection."] = "復活選項", ["Toggle"] = "顯示", ["toggle"] = "顯示", ["^Corpse of (.+)$"] = "^(.+)的屍體", } end ) L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return { --["resurrection"] = true, --["resurrectionparticipant"] = true, ["Participant/Resurrection"] = "Participant/R\195\169surrection", ["Options for resurrection."] = "Options concernant les r\195\169surrections", ["Toggle"] = "Afficher", --["toggle"] = true, ["^Corpse of (.+)$"] = "^Cadavre de (.+)$", } end ) ---------------------------------- -- Module Declaration -- ---------------------------------- oRAPResurrection = oRA:NewModule(L["resurrectionparticipant"], "AceHook-2.1") oRAPResurrection.defaults = { } oRAPResurrection.participant = true = L["Participant/Resurrection"] -- oRAPResurrection.consoleCmd = L["resurrection"] -- oRAPResurrection.consoleOptions = { -- type = "group", -- desc = L["Options for resurrection."], -- args = { -- } -- } ------------------------------ -- Initialization -- ------------------------------ function oRAPResurrection:OnEnable() self.spell = nil = nil self.enabled = nil self:HookAndRegister() end function oRAPResurrection:OnDisable() self:UnregisterAllEvents() self:UnhookAll() end function oRAPResurrection:HookAndRegister() self:RegisterEvent("oRA_JoinedRaid") self:RegisterEvent("oRA_LeftRaid") end ------------------------ -- Event Handlers -- ------------------------ function oRAPResurrection:oRA_JoinedRaid() if not self.enabled then self.enabled = true local _, c = UnitClass("player") if c == "DRUID" or c == "PRIEST" or c == "SHAMAN" or c == "PALADIN" then self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_START") self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED", "SpellFailed") self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_FAILED", "SpellFailed") self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_STOP", "SpellFailed") self:Hook("CastSpell", true) self:Hook("CastSpellByName", true) self:Hook("UseAction", true) self:Hook("SpellTargetUnit", true) self:Hook("SpellStopTargeting", true) self:Hook("TargetUnit", true) self:HookScript(WorldFrame, "OnMouseDown", "WorldFrameOnMouseDown") end self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["DEATH"], "OnShow", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["DEATH"]].OnShow() if HasSoulstone() then self:SendMessage("CANRES") end end, true ) self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT"], "OnShow", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT"]].OnShow() self:SendMessage("RESSED") end, true ) self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS"], "OnShow", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS"]].OnShow() self:SendMessage("RESSED") end, true ) self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_TIMER"], "OnShow", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_TIMER"]].OnShow() self:SendMessage("RESSED") end, true ) -- hrmf we can't hook the OnHide's normally, since they are not there. But -- blizzard will fire the OnHide if it finds it. -- so some more magic to get this working. And be friendly if someone else created -- an OnHide already. if not StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT"].OnHide then StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT"].OnHide = function() self:SendMessage("NORESSED") end else self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT"], "OnHide", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT"]].OnHide() self:SendMessage("NORESSED") end, true ) end if not StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS"].OnHide then StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS"].OnHide = function() self:SendMessage("NORESSED") end else self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS"], "OnHide", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_SICKNESS"]].OnHide() self:SendMessage("NORESSED") end, true ) end if not StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_TIMER"].OnHide then StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_TIMER"].OnHide = function() if not StaticPopup_FindVisible("DEATH") then self:SendMessage("NORESSED") end end else self:Hook(StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_TIMER"], "OnHide", function() self.hooks[StaticPopupDialogs["RESURRECT_NO_TIMER"]].OnHide() if not StaticPopup_FindVisible("DEATH") then self:SendMessage("NORESSED") end end, true ) end end end function oRAPResurrection:oRA_LeftRaid() self:DisableSpellHooking() end function oRAPResurrection:SPELLCAST_START(spell) if spells[spell] and self.spell == spell and then self:SendMessage("RES " .. ) end end function oRAPResurrection:SpellFailed() if self.spell and and spells[self.spell] then self:SendMessage("RESNO") self.spell = nil = nil end end -------------- -- Disabler -- -------------- function oRAPResurrection:DisableSpellHooking() self:UnhookAll() self:UnregisterAllEvents() -- register our old stuff again self:HookAndRegister() end ------------- -- HOOKS -- ------------- function oRAPResurrection:CastSpell(id, tab) self.hooks["CastSpell"](id, tab) G:Erase() G:SetSpell(id, tab) local spellname = G:GetLine(1) if spellname then if SpellIsTargeting() then self.spell = spellname elseif UnitExists("target") then self.spell = spellname = UnitName("target") end end end function oRAPResurrection:CastSpellByName( a1, a2) self.hooks["CastSpellByName"](a1,a2) local _,_,spell = string.find(a1, "^([^%(]+)") if spell then if SpellIsTargeting() then self.spell = spell elseif UnitExists("target") then self.spell = spell = UnitName("target") end end end function oRAPResurrection:UseAction( a1, a2, a3) self.hooks["UseAction"](a1, a2, a3) G:Erase() G:SetAction(a1) local spellname = G:GetLine(1) self.spell = spellname -- Test to see if this is a macro if GetActionText(a1) or not self.spell then return end if SpellIsTargeting() then -- Spell is waiting for a target return elseif a3 then -- Spell is being cast on the player = UnitName("player") elseif UnitExists("target") then -- Spell is being cast on the current target = UnitName("target") end end function oRAPResurrection:SpellTargetUnit( a1 ) local shallTargetUnit if SpellIsTargeting() then shallTargetUnit = true end self.hooks["SpellTargetUnit"](a1) if shallTargetUnit and self.spell and not SpellIsTargeting() then = UnitName(a1) end end function oRAPResurrection:SpellStopTargeting() self.hooks["SpellStopTargeting"]() self.spell = nil = nil end function oRAPResurrection:TargetUnit( a1 ) self.hooks["TargetUnit"](a1) if self.spell and UnitExists(a1) then = UnitName(a1) end end function oRAPResurrection:WorldFrameOnMouseDown() if self.spell and UnitName("mouseover") then = UnitName("mouseover") elseif self.spell and GameTooltipTextLeft1:IsVisible() then local _, _, name = string.find(GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText(), L["^Corpse of (.+)$"]) if ( name ) then = name; end end self.hooks[WorldFrame]["OnMouseDown"]() end