--[[ **************************************************************** Scrolling Combat Text 5.0 Event Config File **************************************************************** PLEASE NOTE: As of 4.1, There is now a new section at the bottom of this file. It contains a list of various chat events used by WoW. Please see the section before it for more details Description: This file is used to setup custom events for use in SCT. Most of the old limitations have been removed, so you can now check for custom events on most chat log messages. You can now also perform captures on the text and display the data in a customized format. for each event you must setup three required settings. for captured events you must setup one required setting. All events can also have one optional setting: name: This is basically the text you want SCT to display whenever the event occurs. for captured data you use *n where n is the index of the captured data in the order of the search. (see examples) search: This is the EXACT text SCT will search for to know when to display the event. You will most likley need to watch your combat chat log in game and see what text is displayed when the buff/talent/proc goes off. You can now use normal LUA expressions to capture data. The order of these expressions is what should be used in determining how to display them in the name field. (see examples) argcount: this is required when you are wanting to use captured data. This tells SCT how many captured fields you want to replace in the name field. Keeping this accurate helps improve SCT performance. If its lower then you need some captured fields will not be displayed, if its higher it just wastes loops looking for data that is not there. r, g, b: These are the color settings used to select the color you want the event to display in. r = red, g = green, b = blue. Some common colors: Red: r=256/256, g=0/256, b=0/256 Green: r=0/256, g=256/256, b=0/256 Blue: r=0/256, g=0/256, b=256/256 Yellow: r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256 Magenta: r=256/256, g=0/256, b=256/256 Cyan: r=0/256, g=256/256, b=256/256 iscrit: this will make the event appear as a crit event, so it will be sticky or large font. You only need to set this if you want it used. iscrit=1 ismsg: this will make the event appear as a message. You only need to set this if you want it used. ismsg=1 class: This allows you to filter events by class. Put only the classes you want to see the even here. They must be in LUA table format. Examples: Warrior only: class={"Warrior"} Warrior and Shaman: class={"Warrior", "Shaman"} anitype: this allows you to specify the type of animation to use for an event. 1 - Vertical 2 - Rainbow 3 - Horizontal 4 - Angled Down sound: (advanced users only) plays a sound built into WoW. Please see here for a list of values: http://www.wowwiki.com/API_PlaySound Examples: sound="TellMessage" sound="GnomeExploration" soundwave: (advanced users only) plays a wave file in the path you choose. You can use in game ones if you know the path, or custom ones you put it in an addon folder. Examples: In game: soundwave="Sound\\Spells\\ShaysBell.wav" Custom: soundwave="Interface\\AddOns\\MyAddOn\\mysound.wav" Note: Make sure you increase the key count ([1], [2], etc...) for each new event you add. Feel free to delete any of the already provided events if you know you will never need them or you dont want them to display. You may also place -- in front of any of them to comment them out. Problems: if the event you are wanting to add is not being displayed by SCT make sure you double check the search text. Any space, comma, or period out of place will cause it to fail. ****************************************************************]] local sct_Event_Config = { -- To remove an event, simply add -- in front of the line. -- Example : to remove "Windfury!" do : -- [1] = {name="Windfury!", search="You gain Windfury", r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256}, [1] = {name="Clearcast!", search="You gain Clearcast", r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256}, [2] = {name="Flurry!", search="You gain Flurry", r=128/256, g=0/256, b=0/256}, [3] = {name="Lightning Shield!", search="You gain Lightning Shield", r=0/256, g=0/256, b=256/256}, [4] = {name="Nightfall!", search="You gain Shadow Trance", r=0/256, g=128/256, b=128/256}, [5] = {name="Overpower!", search="You attack. (.+) dodges.", r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, iscrit=1, class={"Warrior"}}, [6] = {name="Overpower!", search="Your (.+) was dodged", r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, iscrit=1, class={"Warrior"}}, [7] = {name="Enraged!", search="You gain Enrage", r=128/256, g=256/256, b=128/256, iscrit=1, class={"Warrior"}}, [8] = {name="Crusader!", search="You gain Holy Strength", r=128/256, g=128/256, b=256/256, iscrit=1}, --Captured data examples. Remove, change, or comment out the ones you don't want. --Spam Stoppers --[9] = {name="", search="Your Bloodthirst heals you", r=0/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, class={"Warrior"}}, --[10] = {name="", search="Your Vampiric Embrace", r=0/256, g=0/256, b=0/256, class={"Priest"}}, }; --[[ **************************************************************** This list of Wow Events are used for searching custom events. They are only events that are not normally used by SCT. By default they are commented out. To enable an event to be searched by SCT, remove the "--" before the event, save, and then reload/relog. if for some reason you do not see the event you need here, you can find a full list of them here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Events_%28API%29 To figure out what event a chat message is, set SCT_Event_Debug to true. You will now get a chat message saying what event is being fired for every event. ****************************************************************]] local sct_Event_Debug = false; local sct_Event_List = { --self events --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES", --pet events --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PET_HITS", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PET_MISSES", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PET_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PET_BUFF", --party events --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PARTY_HITS", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_PARTY_MISSES", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PARTY_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PARTY_BUFF", --realm events --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_HITS", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLYPLAYER_MISSES", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FRIENDLYPLAYER_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FRIENDLYPLAYER_BUFF", --mob events --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_HITS", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_MISSES", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_HITS", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_MISSES", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_PARTY_BUFF", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_BUFF", --damage shields --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_OTHERS", --spell auras --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_PARTY", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_OTHER", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_BREAK_AURA", --item enchants --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_ITEM_ENCHANTMENTS", --periodic effects --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_PARTY_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_FRIENDLYPLAYER_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_CREATURE_DAMAGE", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_CREATURE_BUFFS", --deaths --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FRIENDLY_DEATH", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH", --experience --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN", --trade skills --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_TRADESKILLS", --monster emotes --"CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE", --"CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_SAY", --"CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_WHISPER", --"CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL", --chat channels --"CHAT_MSG_DND", --"CHAT_MSG_EMOTE", --"CHAT_MSG_GUILD", --"CHAT_MSG_IGNORED", --"CHAT_MSG_LOOT", --"CHAT_MSG_OFFICER", --"CHAT_MSG_PARTY", --"CHAT_MSG_RAID", --"CHAT_MSG_SAY", --"CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", --"CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE", --"CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", --"CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", --"CHAT_MSG_YELL", --battlegrounds --"CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE", --"CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE", --"CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL", --misc --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_ERROR", --"CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_MISC_INFO", --"CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER", } --Don't mess with these =) SCT.EventConfig = sct_Event_Config; SCT.EventDebug = sct_Event_Debug; SCT.EventList = sct_Event_List;