-- Title, version string, etc SimpleTip_Name = "SimpleTip (redux)"; SimpleTip_Ver = "v1.7"; SimpleTip_Title = string.format("Skeev's %s %s", SimpleTip_Name, SimpleTip_Ver); -- English (default) SimpleTip_Load_Txt = SimpleTip_Title.." loaded."; -- command words (and equivalents) SimpleTip_Cmd_Help = {"help", "usage", "?"}; SimpleTip_Cmd_About = {"about", "credit", "credits"}; SimpleTip_Cmd_MoveTo = {"moveto", "anchor"}; SimpleTip_Cmd_NoMove = {"nomove", "noanchor"}; SimpleTip_Cmd_Offset = {"offset", "xy"}; SimpleTip_Cmd_Status = {"status", "show", "info"}; SimpleTip_Cmd_PvP = {"pvp"}; -- position words SimpleTip_Pos_Anchor = {"topleft", "top", "topright", "left", "center", "right", "bottomleft", "bottom", "bottomright"}; SimpleTip_Pos_Pointer = {"pointer", "mouse", "cursor"}; -- display text -- NOTE: become text color shifts -- \n is a linebreak -- %s and %.1f are replaced with values at runtime SimpleTip_Pointer_Txt = "pointer"; SimpleTip_MoveTo_Txt = "Tooltip position is set to %s."; SimpleTip_NoMove_Txt = "Tooltip repositioning disabled."; SimpleTip_Offset_Txt = "Tooltip offset is set to %.1f, %.1f."; SimpleTip_PointerOffset_Txt = "Offset cannot be changed when tooltips are anchored to the pointer."; SimpleTip_Help_Txt = "SimpleTip usage:\n /simpletip {moveto | nomove | offset | pvp | status | help | about }"; SimpleTip_MoveToHelp_Txt = "Set SimpleTip position:\n /simpletip moveto {topleft | top | topright | left | center | right | bottomleft | bottom | bottomright}"; SimpleTip_NoMoveHelp_Txt = "Use default position:\n /simpletip nomove"; SimpleTip_OffsetHelp_Txt = "Fine-tune position:\n /simpletip offset x, y"; SimpleTip_OffsetHelp2_Txt = " (Horizontal: - left, + right; Vertical: - down, + up)" SimpleTip_Credits1_Txt = SimpleTip_Title.." credits:"; SimpleTip_Credits2_Txt = "Coder, English trans --> Skeev of Proudmoore (North America)"; SimpleTip_Credits3_Txt = "French translation --> (translator needed!)"; SimpleTip_Credits4_Txt = "German translation --> (translator needed!)"; SimpleTip_Credits5_Txt = "Patch 1500 modifications --> Ayradyss"; SimpleTip_PvP_Help = "Show or hide PvP tooltip line:\n /simpletip pvp {show | hide}"; SimpleTip_PvP_Status = "%s PvP tooltip line." -- German if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then -- French elseif (GetLocale() == "frFR") then -- Korean elseif (GetLocale() == "koKR") then end