------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- English localization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --User Interface Strings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- this is the key bidning string BINDING_NAME_QSATARGET = "Target Last Caster"; -- what a totem is called QSA_TOTEM = "Totem"; QSA_MACRO_STATUS = "status"; QSA_MACRO_STATUS_DESC = "This displays the current settings"; QSA_MACRO_TOGGLE = "toggle"; QSA_MACRO_TOGGLE_DESC = "This toggles Quu Spell Alert on and off"; QSA_MACRO_REPORT = "report"; QSA_MACRO_REPORT_DESC = "This reports important events into party/raid"; QSA_MACRO_TARGET = "target"; QSA_MACRO_TARGET_DESC = "This will attempt to target the last name displayed"; QSA_MACRO_SHOW = "show"; QSA_MACRO_SHOW_DESC = "This shows the anchor"; QSA_MACRO_EMOTE = "emote"; QSA_MACRO_EMOTE_DESC = "This toggles the displaying of emotes"; QSA_MACRO_GAIN = "gain"; QSA_MACRO_GAIN_DESC = "This toggles the displaying of 'gains'"; QSA_MACRO_FADE = "fade"; QSA_MACRO_FADE_DESC = "This toggles the displaying of 'fades'"; QSA_MACRO_COMBAT = "combat"; QSA_MACRO_COMBAT_DESC = "This toggles the combat only mode"; QSA_MACRO_TRGNLY = "trgonly"; QSA_MACRO_TRGNLY_DESC = "This toggles the target only mode"; QSA_MACRO_SHORT = "short"; QSA_MACRO_SHORT_DESC = "This toggles the short display mode"; QSA_MACRO_AFFL = "affliction"; QSA_MACRO_AFFL_DESC = "This toggles the displaying of afflictions on and off"; QSA_MACRO_TEST = "test"; QSA_MACRO_TEST_DESC = "This shows a test message... good for moving"; QSA_MACRO_ERROR = "Unknown QSA command!"; QSA_STATUS_ENABLED = " Quu Spell Alert enabled."; QSA_STATUS_DISBALED = " Quu Spell Alert disabled."; QSA_REPORT_ENABLED = " Reporting for group enabled."; QSA_EMOTE_ENABLED = " Emote mode enabled."; QSA_GAIN_ENABLED = " Gain mode enabled."; QSA_FADE_ENABLED = " Fade mode enabled."; QSA_COMBAT_ENABLED = " Combat only mode enabled."; QSA_TRGONLY_ENABLED = " Target only mode enabled."; QSA_SHORT_ENABLED = " Short display mode enabled."; QSA_AFFL_ENABLED = " Afflicted mode enabled."; QSA_BUTTON_ENABLE = "Enable Quu Spell Alert"; QSA_BUTTON_REPORT = "Enable reports to Raid/Party"; QSA_BUTTON_GAIN = "Enable alerts for effects 'Gained'"; QSA_BUTTON_FADE = "Enable alerts for effects 'Lost'"; QSA_BUTTON_EMOTE = "Enable alerts for emotes"; QSA_BUTTON_AFFLIC = "Enable the reporting of afflictions"; QSA_BUTTON_COMBAT = "Enable combat only mode"; QSA_BUTTON_TRGONLY = "Enable target only mode"; QSA_BUTTON_SHORT = "Enable alert 'short' format"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- output settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Short Form banner messages -- for all of these... $c = caster, $e = effect QSA_CASTING_BANNER = "$e ($c)"; QSA_GAIN_BANNER = "*$e* ($c)"; QSA_FADE_BANNER = "(-)$e(-) ($c)"; QSA_EMOTE_BANNER = "$c $e"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- the logic arrays... ignored effects and important effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSA_IgnoreSpells = { -- stuff from the original Spell Alert ["Abolish Poision"] = true, ["Aimed Shot"] = true, ["Arcane Shot"] = true, ["Argent Dawn Commission"] = true, ["Aspect of the Cheetah"] = true, ["Aspect of the Hawk"] = true, ["Aspect of the Monkey"] = true, ["Attack"] = true, ["Battle Shout"] = true, ["Bloodrage"] = true, ["Blood Craze"] = true, ["Blood Pact"] = true, ["Battle Stance"] = true, ["Berserker Stance"] = true, ["Blade Flurry"] = true, ["Blink"] = true, ["Clearcasting"] = true, ["Concussive Shot"] = true, ["Dash"] = true, ["Defensive Stance"] = true, ["Detect Traps"] = true, ["Devotion Aura"] = true, ["Enrage"] = true, ["Evasion"] = true, ["Explosive Shot"] = true, ["Fade"] = true, -- mages would care about this -- ["Fire Resistance Aura"] = true, ["Flurry"] = true, ["Focused Casting"] = true, ["Haste"] = true, ["Holy Strength"] = true, ["Inspiration"] = true, ["Julie's Blessing"] = true, ["Serpent Sting"] = true, ["Scatter Shot"] = true, ["Spirit of Redemption"] = true, ["Spirit Tap"] = true, ["Sprint"] = true, ["Stealth"] = true, ["Swiftshifting"] = true, ["Travel Form"] = true, ["Viper Sting"] = true, ["Stoneclaw Totem"] = true, -- um... a player would not care about a taunt totem ["Taunt"] = true, -- this should be consumed with SPELLEXTRAATTACKSOTHER but it is not ["2 extra attacks through Thrash"] = true, ["attempts to run away in fear!"] = true, -- i hate the run away messages ["grumbles."] = true, -- LBRS ["cries."] = true, -- LBRS ["cries for help."] = true, -- UBRS -- CTRA settings ["takes in a deep breath..."] = true, -- Onyxia's big attack... from CQOnyxia mod by sudo ["goes into a killing frenzy!"] = true, -- Magmadar frenzy ability from CQMagmadar from sudo } QSA_ImportantSpells = { -- this are cast spells ["Fear"] = true, ["Entangling Roots"] = true, ["Polymorph"] = true, ["Silence"] = true, ["Dominate Mind"] = true, ["Mind Control"] = true, ["Frenzy"] = true, -- magnamar } QSA_Alert_Afflictions = { ["Dominate Mind"] = true, ["Mind Control"] = true, } -- the re targeting stuff QSA_FEIGN_DEATH = "Feign Death"; QSA_RETARGET_MSG = "QuuSpellAlert is trying to retarget after $e : $c" QSA_ReTarget_Afflictions = { ["Scatter Shot"] = true, ["Fear"] = true, ["Intimidating Shout"] = true, ["Psychic Scream"] = true, ["Panic"] = true, ["Bellowing Roar"] = true, ["Ancient Despair"] = true, ["Terrifying Screech"] = true, ["Polymorph"] = true, } if ( GetLocale() == "deDE_DISABLED" ) then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- German localization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ( GetLocale() == "frFR_DISABLED" ) then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- French localization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end