Installing SCT & SCTD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These instructions assume you have extracted (or are about to extract) this .zip file with "Retain directory structure" enabled. Simple Installation Instructions -------------------------------- 1. Go into your WoW installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\) 2. Go into the Interface sub-folder 3. Go into the AddOns sub-folder (if you dont have one, create it) 4. Copy/Extract this addon's folder into the AddOns folder. Verification ------------ The following folder paths will exist within your WoW Install directory: SCT: Interface\AddOns\sct\ Interface\AddOns\sct\fonts Interface\AddOns\sct\libs Interface\AddOns\sct\libs\Ace2 Interface\AddOns\sct\libs\Compost-2.0 Interface\AddOns\sct\libs\ParserLib Interface\AddOns\sct_options SCTD: Interface\AddOns\sctd Interface\AddOns\sctd_options Look for the following (wrong) files as evidence of common mistakes: * If you have Interface\AddOns\sct.toc ... then you've extracted the zip file's contents without its folder structure, or copied the contents without the parent folder. * If you have Interface\AddOns\sct\sct_options.toc ... then you've extracted the zip file's contents without its folder structure, or copied the contents without the parent folder. * If you have Interface\AddOns\sct\sct\sct.toc ... then you've extracted the zip file into a folder an extra level deep. Move the files and any sub-folders up one level and remove the extra folder. Need More Help? --------------- See the Installation FAQ's at WoWInterface --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These instructions were borrowed from Iriel! Thanks! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------