-- Version : English -- Last Update : 02/17/2005 -- UltimateUI Configuration ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HEADER = "Quick Loot"; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HEADER_INFO = "This section configures options for Quick Loot"; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT = "Check here to enable quick looting."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_INFO = "This will automatically move the first non-empty item slot in the loot window under your cursor as you loot."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HIDE = "Auto close empty loot windows."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HIDE_INFO = "If this is enabled and you loot a corpse with no items, the loot window will be closed immediately."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_ONSCREEN = "Show loot completely on screen."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_ONSCREEN_INFO = "If this is enabled loot window will remain open as coin/items are looted."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_MOVE_ONCE = "Only move the window to the mouse."; ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_MOVE_ONCE_INFO = "If this is enabled, QuickLoot will not move the window more than once."; -- Chat Configuration QLOOT_LOADED = "Telo's QuickLoot loaded"; ERR_LOOT_NONE = "There was no loot to get."; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_COMMAND_INFO = "Sets up Quick Loot from the command line. Try it without parameters to get usage help."; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE = "Usage: /quickloot \nAll commands toggle the current state.\nCommands:\n enable - enables/disables Quick Loot\n autohide - whether Quick Loot should autohide empty loot windows or not\n onscree - should Quick Loot keep the loot window on screen or not"; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_COMMAND_ENABLE = ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HEADER; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_COMMAND_HIDE = ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HEADER.." hiding"; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_COMMAND_ONSCREEN = ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HEADER.." keep on screen"; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_COMMAND_MOVE_ONCE = ULTIMATEUI_CONFIG_QLOOT_HEADER.." move once"; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_STATE_ENABLED = " enabled"; QUICKLOOT_CHAT_STATE_DISABLED = " disabled";