--Version SCT.Version = "5.0"; --Locals SCT.LOCALS = {} SCT.LOCALS.EXAMPLE = "SCT"; SCT.LOCALS.EXAMPLE2 = "SCT2"; SCT.LOCALS.MSG_EXAMPLE = "SCT Message"; --Everything From here on would need to be translated and put --into if statements for each specific language. --*********** --ENGLISH --*********** -- Static Messages SCT.LOCALS.LowHP= "Low Health!"; -- Message to be displayed when HP is low SCT.LOCALS.LowMana= "Low Mana!"; -- Message to be displayed when Mana is Low SCT.LOCALS.SelfFlag = "*"; -- Icon to show self hits SCT.LOCALS.Combat = "+Combat"; -- Message to be displayed when entering combat SCT.LOCALS.NoCombat = "-Combat"; -- Message to be displayed when leaving combat SCT.LOCALS.ComboPoint = "CP"; -- Message to be displayed when gaining a combo point SCT.LOCALS.FiveCPMessage = "Finish It!"; -- Message to be displayed when you have 5 combo points SCT.LOCALS.ExtraAttack = "Extra Attack!"; -- Message to be displayed when time to execute --Option messages SCT.LOCALS.STARTUP = "Scrolling Combat Text "..SCT.Version.." AddOn loaded. Type /sct for options."; SCT.LOCALS.Option_Crit_Tip = "Make this event always appear as a CRITICAL."; SCT.LOCALS.Option_Msg_Tip = "Make this event always appear as a MESSAGE. Overrides Criticals."; SCT.LOCALS.Frame1_Tip = "Make this event always appear in ANIMATION FRAME 1."; SCT.LOCALS.Frame2_Tip = "Make this event always appear in ANIMATION FRAME 2"; --Warnings SCT.LOCALS.Version_Warning= "|cff00ff00SCT WARNING|r\n\nYour saved variables are from an outdated version of SCT. If you encounter errors or strange behavior, please RESET your options using the Reset button or by typing /sctreset"; SCT.LOCALS.Load_Error = "|cff00ff00Error Loading SCT Options. It may be disabled.|r Error: "; --nouns SCT.LOCALS.TARGET = "Target "; SCT.LOCALS.PROFILE = "SCT Profile Loaded: |cff00ff00"; SCT.LOCALS.PROFILE_DELETE = "SCT Profile Deleted: |cff00ff00"; SCT.LOCALS.PROFILE_NEW = "SCT New Profile Created: |cff00ff00"; SCT.LOCALS.WARRIOR = "Warrior"; SCT.LOCALS.ROGUE = "Rogue"; SCT.LOCALS.HUNTER = "Hunter"; SCT.LOCALS.MAGE = "Mage"; SCT.LOCALS.WARLOCK = "Warlock"; SCT.LOCALS.DRUID = "Druid"; SCT.LOCALS.PRIEST = "Priest"; SCT.LOCALS.SHAMAN = "Shaman"; SCT.LOCALS.PALADIN = "Paladin"; --Useage SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE = "Useage: \n"; SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE = SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE .. "/sctdisplay 'message' (for white text)\n"; SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE = SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE .. "/sctdisplay 'message' red(0-10) green(0-10) blue(0-10)\n"; SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE = SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE .. "Example: /sctdisplay 'Heal Me' 10 0 0\nThis will display 'Heal Me' in bright red\n"; SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE = SCT.LOCALS.DISPLAY_USEAGE .. "Some Colors: red = 10 0 0, green = 0 10 0, blue = 0 0 10,\nyellow = 10 10 0, magenta = 10 0 10, cyan = 0 10 10"; --Fonts SCT.LOCALS.FONTS = { [1] = { name="Default", path="Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF"}, [2] = { name="TwCenMT", path="Interface\\Addons\\sct\\fonts\\Tw_Cen_MT_Bold.TTF"}, [3] = { name="Adventure", path="Interface\\Addons\\sct\\fonts\\Adventure.ttf"}, [4] = { name="Enigma", path="Interface\\Addons\\sct\\fonts\\Enigma__2.TTF"}, } -- Cosmos button SCT.LOCALS.CB_NAME = "Scrolling Combat Text".." "..SCT.Version; SCT.LOCALS.CB_SHORT_DESC = "by Grayhoof"; SCT.LOCALS.CB_LONG_DESC = "Click to open SCT options menu"; SCT.LOCALS.CB_ICON = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_EvilEye"; -- "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_FarSight"