SA_LIST_BOXES = {}; -- TODO: incombat interval ja outofcombat interval! performance++ =) SA_REFRESHRATE = 1.5; SA_BASERATE = 0.6; SA_INCREASE = 0.1; -- how much to decrease refresh rate per mob SA_LASTREFRESH = SA_BASERATE; SA_SEMIALERT = "|cffffa303"; SA_ALERTCOL = "|cffff0000"; SA_TANKCOL = "|cff00ff00"; -- title modes MODE_OOC = 1; MODE_NORMAL = 2; MODE_FILTERED = 3; MODE_PAUSED = 4; MODE_NEAREST = 5; MODE_OVERLOADED = 10; -- contains all data from last update SA_PREV = { ["aggro_count"] = 0, ["mob_count"] = 0, ["wb_count"] = 0, ["title_mode"] = -1, ["dirty"] = false }; -- class icon texture coordinates SA_TEXTCOORDS={}; SA_TEXTCOORDS["PRIEST"] = { left=0.50, right=0.75, top=0.25, bottom=0.50 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["MAGE"] = { left=0.25, right=0.50, top=0.00, bottom=0.25 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["WARLOCK"] = { left=0.75, right=1.00, top=0.25, bottom=0.50 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["DRUID"] = { left=0.75, right=1.00, top=0.00, bottom=0.25 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["HUNTER"] = { left=0.00, right=0.25, top=0.25, bottom=0.50 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["ROGUE"] = { left=0.50, right=0.75, top=0.00, bottom=0.25 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["WARRIOR"] = { left=0.00, right=0.25, top=0.00, bottom=0.25 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["SHAMAN"] = { left=0.25, right=0.50, top=0.25, bottom=0.50 }; SA_TEXTCOORDS["PALADIN"] = { left=0.00, right=0.25, top=0.50, bottom=0.75 }; -- predefined icon locations SA_ICONPOS={n=8}; SA_ICONPOS[1] = { name="Disabled", point="TOPLEFT", relativePoint="", x=-26, y=-28, width=25, height=25 }; SA_ICONPOS[2] = { name="Left bottom", point="TOPLEFT", relativePoint="", x=-26, y=-28, width=25, height=25 }; SA_ICONPOS[3] = { name="Left top", point="TOPLEFT", relativePoint="", x=-26, y=-3, width=25, height=25}; SA_ICONPOS[4] = { name="Inside box", point="BOTTOMRIGHT", relativePoint="", x=0, y=0, width=25, height=25}; SA_ICONPOS[5] = { name="Right bottom", point="TOPRIGHT", relativePoint="", x=26, y=-28, width=25, height=25 }; SA_ICONPOS[6] = { name="Right top", point="TOPRIGHT", relativePoint="", x=26, y=-3, width=25, height=25}; SA_ICONPOS[7] = { name="Left big", point="TOPLEFT", relativePoint="", x=-51, y=-3, width=50, height=50}; SA_ICONPOS[8] = { name="Right big", point="TOPRIGHT", relativePoint="", x=51, y=-3, width=50, height=50}; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_InitBar(bar, text) bar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 100); bar:SetValue(100); text:SetHeight(12); text:SetPoint("CENTER", bar:GetName(), "CENTER", 0, 0); SetTextStatusBarText(bar, text); ShowTextStatusBarText(bar); end function SA_List_OnLoad() -- initialize boxes for i=1, 10 do local box = {}; box["frame"] = getglobal("Target"..i); box["mobText"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."MobText"); box["targetText"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."TargetText"); box["targetOf"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."TargetOf"); box["mobBar"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."MobBar"); box["targetBar"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."TargetBar"); box["classIcon"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."ClassIcon"); box["targetIcon"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."TargetIcon"); box["huntersMarkIcon"] = getglobal("Target"..i.."HuntersMarkIcon"); SA_LIST_BOXES[i] = box; end end function SA_List_OnShow() -- TODO: this should be done only if options altered from xml defaults SA_List_UpdateAppearance(); if (SA_OPTIONS.ListScale ~= 1.0) then SAListFrameScaler:SetScale(SA_OPTIONS.ListScale); end -- set title button to correct mode SA_List_SetTitleButton(MODE_OOC); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- initialize list dropdown menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_FrameDropDown_OnLoad() UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, SA_List_FrameDropDown_Initialize, "MENU"); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- note: this is called always when dropdown is shown! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_FrameDropDown_Initialize() if (not SA_OPTIONS) then -- options not available yet (onload event) -> abort return; end item = {}; item.text = "Filter targets"; if (SA_OPTIONS.Filter) then item.checked = 1; end item.func = SA_List_Menu_Filter; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(item); item = {}; item.text = "Assist with pet"; if (SA_OPTIONS.AutoPetAttack) then item.checked = 1; end item.keepShownOnClick = 1; item.func = SA_List_Menu_AssistWithPet; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(item); item = {}; item.text = "Assist only players nearby (28 yards)"; if (SA_OPTIONS.AssistOnlyNearest) then item.checked = 1; end item.func = SA_List_Menu_AssistOnlyNearest; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(item); item = {}; item.text = "Display out of combat targets"; item.checked = SA_OPTIONS.OutOfCombat; item.func = SA_List_Menu_ShowOOC; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(item); item = {}; item.text = "Lock list position"; item.func = SA_List_Menu_Lock; item.checked = SA_OPTIONS.LockList; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(item); item = {}; item.text = "SmartAssist options"; item.notCheckable = 1; item.func = SA_ShowOptions; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(item); end function SA_List_Menu_Lock() SA_ToggleOption("LockList"); end function SA_List_Menu_AssistWithPet() SA_ToggleOption("AutoPetAttack"); end function SA_List_Menu_AssistOnlyNearest() SA_ToggleOption("AssistOnlyNearest"); if (SA_OPTIONS.AssistOnlyNearest) then printInfo("Assisting only players nearby"); end end function SA_List_Menu_ShowOOC() SA_ToggleOption("OutOfCombat"); end function SA_List_Menu_Filter() if (SA_OPTIONS.Filter == nil) then SAFilterFrame:Show(); else SA_OPTIONS.Filter = nil; printInfo("Filtering disabled"); SA_List_SetTitleButton(MODE_OOC); end; end function SA_List_FilterButtonOK_OnClick() local text = SAFilterEditBox:GetText(); if (string.len(text) > 0) then SA_OPTIONS.Filter = string.lower(text); printInfo("SmartAssist will now ignore targets which name doesn't contain text '"..text.."' until you disable filtering. Note that filtering applies only assisting, it doesn't include fallback to nearest."); SA_List_SetTitleButton(MODE_FILTERED); else SA_OPTIONS.Filter = nil; printInfo("Filtering disabled"); SA_List_SetTitleButton(MODE_OOC); end SAFilterFrame:Hide(); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title button clicked (show menu) or drag -- kudos goes for DamageMeters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_TitleButton_OnClick() local button = arg1; if ( button == "LeftButton" and not SA_OPTIONS.LockList) then -- drag frame if ( this:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED" ) then SAListFrame:StopMovingOrSizing(); else SAListFrame:StartMoving(); end elseif ( button == "RightButton" ) then -- show menu ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, SAListFrameDropDown, "SAListFrameDropDown", -33, 25); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- change outlook for the list depending options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_HasSideIcons() if (SA_OPTIONS.ClassIconMode==2 or SA_OPTIONS.ClassIconMode==3 or SA_OPTIONS.TargetIconMode==2 or SA_OPTIONS.TargetIconMode==3 or SA_OPTIONS.HuntersMarkIconMode==2 or SA_OPTIONS.HuntersMarkIconMode==3) then return true; end end function SA_List_UpdateAppearance() local width = SA_OPTIONS.ListWidth; local x = 0; local y = 0; if (SA_OPTIONS.ListHorizontal) then -- horizontal local gap = 10; if (SA_List_HasSideIcons()) then gap = gap - 30; end if (SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing > 0) then x = width - gap + SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing; else x = - (width - gap - SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing); end else -- vertical local height = ceil(Target1:GetHeight()) - 8; if (SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing > 0) then y = height + SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing; else y = - (height-SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing); end end SAListFrame:SetWidth(width); SAListTitleButton:SetWidth(width); local anchor="TOPLEFT"; for i,box in SA_LIST_BOXES do if (i==1) then -- first box is ancored to title if (y<=0) then box.frame:SetPoint(anchor, "SAListFrame", anchor, 0, -17); else box.frame:SetPoint(anchor, "SAListFrame", anchor, 0, 54); end elseif (i==6 and SA_OPTIONS.ListTwoRow) then -- two rows if (SA_OPTIONS.ListHorizontal) then local gap = SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing; if (gap>0) then gap = -gap; end gap = gap + 10; box.frame:SetPoint(anchor, "Target1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, gap); else local gap = SA_OPTIONS.ListSpacing; if (gap<0) then gap = -gap; end gap = gap - 8; -- if icons visible next to box if (SA_List_HasSideIcons()) then gap = gap + 30; end box.frame:ClearAllPoints(); box.frame:SetPoint(anchor, "Target1", "TOPRIGHT", gap, 0); end else -- rest are anchored to previous box box.frame:ClearAllPoints(); box.frame:SetPoint(anchor, "Target"..i-1, anchor, x, y); end box.frame:SetWidth(width); -- scale inside elements width box.mobBar:SetWidth(width-20); box.targetBar:SetWidth(width-20); box.mobText:SetWidth(width-30); box.targetText:SetWidth(width-30); -- update display targeted by stuff box.targetOf:SetWidth(width-20); -- set texts alpha box.mobText:SetAlpha(SA_OPTIONS.TextAlpha); box.targetText:SetAlpha(SA_OPTIONS.TextAlpha); -- set icon positions if (SA_OPTIONS.ClassIconMode>1) then local icon = SA_ICONPOS[SA_OPTIONS.ClassIconMode]; SA_List_UpdateIconAppearance(box.classIcon, i, icon); else box.classIcon:Hide(); end if (SA_OPTIONS.TargetIconMode>1) then local icon = SA_ICONPOS[SA_OPTIONS.TargetIconMode]; SA_List_UpdateIconAppearance(box.targetIcon, i, icon); else box.targetIcon:Hide(); end if (SA_OPTIONS.HuntersMarkIconMode>1) then local icon = SA_ICONPOS[SA_OPTIONS.HuntersMarkIconMode]; SA_List_UpdateIconAppearance(box.huntersMarkIcon, i, icon); else box.huntersMarkIcon:Hide(); end end end -- helper function, updates icon appearance function SA_List_UpdateIconAppearance(frame, i, icon) frame:ClearAllPoints(); frame:SetPoint(icon.point, "Target"..i, icon.point, icon.x, icon.y); frame:SetWidth(icon.width); frame:SetHeight(icon.height); frame:Show(); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Refresh the list if enough time has passed since last refresh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_OnUpdate(elapsed) SA_LASTREFRESH = SA_LASTREFRESH - elapsed; if (SA_LASTREFRESH > 0) then return; end SA_LASTREFRESH = SA_BASERATE + (SA_INCREASE * SA_PREV.mob_count); SA_List_Update(); end local TARGET_CLICKED = time() function SA_List_Target_OnClick(arg) SA_Debug("TargetClick"); TARGET_CLICKED = time(); local target = arg.obj; if (not target) then printInfo("SmartAssist: Unknown target?"); return; end; -- if ctrl+alt is down paste all targetters names (except tanks) to chat if (IsControlKeyDown() and IsAltKeyDown()) then local names = ""; local i = 0; for _,c in target.players do if (not SA_IsTank(c.unitName)) then names = names..c.unitName..", "; i = i + 1; end; end if (i>0) then names = string.sub(names, 0, -3); ChatFrameEditBox:SetText(names.." "); ChatFrameEditBox:Show(); end return; end -- todo: problem is that target.players[1].unitName may have changed target between updating the list --> click -- however we could impove situation by assisting the player that has the MOST common target amon all targetters -- ie. iterate all targetters and check if UnitIsUnit(unit, others) the player who has most highest count is -- most likelly the correct one! That would however do 40*39 (1590) checks at worst! -- additionally / alternatively we could check target name (if only one player for example) and disaply -- error (+sound?) if it has been changed -- initial implementation (just verboses when debug on) --local counts = {}; local hicount = 0; local unitId = ""; for _,player in target.players do --counts[player.unitId] = SA_List_TargetShareCount(player, target.players); local count = SA_List_TargetShareCount(player, target.players); if (count > hicount) then hicount = count; unitId = player.unitId; end end --for unitId,count in counts do --SA_Debug(unitId.." shares target with "..tostring(count), 1); --end SA_Debug("Assisting "..unitId.." which has highest common count of "..hicount); AssistUnit(unitId); -- initiate assist --SA_Debug("assisting "[1].unitName); --AssistUnit(target.players[1].unitId); SA_PostAssist(); -- update the list immediattely SA_PREV.title_mode = -1; -- resets title mode on next refresh SA_List_Refresh(); end -- return number of players in list that have same target as player function SA_List_TargetShareCount(player, list) local count = 0; for _,compare in list do if (UnitIsUnit(player.unitId.."target", compare.unitId.."target")) then count = count + 1; end end return count; end function SA_List_Target_OnEnter(arg) local text = SA_List_Target_GetTooltip(arg); GameTooltip:SetOwner(arg, "ANCHOR_LEFT"); GameTooltip:SetText(text,1,1,1,1,1); -- prevent going to pausemode if target has just been clicked if (time() - TARGET_CLICKED > 3) then -- Add some "sleep" to refreshing the list. It's not good to update the list while user is trying to select something. SA_LASTREFRESH = SA_BASERATE * 3; SA_PREV.title_mode = -1; -- resets title mode on next refresh SA_List_SetTitleButton(MODE_PAUSED); end end function SA_List_Target_OnLeave(arg) GameTooltip:Hide(); end function SA_List_Target_GetTooltip(arg) local target = arg.obj; if (not target) then return "Unknown?"; end; local text = target.fullName.."\nTargetted by:\n"; for k,v in target.players do -- colorize text by class local cv = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[string.upper(v.class)]; local color=""; if (not cv) then color = "|cff888888"; else color = SA_ToTextCol(cv.r, cv.g, cv.b); end text = text .. color..v.unitName .. "|r" .. "\n"; end return text; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Request list to be refreshed immediattely ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_Refresh() --SA_Debug("Requesting refresh now, target="..tostring(UnitName("target"))); SA_LASTREFRESH = 0; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- get puller from candidate list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_GetPuller(candidates) for _,v in candidates do if (v.unitName == SA_OPTIONS.puller) then return v; end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- check if candidates target is already targetted by someone -- return the target if found and nil if not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_GetExistingTarget(candidate, targets) for _,target in targets do if (UnitIsUnit(target.players[1].target, then return target; end end return nil; end function SA_List_NameSplit(str) local t = {n=0} local function helper(word) table.insert(t, word) end if not string.find(string.gsub(str, "%w+", helper), "%S") then return t end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- construct target from candidate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_GetTarget(candidate, pullerId) target = {}; target["players"] = { candidate }; target["name"] = UnitName(; target["fullName"] =; -- intelligent name split if (SA_OPTIONS.IntelligentSplit and then local parts = SA_List_NameSplit(; if (parts) then if (table.getn(parts)>2) then if (parts[2]~="of") then -- splitting "shade of naxxramas" -> "of naxxramas" is stupid, dont split if second word is "of" = string.sub(, string.len(parts[1])+1 ); end end end end target["health"] = UnitHealth(; target["targetName"] = UnitName("target"); -- test fix for "shang's problem" -- this seems to happend when unit is near edge of known area and it's target is outide of it. Hence my client doesn't know anything about this unit .. if (target.targetName=="Unknown Entity" or target.targetName=="Unknown") then target.targetName=nil; end -- target.self gives us a reference to mob, example: partytarget target["self"] =; target["targetHealth"] = ceil( UnitHealth("target" ) / UnitHealthMax("target" ) * 100 ); local _,targetClass = UnitClass(target.self); target["targetClass"] = targetClass; target["playersCount"] = 1; if (SA_IsMarked( then target["marked"] = true; else target["marked"] = false; end if (isUnitCC( then target["cced"] = true; else target["cced"] = false; end -- todo: xxx, only if enabled target["icon"] = GetRaidTargetIndex(target.self); if (not target.icon) then target["icon"] = 0; end -- is world boss, elite etc target["classification"] = UnitClassification(; -- set myTarget to true if this is my target target["myTarget"] = UnitIsUnit(target.self, "target"); if (pullerId~="") then target["pullerTarget"] = UnitIsUnit(target.self, pullerId.."target"); end -- is unit in combat, 20.6.2006 - if it has target, treat as in combat! target["inCombat"] = UnitAffectingCombat(target.self) or target.targetName; return target; end -- return true if this candidate target should be added to list function SA_Add_To_List(candidate) if( UnitCanAssist("player", candidate.unitId) and UnitExists( and ((UnitAffectingCombat( or SA_OPTIONS.OutOfCombat) and not UnitIsDead( and UnitCanAttack("player", then return true; else return false; end end function SA_List_SortTarget(a,b) -- marked first if (a.marked and not b.marked) then return true; end; if (b.marked and not a.marked) then return false; end; -- puller target second --if (a.pullerTarget and not b.pullerTarget) then return true; end; --if (b.pullerTarget and not a.pullerTarget) then return false; end; -- ooc last if (a.inCombat and not b.inCombat) then return true; end; if (b.inCombat and not a.inCombat) then return false; end; -- cced second lastest if (a.cced and not b.cced) then return false; end; if (b.cced and not a.cced) then return true; end; -- if both unmarked, then sort by name if ( == then return a.playersCount > b.playersCount; else return >; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- updates the available assists list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- this table contains all variables used in incoming detection & printing local incoming = { prev_iter=0, currently=0, prev_time=0 }; function SA_List_Update() -- if disabled, stop immediattely if (not SA_OPTIONS.ShowAvailable) then return; end local candidates, members= SA_GetCandidates(false) table.sort(candidates, function(a,b) return SA_SortCandidate(a,b,members) end); -- filter out candidates out of range if assisting only members nearby -- TODO: might not be good since causes overheading AND we should still add those players outside range to target? if (SA_OPTIONS.AssistOnlyNearest) then candidates = SA_FilterCandidatesByDistance(candidates, false); end -- add player to candidates if enabled if (UnitExists("target") and SA_OPTIONS.AddMyTarget) then table.insert(candidates, SA_GetPlayerAsCandidate()); end local aggro_count = 0; local wb_count = 0; local pullerId = ""; if (SA_OPTIONS.puller) then local puller = SA_GetPuller(candidates); -- puller might be null if it doesn't exist in group if (puller) then pullerId = puller.unitId; end end -- construct list of available assists / targets local targets = {}; for _,candidate in candidates do if (SA_Add_To_List(candidate)) then local target = SA_GetExistingTarget(candidate, targets); if (target) then -- append targetting candidate to target table.insert(target.players, candidate); target.playersCount = target.playersCount + 1; else -- this candidate target is not targetted by anyone else, construct new target to the list local target = SA_GetTarget(candidate, pullerId); -- filtering if enabled if (SA_OPTIONS.Filter) then if string.find(string.lower(target.fullName), SA_OPTIONS.Filter) then table.insert(targets, target); end else table.insert(targets, target); end end end end -- update non-aggro cache and mark cache, this is used when SORTING candidates (see SA_SortCandidate) SA_MARKEDCACHE = {}; SA_PASSIVECACHE = {}; local dirty = false; local i = 0; local mc = 0; local ooc_seen = false; for _,target in targets do i = i + 1; if (target.marked) then if (i ~= 1 and mc == 0) then -- marked target not in first place, list is tainted SA_Debug("mark dirty list ", 1); dirty = true; end mc = mc + 1; for _,c in target.players do SA_MARKEDCACHE[c.unitName] = true; end end if (not target.inCombat or target.cced) then ooc_seen = true; for _,c in target.players do SA_PASSIVECACHE[c.unitName] = true; end else -- incombat targets after ooc targets, list is tainted if (ooc_seen) then SA_Debug("ooc dirty list ", 1); dirty = true; end end end -- if list is dirty abort refresh and request new one with correct cache, -- update 22.4.2006 cache is not correct on next refresh either, in fact it may pass long time it is okay. -- hence added PREV_DIRTY flag until problem is investigated -- update 20.6.2006 sort does not seem to work correctly with buff (ie. hunters mark) priorization! -- update 09.7.2006 sorting seems to work fine now, cleanup this + futile flag? if (dirty and not SA_PREV.dirty) then -- try again soon SA_LASTREFRESH = 0.2; SA_PREV.dirty = true; return; end SA_PREV.dirty = false; -- sort targets depending options if (SA_OPTIONS.PreserveOrder) then table.sort(targets, function(a,b) return SA_List_SortTarget(a,b) end); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local i = 0; local overloaded = false; for _,target in targets do i = i + 1; if (i>10) then overloaded = true; break; end local box = SA_LIST_BOXES[i]; box.frame.obj = target; -- store the target data to box (used ie. in tooltips) box.frame:Show(); -- set values & texts local targetText = target.players[1].unitName; if (not SA_OPTIONS.HideTBY) then targetText = "| |r"..targetText; end if (target.playersCount > 1) then targetText = targetText.." + "..tostring(target.playersCount-1); -- -1 for the one who targets (who + n) end -- append prefixes to mob name + for elite, WB+ for worldboss local mobText =; if (target.classification == "elite") then mobText = SA_SEMIALERT.."+|r"..mobText; end if (target.classification == "worldboss") then mobText = SA_SEMIALERT.."WB+|r"..mobText; if (target.inCombat) then wb_count = wb_count + 1; end end box.mobBar:SetValue(; box.mobText:SetText(mobText); -- colorize box if (not target.inCombat) then -- if this is out of combat and my target, apply only slight green efect if (target.myTarget) then box.frame:SetBackdropColor(0,0.65,0,0.65); box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,1,0,0.75); elseif (target.pullerTarget) then -- yellow background on puller target box.frame:SetBackdropColor(1,1,0,0.3); box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,0.4); -- regular grey else box.frame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.4); box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,0.4); -- regular grey end else local addinc = true; -- set border color if (target.marked) then box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0,0,1); elseif (target.myTarget) then box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,1,0,1); elseif (target.cced) then box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,1); addinc = false; else box.frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.8,0.8,0.8,1); end -- add to incoming if (addinc) then incoming.currently = incoming.currently + 1; end -- set background color if (target.myTarget) then box.frame:SetBackdropColor(0,0.75,0,0.85); elseif (target.pullerTarget) then -- yellow background on puller target box.frame:SetBackdropColor(1,1,0,0.3); else box.frame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.5); end end -- colorize target target text in some situations if (target.targetName) then local col = ""; local endcol = ""; if (UnitName("player") == target.targetName) then -- targetting player aggro_count = aggro_count + 1; if (SA_OPTIONS.TankMode) then col = SA_SEMIALERT; else col = SA_ALERTCOL; end elseif (not SA_IsTank(target.targetName) and SA_OPTIONS.TankMode) then -- targeting non tank in tank mode col = SA_ALERTCOL; elseif (SA_IsTank(target.targetName)) then -- targeting tank always on tank color, regardless of tank mode col = SA_TANKCOL; end -- append end of color code marking if (col~="") then endcol = "|r"; end box.targetBar:SetValue(target.targetHealth); box.targetText:SetText("T:"; else box.targetBar:SetValue(0); box.targetText:SetText("?"); end -- colorize mob bar if (UnitIsTapped(target.self) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(target.self)) then -- target is "grey" to us box.mobBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8); elseif (UnitPlayerControlled(target.self)) then -- pvp target box.mobBar:SetStatusBarColor(1, 0, 0); elseif (not target.inCombat) then -- out of combat target box.mobBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.38, 0.38, 0.38); else -- normal green box.mobBar:SetStatusBarColor(0, 1, 0); end -- make texts visible always (bugs on some systems) -- code peeked from TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString sources -- perhaps I should've called that method but it does some other unwanted things box.mobBar.TextString:Show(); box.targetBar.TextString:Show(); box.targetOf:SetText(targetText); -- set class icon (texture coordinates) local coords = SA_TEXTCOORDS[target.targetClass]; box.classIcon:SetTexCoord(coords.left, coords.right,, coords.bottom); -- set target icon (texture coordinates) -- TODO: xxx, only if feature enabled if (target.icon>0) then local icon = UnitPopupButtons["RAID_TARGET_"]; box.targetIcon:SetTexCoord(icon.tCoordLeft, icon.tCoordRight, icon.tCoordTop, icon.tCoordBottom ); box.targetIcon:Show(); else box.targetIcon:Hide(); end -- hunters mark icon if (target.marked and SA_OPTIONS.HuntersMarkIconMode>1) then box.huntersMarkIcon:Show(); else box.huntersMarkIcon:Hide(); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if count has been changed update visibility -- TODO: apparently there is no performance loss calling hide/show .. so this is partially futile now if (i ~= SA_PREV.mob_count) then for j = i + 1, SA_PREV.mob_count do if (j>10) then break; end SA_LIST_BOXES[j].frame:Hide(); end end -- if player have a ACQUIRED aggro, play optional sound to alert player if (aggro_count > SA_PREV.aggro_count) then if (SA_OPTIONS.AudioWarning) then PlaySound(SA_OPTIONS.SoundGainAggro); end; if (SA_OPTIONS.VerboseAcquiredAggro) then SA_Verbose("Acquired aggro!", COLOR_ALERT); end end -- if player have a LOST aggro, play optional sound to alert player if (aggro_count < SA_PREV.aggro_count and i >= SA_PREV.mob_count) then if (SA_OPTIONS.LostAudioWarning) then PlaySoundFile(SA_OPTIONS.SoundLoseAggro); end; if (SA_OPTIONS.VerboseLostAggro) then SA_Verbose("Lost aggro!", COLOR_ALERT); end end -- if incoming worldbosses, play optional sound to alert player, TODO: OPTION! if (wb_count > SA_PREV.wb_count) then SA_Verbose("Incoming worldboss!", COLOR_ALERT); PlaySoundFile(SA_OPTIONS.SoundIncomingWoldBoss); end -- if we have new mobs in combat -- TODO: on incoming worldboss level unit play alert sound! if (SA_OPTIONS.VerboseIncoming) then local now = time(); if (incoming.currently > incoming.prev_iter and now - incoming.prev_time > 4) then local amount = incoming.currently - incoming.prev_iter; if (amount > 1) then SA_Verbose("Incoming x"..amount.."!", COLOR_ALERT); else SA_Verbose("Incoming!", COLOR_ALERT); end incoming.prev_time = now; end incoming.prev_iter = incoming.currently; incoming.currently = 0; end -- update title to correct mode if (i>0) then title_mode = MODE_NORMAL; else title_mode = MODE_OOC; end if (SA_OPTIONS.Filter) then title_mode = MODE_FILTERED; end if (SA_OPTIONS.AssistOnlyNearest) then title_mode = MODE_NEAREST; end if (overloaded) then title_mode = MODE_OVERLOADED; end -- update title button if mode has been changed if (title_mode ~= SA_PREV.title_mode) then SA_List_SetTitleButton(title_mode); end -- set prev data for next iteration SA_PREV.title_mode = title_mode; SA_PREV.mob_count = i; SA_PREV.wb_count = wb_count; SA_PREV.aggro_count = aggro_count; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title button handling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SA_List_SetTitleButton(mode) if (mode == MODE_NORMAL or mode == MODE_OOC) then if (mode == MODE_NORMAL) then SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(1); else if (SA_OPTIONS.HideTitle) then SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(0); else SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(SA_OPTIONS.ListOOCAlpha); end end SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.3); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,1) SAListTitle:SetText("Available assists"); elseif (mode == MODE_FILTERED or mode == MODE_NEAREST) then SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(1); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropColor(0,0.6,0.8,1); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0.6,0.8,1); local text = ""; if (mode == MODE_FILTERED) then text = "Filtered"; end if (mode == MODE_NEAREST) then text = "Nearest"; end SAListTitle:SetText(text); elseif (mode == MODE_PAUSED) then SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(1); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropColor(0.3,0.3,0.3,1); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.6,0.6,0.6,1); SAListTitle:SetText("Paused"); elseif (mode == MODE_OVERLOADED) then SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(1); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropColor(1,0,0,1); SAListTitleButton:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0,0,1); SAListTitle:SetText("OVERLOADED"); else printInfo("smartassist error: unknown title mode "..tostring(mode)); end end SA_PREV_ALPHA = 1; function SA_List_TitleButton_OnEnter() SA_PREV_ALPHA = SAListTitleButton:GetAlpha(); SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(1); end function SA_List_TitleButton_OnLeave() SAListTitleButton:SetAlpha(SA_PREV_ALPHA); end