= { ["CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM"] = { doSearch = true, func = nil, groups = { { name = "Rolls (/roll)", description = "Roll messages (only those done using the /roll command).", group = "ROLL", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr2(RANDOM_ROLL_RESULT), }, }, { name = "Money looting", description = "Messages related to looting money.", group = "MONEY_LOOTING", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUTOLOOT_MONEY_S), [2] = smctConvStr(LOOT_MONEY_SPLIT), [3] = smctConvStr(LOOT_MONEY), }, }, { name = "Duel countdown", description = "Countdown messages for when a duel is about to start.", group = "DUEL_COUNTDOWN", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(DUEL_COUNTDOWN), }, }, { name = "Duels", description = "Messages related to duel outcomes.", group = "DUEL", strings = { [1] = string.gsub(DUEL_WINNER_KNOCKOUT, "%%%d$s", "[%%S]+"), [2] = string.gsub(DUEL_WINNER_RETREAT, "%%%d$s", "[%%S]+"), }, }, { name = "Hearthstone", description = "Message for when you set a new home for your hearthstone.", group = "HEARTHSTONE", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_DEATHBIND_SUCCESS_S), }, }, { name = "Drunk (others)", description = "Messages related to other people being drunk.", group = "DRUNK_OTHER", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_OTHER1), [2] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_OTHER2), [3] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_OTHER3), [4] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_OTHER4), }, }, { name = "Drunk (you)", description = "Messages related to you being drunk.", group = "DRUNK_SELF", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF1), [2] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF2), [3] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF3), [4] = smctConvStr(DRUNK_MESSAGE_SELF4), }, }, { name = "Online/offline", description = "Messages related to friends or guildies going online or offline.", group = "CONNECTIONS", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr2(ERR_FRIEND_ONLINE_SS), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_OFFLINE_S), }, }, { name = "Rest state changes", description = "Messages related to when your rest state changes (like \"You feel normal\").", group = "REST_STATE", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_EXHAUSTION_NORMAL), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_EXHAUSTION_RESTED), }, }, { name = "Raid information", description = "Messages related raid instances (reset time, ID and such).", group = "RAID_INFO", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(INSTANCE_SAVED), [2] = smctConvStr(NO_RAID_INSTANCES_SAVED), [3] = string.gsub(smctConvStr2(RAID_INSTANCE_INFO_FMT), "%%lx", "[%%S]+"), [4] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_INFO_HDR), [5] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WARNING_HOURS), [6] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WARNING_HOURS_P1), [7] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WARNING_MIN), [8] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WARNING_MIN_P1), [9] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WARNING_MIN_SOON), [10] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WARNING_MIN_SOON_P1), [11] = smctConvStr(RAID_INSTANCE_WELCOME), }, }, { name = "Raid", description = "Messages related to raid control.", group = "RAID", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_RAID_MEMBER_ADDED_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_RAID_MEMBER_REMOVED_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_RAID_GROUP_FULL), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_RAID_GROUP_ONLY), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_RAID_YOU_JOINED), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_RAID_YOU_LEFT), }, }, { name = "Group", description = "Messages related to group control.", group = "GROUP", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_INVITED_TO_GROUP_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_INVITE_PLAYER_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_JOINED_GROUP_S), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_LEFT_GROUP_S), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_NEW_LEADER_S), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_NEW_LOOT_MASTER_S), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_S), [9] = smctConvStr(ERR_INVITE_SELF), [10] = smctConvStr(ERR_GROUP_DISBANDED), [11] = smctConvStr(ERR_GROUP_FULL), [12] = smctConvStr(ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_FAIL), [13] = smctConvStr(ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_TOO_MANY), [14] = smctConvStr(ERR_LEFT_GROUP_YOU), [15] = smctConvStr(ERR_NEW_LEADER_YOU), [16] = smctConvStr(ERR_UNINVITE_YOU), [17] = smctConvStr(ERR_PLAYER_DIED_S), }, }, { name = "Trade", description = "Messages related to trading.", group = "TRADE", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_INITIATE_TRADE_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_TRADE_BLOCKED_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_TRADE_REQUEST_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_ALREADY_TRADING), }, }, { name = "Away From Keyboard", description = "Messages related to AFK mode.", group = "AFK", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(MARKED_AFK_MESSAGE), [2] = smctConvStr(CLEARED_AFK), [3] = smctConvStr(MARKED_AFK), }, }, { name = "Do Not Disturb", description = "Messages related to DND mode.", group = "DND", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(MARKED_DND), [2] = smctConvStr(CLEARED_DND), }, }, { name = "Auction", description = "Messages related to the auction house.", group = "AUTCION", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_EXPIRED_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_OUTBID_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_REMOVED_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_SOLD_S), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_WON_S), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_BID_PLACED), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_REMOVED), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_AUCTION_STARTED), }, }, { name = "Area discovering", description = "Messages related to discovering new areas.", group = "DISCOVER", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_ZONE_EXPLORED), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_ZONE_EXPLORED_XP), }, }, { name = "Loot rules", description = "Messages related to setting the loot rules for a group/raid.", group = "LOOT_RULES", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_SET_LOOT_FREEFORALL), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_SET_LOOT_GROUP), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_SET_LOOT_MASTER), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_SET_LOOT_NBG), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_SET_LOOT_ROUNDROBIN), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_SET_LOOT_THRESHOLD_S), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_NEW_LOOT_MASTER_S), }, }, { name = "Server", description = "Messages from the server (like \"[SERVER] Restart in 10 minutes.\").", group = "SERVER", strings = { [1] = "^%[SERVER%] [%S]+[%s*%S+]*", }, }, { name = "Quest", description = "Messages related to quests (like sharing and such).", group = "QUESTS", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_ACCEPTED_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_COMPLETE_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_FAILED_BAG_FULL_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_FAILED_MAX_COUNT_S), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ACCEPTED_S), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ALREADY_DONE_S), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_BUSY_S), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_DECLINED_S), [9] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_INVALID_S), [10] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_LOG_FULL_S), [11] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ONQUEST_S), [12] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_SUCCESS_S), [13] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_PUSH_TOO_FAR_S), [14] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_REWARD_ITEM_S), [15] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_REWARD_MONEY_S), [16] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_REWARD_EXP_I), [17] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_ALREADY_ON), [18] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_FAILED_LOW_LEVEL), [19] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_FAILED_MISSING_ITEMS), [20] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY), [21] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_FAILED_WRONG_RACE), [22] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_NEED_PREREQS), [23] = smctConvStr(ERR_QUEST_ONLY_ONE_TIMED), }, }, { name = "Learning", description = "Messages related to learning new spells, abilities and recipes.", group = "LEARNING", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_LEARN_ABILITY_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_LEARN_RECIPE_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_LEARN_SPELL_S), }, }, { name = "Who", description = "Messages related to using the /who command.", group = "WHO", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(WHO_LIST_FORMAT), [2] = smctConvStr(WHO_LIST_GUILD_FORMAT), [3] = smctConvStr(WHO_NUM_RESULTS), [4] = smctConvStr(WHO_NUM_RESULTS_P1), }, }, { name = "Ignore", description = "Messages regarding the ignore function.", group = "IGNORE", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(CHAT_IGNORED), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORE_ADDED_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORE_ALREADY_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORE_FULL), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORE_REMOVED_S), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORE_SELF), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_IGNORING_YOU_S), }, }, { name = "Friends", description = "Messages related to the friends list.", group = "FRIENDS", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_ADDED_S), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_ALREADY_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_REMOVED_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_DB_ERROR), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_ERROR), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_LIST_FULL), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_SELF), [9] = smctConvStr(ERR_FRIEND_WRONG_FACTION), }, }, { name = "Guild", description = "Messages related to guild control.", group = "GUILD_CONTROL", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_INVITED_TO_GUILD_SS), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_INVITE_PLAYER_S), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_DECLINE_S), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_DEMOTE_SSS), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_DISBAND_S), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_FOUNDER_S), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_INVITE_S), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_JOIN_S), [9] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEADER_CHANGED_SS), [10] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEADER_IS_S), [11] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEADER_S), [12] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEAVE_S), [13] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_NAME_EXISTS_S), [14] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S), [15] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_IN_GUILD_S), [16] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_PROMOTE_SSS), [17] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_QUIT_S), [18] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_RANK_TOO_HIGH_S), [19] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_RANK_TOO_LOW_S), [20] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_REMOVE_SS), [21] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S), [22] = smctConvStr(ERR_ALREADY_INVITED_TO_GUILD_S), [23] = smctConvStr(ERR_ALREADY_IN_GUILD_S), [24] = smctConvStr(ERR_INVITED_TO_GUILD), [25] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILDEMBLEM_NOGUILD), [26] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_ACCEPT), [27] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_DISBANDED), [28] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_DISBAND_SELF), [29] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_INTERNAL), [30] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEADER_LEAVE), [31] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEADER_SELF), [32] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_LEAVE_RESULT), [33] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_NOT_ALLIED), [34] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_PERMISSIONS), [35] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_PLAYER_NOT_IN_GUILD), [36] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_RANKS_LOCKED), [37] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_RANK_IN_USE), [38] = smctConvStr(ERR_GUILD_REMOVE_SELF), [39] = smctConvStr(ERR_ALREADY_IN_GUILD), }, }, { name = "Meeting stone", description = "Messages related to the meeting stone.", group = "MEETING_STONE", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_GROUP_FULL), [2] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_INVALID_LEVEL), [3] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_IN_PROGRESS), [4] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_IN_QUEUE_S), [5] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_LEFT_QUEUE_S), [6] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_MEMBER_ADDED_S), [7] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_MEMBER_STILL_IN_QUEUE), [8] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_MUST_BE_LEADER), [9] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_NOT_LEADER), [10] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_NO_RAID_GROUP), [11] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_OTHER_MEMBER_LEFT), [12] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_PARTY_KICKED_FROM_QUEUE), [13] = smctConvStr(ERR_MEETING_STONE_SUCCESS), }, }, }, }, ["CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST"] = { doSearch = false, func = nil, groups = { { name = "Channel list", description = "Messages related to channel listings.", group = "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_LIST", }, }, }, ["CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE"] = { doSearch = true, func = smctChannelNotice, groups = { { name = "Channel notices", description = "Messages related to channel join/leave/change.", group = "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE", strings = { [1] = "YOU_CHANGED", [2] = "YOU_JOINED", [3] = "YOU_LEFT", [4] = "SUSPENDED", }, }, }, }, ["CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE"] = { doSearch = false, func = smctBGMessageRerouter, groups = { { name = "BG: Alliance", description = "Alliance messages inside battlegrounds.", group = "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE", }, }, }, ["CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE"] = { doSearch = false, func = smctBGMessageRerouter, groups = { { name = "BG: Horde", description = "Horde messages inside battlegrounds.", group = "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE", }, }, }, ["CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL"] = { doSearch = false, func = smctBGMessageRerouter, groups = { { name = "BG: Neutral", description = "Neutral messages inside battelgrounds (like \"Battle starting in...\").", group = "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL", }, }, }, ["CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED"] = { doSearch = false, func = smctCharacterPointsChanged, groups = { { name = "Character progress", description = "Messages related to when you level or otherwise do progress with your character.", group = "CHARACTER_PROGRESS", }, }, }, ["TIME_PLAYED_MSG"] = { doSearch = false, func = smctTimePlayed, groups = { { name = "Time played", description = "Message for showing your time played.", group = "TIME_PLAYED", }, }, }, ["PLAYER_LEVEL_UP"] = { doSearch = false, func = smctPlayerLevelUp, groups = { { name = "Character progress", description = "Messages related to when you level or otherwise do progress with your character.", group = "CHARACTER_PROGRESS", }, }, }, ["CHAT_MSG_LOOT"] = { doSearch = true, func = nil, groups = { { name = "Rolls (roll system)", description = "Roll messages related to the in-game roll system.", group = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ROLLED), [2] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ROLLED_GREED), [3] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ROLLED_GREED_SELF), [4] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ROLLED_NEED), [5] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ROLLED_NEED_SELF), [6] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ROLLED_SELF), }, }, { name = "Rolls (roll system (type))", description = "Roll messages related to what type of roll people choose.", group = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT_SMCT1", strings = { [1] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_ALL_PASSED), [2] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_GREED), [3] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_GREED_SELF), [4] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_NEED), [5] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_NEED_SELF), [6] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_PASSED), [7] = smctConvStr2(LOOT_ROLL_PASSED_SELF), }, }, }, }, };