RestedBonus by Vincent of Blackhand (D.A.Down)

  1. Intro:
    RestedBonus is a WoW add-on for displaying information about your rested bonus points. I play multiple characters and like to take advantage of the double experience gain of the rested bonus. One problem I had was that I never knew how much the bonus was or how big it could get. While digging around in the code, I found a function to return the numerical bonus value. After a lot of analysis, I was able to figure out the maximum bonus and the rate that it increased. I then wrote this script to display this in a useful format.

  2. Installing:
    Just unzip RestedBonus into your "World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns" folder.

  3. Configuration:
    When you first install RestedBonus, your list of characters will be empty. As you log into and out of each character, its rested status will be stored in the list by server.

  4. Use:
    Just typing '/restedbonus' (or '/rb') in the chat window and it will display what % of the maximum rested bonus you have and the bonus value (the amount of experience you can gain before you loose the rested bonus). If you aren't fully rested, it will also estimate how long it will take to gain the maximum rested bonus.

  5. List display:
    In addition to your current character, you can display a list of your other characters and their bonus status. The following commands are available:

    '/rb server' or '/rbs' – displays all the characters on the current server.
    '/rb <server>' – displays all the characters on the server <server>.
    '/rb all' – displays all the characters on all the servers.

    The list is color-coded. Orange indicates fully rested. Yellow indicates fully rested within 1 day. Green indicates enough rested bonus to advance at least ¼ of a level. Grey indicates that there isn't a significant amount of rested bonus accumulated yet.

    The character's current level is displayed in () with a 1/10 of a level to show the progress towards the next level. If there is enough rested bonus to advance to the next level, a '+' is added.

  6. Character deletion:
    If you delete a character. You can remove the name from the list with one of the following commands:

    '/rbd' – delete the current player name and don't save player data on logout.
    '/rbd <player>' – delete <player> on the current server.
    '/rbd <player> <server>' – delete <player> on <server>.

    Note: If you delete the last player name on a server, the server name will also be deleted.

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Last update: 10/15/05