SM_INV_SLOT = { ["AMMOSLOT"]=0, ["HEADSLOT"]=1, ["NECKSLOT"]=2, ["SHOULDERSLOT"]=3, ["SHIRTSLOT"]=4, ["CHESTSLOT"]=5, ["WAISTSLOT"]=6, ["LEGSSLOT"]=7, ["FEETSLOT"]=8, ["WRISTSLOT"]=9, ["HANDSSLOT"]=10, ["FINGER0SLOT"]=11, ["FINGER1SLOT"]=12, ["TRINKET0SLOT"]=13, ["TRINKET1SLOT"]=14, ["BACKSLOT"]=15, ["MAINHANDSLOT"]=16, ["SECONDARYHANDSLOT"]=17, ["RANGEDSLOT"]=18, ["TABARDSLOT"]=19, ["BAG0SLOT"]=20, ["BAG1SLOT"]=21, ["BAG2SLOT"]=22, ["BAG3SLOT"]=23, } SlashCmdList["SUPERMACRO"] = function(msg) local info = ChatTypeInfo["SYSTEM"]; local text; local cmd = gsub(msg,"^%s*(%a*)%s*(.*)%s*$","%1" ); local param = gsub(msg,"^%s*(%a*)%s*([%w %p]*)%s*$","%2" ); if ( cmd=="hideaction") then text = param; if ( text == "0" or text=="false") then SM_VARS.hideAction = 0; HideActionText(); elseif ( text == "1" or text=="true") then SM_VARS.hideAction = 1; HideActionText(); else ChatFrame_DisplaySlashHelp("SUPERMACRO",3,3); end if ( not SM_VARS.hideAction ) then SM_VARS.hideAction = 0; end text = "SM_VARS.hideAction is "..SM_VARS.hideAction; if ( SuperMacroOptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then SuperMacroOptionsFrame_OnShow(); end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( text, info.r, info.g, info.b,; return; end if ( cmd=="printcolor" ) then text = param; if ( text =="default" ) then SM_VARS.printColor.r = PRINT_COLOR_DEF.r; SM_VARS.printColor.g = PRINT_COLOR_DEF.g; SM_VARS.printColor.b = PRINT_COLOR_DEF.b; if ( SuperMacroOptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then SuperMacroOptionsFrame_OnShow(); end return; end if ( gsub(text,"%s*","")=="" ) then ChatFrame_DisplaySlashHelp("SUPERMACRO",4,4); return; end local color = gsub(msg, ".*color%s*(.*)","%1"); local red = gsub(color, "%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*.*","%1"); local green = gsub(color, "%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*.*","%2"); local blue = gsub(color, "%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*(-?%d*%.*%d*)%s*.*","%3"); red = tonumber(red) or 0; green = tonumber(green) or 0; blue = tonumber(blue) or 0; red = (red < 0 and 0) or (red > 1 and 1) or red; green = (green < 0 and 0) or (green > 1 and 1) or green; blue = (blue < 0 and 0) or (blue > 1 and 1) or blue; SM_VARS.printColor = { r=red,g=green,b=blue }; if ( SuperMacroOptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then SuperMacroOptionsFrame_OnShow(); end return; end if ( cmd=="macrotip" ) then text = param; if ( text =="default" ) then SM_VARS.macroTip1 = 1; SM_VARS.macroTip2 = 0; if ( SuperMacroOptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then SuperMacroOptionsFrame_OnShow(); end return; end text = tonumber(text); if ( text and text >= 0 and text <= 3) then if ( mod(text, 2) == 1 ) then SM_VARS.macroTip1 = 1; else SM_VARS.macroTip1 = 0; end if ( text >= 2 ) then SM_VARS.macroTip2 = 1; else SM_VARS.macroTip2 = 0; end if ( SuperMacroOptionsFrame:IsVisible() ) then SuperMacroOptionsFrame_OnShow(); end else ChatFrame_DisplaySlashHelp("SUPERMACRO",5,6); end return; end if ( cmd=="options" ) then ShowUIPanel(SuperMacroOptionsFrame); return; end ChatFrame_DisplaySlashHelp("SUPERMACRO"); return; end SlashCmdList["MACRO"] = function(msg) if(not msg or msg == "") then ShowUIPanel(SuperMacroFrame); else RunMacro(msg); end end -- use item SlashCmdList["SMUSE"] = function(msg) use(unpack(ListToTable(msg))); end -- equip item SlashCmdList["SMEQUIP"] = function(msg) use(unpack(ListToTable(msg))); end -- equip offhand item SlashCmdList["SMEQUIPOFF"] = function(msg) local bag, slot = FindItem(TrimSpaces(msg)); if ( bag and slot ) then PickupContainerItem(bag, slot); PickupInventoryItem(17); end end -- unequip item by part or name SlashCmdList["SMUNEQUIP"] = function(msg) local e,f = FindLastEmptyBagSlot(); if ( e ) then PickupInventoryItem(FindItem(TrimSpaces(msg))); PickupContainerItem(e,f); end end -- print text to chatframe SlashCmdList["SMPRINT"] = function(msg) SM_print(msg); end -- after action passed text SlashCmdList["SMPASS"] = function(msg) Pass(msg); end -- after action failed text SlashCmdList["SMFAIL"] = function(msg) Fail(msg); end -- use items in order SlashCmdList["SMDOORDER"] = function(msg) DoOrder(unpack(ListToTable(msg))); end -- channel without interruption SlashCmdList["SMCHANNEL"] = function(msg) SM_Channel(msg); end function SM_print(msg) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg, SM_VARS.printColor.r, SM_VARS.printColor.g, SM_VARS.printColor.b); end if ( not ChatFrame_DisplaySlashHelp ) then function ChatFrame_DisplaySlashHelp(pre, start, last, frame) if ( not frame ) then frame=DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME; end local info = ChatTypeInfo["SYSTEM"]; local i = 1; if ( type(start) =="number" ) then i = start; end if ( i < 1 ) then i =1; end local text = TEXT(getglobal(pre.."_HELP_LINE"..i)); while text do frame:AddMessage(text, info.r, info.g, info.b,; i = i + 1; text = TEXT(getglobal(pre.."_HELP_LINE"..i)); if ( last and i > last ) then break; end end end end -- if -- in sec do cmd SlashCmdList["SMIN"] = function(msg) local _,_,s,r,c = strfind(msg, "(%d+h?%d*m?%d*s?)(%+?)%s+(.*)"); if ( not c or TrimSpaces(c)=="" ) then return end c=gsub(c,"\\n","\n"); SuperMacro_InEnter(s,c,r); end SM_SHIFT_FORM = { bear=1,aquatic=2,cat=3,travel=4,moonkin=5, stealth=1, battle=1,defend=2,berzerk=3 }; SlashCmdList["SMSHIFT"] = function(msg) local form=msg; if ( SM_SHIFT_FORM[msg] ) then form=SM_SHIFT_FORM[msg]; end CastShapeshiftForm(form); end SlashCmdList["SMCRAFT"] = function(msg) local skill, item, count = unpack(ListToTable(msg)); count = tonumber(count); CraftItem(skill, item, count); end SlashCmdList["SMSAYRANDOM"] = function(msg) SayRandom(unpack(ListToTable(msg))); end SlashCmdList["SMCANCELBUFF"] = function(msg) CancelBuff(unpack(ListToTable(msg))); end function SayRandom(...) tinsert(arg, ""); local r=random(arg.n); RunLine(arg[r]); end function SuperMacro_InEnter( sec, cmd, rep) if ( not sec or not cmd ) then return end local; local seconds=sec; if ( strfind(seconds,'[hms]') ) then seconds=gsub(seconds,'^(%d+)(h?)(%d*)(m?)(%d*)(s?)$', function(hd, h, md, m, sd, s) local a=0; if ( h=="h" ) then a=a+hd*3600 else end; if ( m=="m" ) then a=a+md*60 else end; if ( sd~="" ) then a=a+sd end; return a; end ); end s=GetTime()+seconds; t[s]={}; t[s].cmd=cmd; t[s].sec=seconds; t[s].rep=rep and rep or ""; t.n=t.n+1; SM_INFRAME:Show(); end SM_IN=SuperMacro_InEnter; function SM_INFRAME_OnUpdate( ) local; if ( getn(t)==0 ) then SM_INFRAME:Hide(); end for k,v in t do if ( k~='n' and k<=GetTime() ) then RunBody(v.cmd); if ( v.rep~="" ) then local s=GetTime()+v.sec; t[s]={}; t[s].cmd=v.cmd; t[s].sec=v.sec; t[s].rep=v.rep; t[k]=nil; else t[k]=nil; t.n=t.n-1; end end end end function Pass(text) if( IsCurrentAction(lastActionUsed) ) then RunLine(text); return text; end end function Fail(text) if ( not IsCurrentAction(lastActionUsed) ) then RunLine(text); return text; end end function UseItemByName(item) local bag,slot = FindItem(item); if ( not bag ) then return; end; if ( slot ) then UseContainerItem(bag,slot); -- use, equip item in bag return bag, slot; else UseInventoryItem(bag); -- unequip from body return bag; end end function use(bag, slot) local b,s=tonumber(bag), tonumber(slot); if ( b ) then if ( s ) then UseContainerItem(bag,slot); -- use, equip item in bag else UseInventoryItem(bag); -- unequip from body end else UseItemByName(bag); end end function DoOrder(...) for k,i in arg do local item=FindItem(i); local spell,book=SM_FindSpell(i); if ( spell and GetSpellCooldown(spell,book)==0) then CastSpell(spell,book); return i, spell, book; end if ( item and GetItemCooldown(i)==0 ) then UseItemByName(i); return i, item, slot; end end end function FindItem(item) if ( not item ) then return; end item = string.lower(ItemLinkToName(item)); local link; for i = 1,23 do link = GetInventoryItemLink("player",i); if ( link ) then if ( item == string.lower(ItemLinkToName(link)) )then return i, nil, GetInventoryItemTexture('player', i), GetInventoryItemCount('player', i); end end end local count, bag, slot, texture; local totalcount = 0; for i = 0,NUM_BAG_FRAMES do for j = 1,MAX_CONTAINER_ITEMS do link = GetContainerItemLink(i,j); if ( link ) then if ( item == string.lower(ItemLinkToName(link))) then bag, slot = i, j; texture, count = GetContainerItemInfo(i,j); totalcount = totalcount + count; end end end end return bag, slot, texture, totalcount; end function GetItemCooldown(item) local bag, slot = FindItem(item); if ( slot ) then return GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot); elseif ( bag ) then return GetInventoryItemCooldown('player', bag); end end function FindLastEmptyBagSlot() for i=NUM_BAG_FRAMES,0,-1 do for j=GetContainerNumSlots(i),1,-1 do if not GetContainerItemInfo(i,j) then return i,j; end end end end function ListToTable(text) local t={}; -- if comma is part of item, put % before it -- eg, Sulfuras%, Hand of Ragnaros text=gsub(text, "%%,", "%%044"); -- convert link to name, commas ok text=gsub(text, "|c.-%[(.+)%]|h|r", function(x) return gsub(x, ",", "%%044"); end ); gsub(text, "[^,]+", function(a) -- list separated by comma a = TrimSpaces(a); if ( a~="" ) then a=gsub(a, "%%044", ","); tinsert(t,a); end end); return t; end function TrimSpaces(str) return gsub(str,"^%s*(.-)%s*$","%1"); end function ItemLinkToName(link) return gsub(link,"^.*%[(.*)%].*$","%1"); end function FindBuff( obuff, unit, item) local buff=strlower(obuff); local tooltip=SM_Tooltip; local textleft1=getglobal(tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft1"); if ( not unit ) then unit ='player'; end local my, me, mc, oy, oe, oc = GetWeaponEnchantInfo(); if ( my ) then tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); tooltip:SetInventoryItem( unit, 16); for i=1, 23 do local text = getglobal("SM_TooltipTextLeft"..i):GetText(); if ( not text ) then break; elseif ( strfind(strlower(text), buff) ) then tooltip:Hide(); return "main",me, mc; end end tooltip:Hide(); elseif ( oy ) then tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); tooltip:SetInventoryItem( unit, 17); for i=1, 23 do local text = getglobal("SM_TooltipTextLeft"..i):GetText(); if ( not text ) then break; elseif ( strfind(strlower(text), buff) ) then tooltip:Hide(); return "off", oe, oc; end end tooltip:Hide(); end if ( item ) then return end tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); tooltip:SetTrackingSpell(); local b = textleft1:GetText(); if ( b and strfind(strlower(b), buff) ) then tooltip:Hide(); return "track",b; end local c=nil; for i=1, 16 do tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); tooltip:SetUnitBuff(unit, i); b = textleft1:GetText(); tooltip:Hide(); if ( b and strfind(strlower(b), buff) ) then return "buff", i, b; elseif ( c==b ) then break; end --c = b; end c=nil; for i=1, 16 do tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); tooltip:SetUnitDebuff(unit, i); b = textleft1:GetText(); tooltip:Hide(); if ( b and strfind(strlower(b), buff) ) then return "debuff", i, b; elseif ( c==b) then break; end --c = b; end tooltip:Hide(); end function CancelBuff(...) for j=1, getn(arg) do local buff = strlower(arg[j]); for i=0, 24 do SM_Tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE"); SM_Tooltip:SetPlayerBuff(i); local name = SM_TooltipTextLeft1:GetText(); if ( not name ) then break end; if ( strfind(strlower(name), buff) ) then CancelPlayerBuff(i); end SM_Tooltip:Hide(); end end end function SM_Pickup(bag, slot) if ( type(bag)=="string") then if ( SM_INV_SLOT[strupper(bag)] ) then bag=GetInventorySlotInfo(bag); else bag,slot=FindItem(bag); end end if ( bag and not slot ) then PickupInventoryItem(bag); elseif ( bag and slot ) then PickupContainerItem(bag, slot); end end function caststop(...) for i=1, arg.n do CastSpellByName(arg[i]); SpellStopCasting(); end end function SM_Channel(spell) local cf = CastingBarFrame; local cd = GetSpellCooldown(SM_FindSpell(spell)); if ( not cf.channeling and cd<=1.5 ) then cast(spell); end end function FindTradeSkillIndex(tradeskill) tradeskill=strlower(tradeskill); if ( TradeSkillFrame and TradeSkillFrame:IsVisible()) then for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do local tsn,tst,tsx=GetTradeSkillInfo(i); if (strlower(tsn)==tradeskill) then SelectTradeSkill(i); TradeSkillInputBox:SetNumber(tsx); TradeSkillFrame.numAvailable=tsx; return i, tsx; end end end if ( CraftFrame and CraftFrame:IsVisible()) then for i=1,GetNumCrafts() do --craftName, craftSubSpellName, craftType, numAvailable, isExpanded,?,? local tsn,_,_,tsx=GetCraftInfo(i); if (strlower(tsn)==tradeskill) then SelectCraft(i); return i, 'c'; end end end end function CraftItem( tradeskill, tradeitem, count) if ( TradeSkillFrame and TradeSkillFrame:IsVisible() ) then HideUIPanel(TradeSkillFrame); end if ( CraftFrame and CraftFrame:IsVisible() ) then HideUIPanel(CraftFrame); end cast(tradeskill); local index, avail = FindTradeSkillIndex(tradeitem); if ( avail=='c' ) then DoCraft(index); elseif (avail and avail > 0) then local amount; count = count or 1; if ( count <= 0 ) then -- 0 to make all, -1 to leave 1 amount =avail+count; else -- amount user entered amount=count; end amount = amount<1 and 1 or amount>avail and avail or amount; TradeSkillInputBox:SetNumber(amount); DoTradeSkill(index, amount); end end -- shortened replacements -- also try Alias addon to save space, like to get player's mana cast = CastSpellByName; stopcast = SpellStopCasting; echo = SM_print; send = SendChatMessage; buffed = FindBuff; unbuff = CancelBuff; pickup = SM_Pickup; -- added debug print function Printd(...) for i=1, arg.n do local t=arg[i] and (arg[i]~="" and arg[i] or '-""-' )or "-nil-"; if ( type(t)=="boolean") then t="-"..tostring(t).."-"; end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(t,1,1,1); end end function PrintColor(r,g,b,...) for i=1, arg.n do local t=arg[i] and (arg[i]~="" and arg[i] or '-""-' )or "-nil-"; if ( type(t)=="boolean") then t="-"..tostring(t).."-"; end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(t,r,g,b); end end Printc=PrintColor; -- Prints a table in an organized format function PrintTable(table, rowname, level) if ( rowname == nil ) then rowname = "ROOT"; end --Print(level) --level = level and level or 1; if ( not level ) then level = 1; end local msg = ""; for i=1, level do msg = msg .. " "; end if ( table == nil ) then Print (msg.."["..rowname.."] := nil "); return end if ( type(table) == "table" ) then Print(msg..rowname.." { "); for k,v in table do PrintTable(v,k,level+1); end Print(msg.."} "); elseif (type(table) == "function" ) then Print(msg.."["..rowname.."] => {{FunctionPtr*}}"); else Print(msg.."["..rowname.."] => "..table); end end Printt=PrintTable;