TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects = {} local _, class = UnitClass("player") local function findpattern(text, pattern, start) if (text and pattern and (string.find(text, pattern, start))) then return string.sub(text, string.find(text, pattern, start)) else return "" end end local function TheoryCraft_AddEquipEffect (slotname, test, data, equippedsets) if (test ~= "test") then TheoryCraftTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent,"ANCHOR_NONE") TheoryCraftTooltip:SetInventoryItem ("player", GetInventorySlotInfo(slotname.."Slot")) end if (getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextLeft1") == nil) then return end local ltext = getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft1"):GetText() if (data["name"] == ltext) and (data["numlines"] == TheoryCraftTooltip:NumLines()) then return end for k,v in pairs(data) do data[k] = nil end if data["procs"] == nil then data["procs"] = {} end for k,v in pairs(equippedsets) do equippedsets[k] = nil end data["name"] = ltext data["numlines"] = TheoryCraftTooltip:NumLines() local index = 2 ltext = getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextLeft"..index) if ltext then ltext = ltext:GetText() end rtext = getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextRight"..index) if rtext then if (not getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextRight"..index):IsVisible()) then rtext = nil else rtext = rtext:GetText() end end local s2 = 1 local is = 1 local i2 = 1 local ignoreline = false local startpos, endpos, found, foundme while (ltext ~= nil) do if strfind(ltext, TheoryCraft_Locale.Set) then local numpieces = tonumber(findpattern(findpattern(ltext, TheoryCraft_Locale.Set), "%d+")) while (string.len(ltext) > 0) and (string.sub(ltext, string.len(ltext), string.len(ltext)) == " ") do ltext = string.sub(ltext, 1, string.len(ltext)-1) end while (string.len(ltext) > 0) and (string.sub(ltext, string.len(ltext), string.len(ltext)) ~= " ") do ltext = string.sub(ltext, 1, string.len(ltext)-1) end while (string.len(ltext) > 0) and (string.sub(ltext, string.len(ltext), string.len(ltext)) == " ") do ltext = string.sub(ltext, 1, string.len(ltext)-1) end local setname = ltext equippedsets[setname] = (equippedsets[setname] or 0)+1 if TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[setname] == nil then TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[setname] = {} end local foundbonuses = {} local idx = 1 index = index + 1 ltext = getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..index) while (ltext ~= nil) do ltext = ltext:GetText() if ltext == nil then break end if strfind(string.sub(ltext, 1, 4), "%d+") then foundbonuses[idx] = {} foundbonuses[idx]["pieces"] = tonumber(findpattern(ltext, "%d+")) ltext = string.sub(ltext, 5+string.len(TheoryCraft_Locale.ID_Set)) foundbonuses[idx]["text"] = ltext idx = idx + 1 end index = index + 1 ltext = getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..index) end local newbonuses = {} i = 1 for k,v in TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[setname] do if (v["pieces"] <= numpieces) then newbonuses[i] = v i = i + 1 end end for k,v in pairs(foundbonuses) do newbonuses[i] = v i = i + 1 end TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[setname] = newbonuses break end if (strfind(ltext, "^"..TheoryCraft_Locale.ID_Equip)) then foundme = false for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Equips) do if (v.slot == nil) or (v.slot == slotname) then if ((foundme == false) or ( == nil)) then _, start, found = strfind(ltext, v.text) if _ then if v.proc then i2 = 1 if data["procs"] == nil then data["procs"] = {} end while data["procs"][i2] do i2 = i2 + 1 end data["procs"][i2] = {} data["procs"][i2].amount = v.amount data["procs"][i2].proc = v.proc data["procs"][i2].duration = v.duration data["procs"][i2].exact = v.exact data["procs"][i2].type = v.type else if (v.amount) then data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + v.amount else data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + tonumber(found) end if ( then foundme = true end end end end end end else foundme = false if rtext then for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_EquipEveryRight) do if (v.slot == nil) or (v.slot == slotname) then if (foundme == false) or ( == nil) then _, start, found = strfind(rtext, v.text) if _ then if (v.amount) then data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + v.amount else data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + found end if ( then foundme = true end end end end end end ignoreline = false for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_IgnoreLines) do if strfind(ltext, v) then ignoreline = true break end end if not ignoreline then foundme = false for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_EquipEveryLine) do if (v.slot == nil) or (v.slot == slotname) then if (not foundme) or (not then _, start, found = strfind(ltext, v.text) if _ then if (v.amount) then data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + v.amount else data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + found end if ( then foundme = true end end end end end end end index = index + 1 ltext = getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextLeft"..index) rtext = getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextRight"..index) if ltext then ltext = ltext:GetText() end if rtext then if (not getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextRight"..index):IsVisible()) then rtext = nil else rtext = rtext:GetText() end end end TheoryCraftTooltip:ClearLines() return true end function TheoryCraft_CombineTables(tab1, tab2) if tab2 == nil then tab2 = tab1 return end for k,v in pairs(tab1) do if type(v) == "table" then tab2[k] = TheoryCraft_CombineTables(v, tab2[k]) elseif tonumber(v) and tonumber(tab2[k] or 0) then tab2[k] = v + (tab2[k] or 0) end end end local function TheoryCraft_AddAllEquips(outfit, force) local i2 = 1 local resetall = true if not force and UnitAffectingCombat("player") then resetall = false end if (TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit]) == nil then outfit = 1 end if TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"] == nil then TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"] = {} TheoryCraft_Data["SetData"] = {} end TheoryCraft_Data.OldOutfit = outfit if TheoryCraft_Data.StatsToDo == nil then TheoryCraft_Data.StatsToDo = {} end TheoryCraft_DeleteTable(TheoryCraft_Data.StatsToDo) for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].wear) do TheoryCraft_Data.StatsToDo[v] = true if TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"][v] == nil then TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"][v] = {} TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"][v]["procs"] = {} end if TheoryCraft_Data["SetData"][v] == nil then TheoryCraft_Data["SetData"][v] = {} end if (v == "MainHand") or (v == "SecondaryHand") or (v == "Ranged") or (v == "Ammo") then changed = TheoryCraft_AddEquipEffect(v, nil, TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"][v], TheoryCraft_Data["SetData"][v]) elseif (resetall) then changed = TheoryCraft_AddEquipEffect(v, nil, TheoryCraft_Data["SlotData"][v], TheoryCraft_Data["SetData"][v]) end end if not TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects then TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects = {} end if not TheoryCraft_Data.EquipedSets then TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets = {} end TheoryCraft_DeleteTable(TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects) TheoryCraft_DeleteTable(TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets) for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Data.StatsToDo) do TheoryCraft_CombineTables(TheoryCraft_Data.SlotData[k], TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects) TheoryCraft_CombineTables(TheoryCraft_Data.SetData[k], TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets) end data = TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects local i = 1 if (outfit == 2) then TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].meleecritchance = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].formattackpower = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].rangedattackpower = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].attackpower = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].strength = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].agility = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].stamina = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].intellect = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].spirit = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].totalmana = 0 TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].totalhealth = 0 if (TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"] == nil) then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"] = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit] TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots = {} end local k, v while (TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i]) do if ((TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i-1] == nil) or (TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot ~= TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i-1].slot)) and (TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot]) then if TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot] == nil then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot] = {} end if TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot]["stats"] == nil then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot]["stats"] = {} end local a = TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot]["stats"] TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].meleecritchance = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].meleecritchance+(a.meleecritchance or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].formattackpower = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].formattackpower+(a.formattackpower or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].rangedattackpower = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].rangedattackpower+(a.rangedattackpower or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].attackpower = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].attackpower+(a.attackpower or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].strength = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].strength+(a.strength or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].agility = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].agility+(a.agility or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].stamina = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].stamina+(a.stamina or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].intellect = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].intellect+(a.intellect or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].spirit = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].spirit+(a.spirit or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].totalmana = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].totalmana+(a.totalmana or 0) TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].totalhealth = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].totalhealth+(a.totalhealth or 0) if a.settype then TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets[a.settype] = (TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets[a.settype] or 0) + 1 end a = TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot]["data"] if type(a) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(a) do if k ~= "procs" then if tonumber(v) then data[k] = (tonumber(data[k]) or 0)+v end else for k,v in pairs(a["procs"]) do i2 = 1 if data["procs"] == nil then data["procs"] = {} end while data["procs"][i2] do i2 = i2 + 1 end data["procs"][i2] = {} data["procs"][i2].amount = v.amount data["procs"][i2].proc = v.proc data["procs"][i2].duration = v.duration data["procs"][i2].exact = v.exact data["procs"][i2].type = v.type end end end end end i = i + 1 end local returndata for k,count in pairs(TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets) do if TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[k] then for k,v in pairs(TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[k]) do if (v["pieces"] <= count) then returndata = {} returndata = TheoryCraft_DequipLine(v["text"], returndata) for k,v in pairs(returndata) do TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit][k] = (TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit][k] or 0) - v end returndata = {} returndata = TheoryCraft_DequipSpecial(v["text"], returndata) for k,v in pairs(returndata) do data[k] = (data[k] or 0) - v end end end end end else while (TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i]) do if TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].proc then i2 = 1 if data["procs"] == nil then data["procs"] = {} end while data["procs"][i2] do i2 = i2 + 1 end data["procs"][i2] = {} data["procs"][i2].amount = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].amount data["procs"][i2].proc = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].proc data["procs"][i2].duration = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].duration data["procs"][i2].exact = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].exact data["procs"][i2].type = TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].type else data[TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].type] = (data[TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].type] or 0) + TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].newstat[i].amount end i = i + 1 end for k,v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Locale.SetTranslator) do if == TheoryCraft_Outfits[outfit].name then if TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[v.translated] then local returndata TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets[v.translated] = 100 for k,v in pairs(TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[v.translated]) do returndata = {} returndata = TheoryCraft_DequipSpecial(v["text"], returndata) for k,v in pairs(returndata) do data[k] = (data[k] or 0) - v end end end break end end end local i2, ltext, _, start, found, foundme for k,count in pairs(TheoryCraft_Data.EquippedSets) do if TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[k] then foundme = false for k,v in pairs(TheoryCraft_SetBonuses[k]) do if (v["pieces"] <= count) then ltext = v["text"] foundme = false for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Equips) do if (v.slot == nil) or (v.slot == slotname) then if ((foundme == false) or ( == nil)) then _, start, found = strfind(ltext, v.text) if _ then if v.proc then i2 = 1 if data["procs"] == nil then data["procs"] = {} end while data["procs"][i2] do i2 = i2 + 1 end data["procs"][i2] = {} data["procs"][i2].amount = v.amount data["procs"][i2].proc = v.proc data["procs"][i2].duration = v.duration data["procs"][i2].exact = v.exact data["procs"][i2].type = v.type else if (v.amount) then data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + v.amount else data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + tonumber(found) end if ( then foundme = true end end end end end end foundme = false for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Sets) do if (v.slot == nil) or (v.slot == slotname) then if ((foundme == false) or ( == nil)) then _, start, found = strfind(ltext, v.text) if _ then if v.proc then i2 = 1 if data["procs"] == nil then data["procs"] = {} end while data["procs"][i2] do i2 = i2 + 1 end data["procs"][i2] = {} data["procs"][i2].amount = v.amount data["procs"][i2].proc = v.proc data["procs"][i2].duration = v.duration data["procs"][i2].exact = v.exact data["procs"][i2].type = v.type else if (v.amount) then if v.amount == "n/100" then data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + tonumber(found)/100 else data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + v.amount end else data[v.type] = (data[v.type] or 0) + tonumber(found) end if ( then foundme = true end end end end end end end end end end end local old = {} local old2 = {} function TheoryCraft_UpdateGear(arg1, dontgen, force) if TheoryCraft_SetBonuses == nil then TheoryCraft_SetBonuses = {} end if (arg1 ~= "player") then return end if not force then if UnitAffectingCombat("player") then TheoryCraft_Data.regenaftercombat = true end end TheoryCraft_DeleteTable(old) TheoryCraft_CopyTable(TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects, old) TheoryCraft_AddAllEquips(TheoryCraft_Data["outfit"], force) if TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects["MeleeAPMult"] == nil then TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects["MeleeAPMult"] = 1 end if (dontgen == nil) then TheoryCraft_DeleteTable(old2) TheoryCraft_CopyTable(TheoryCraft_Data.Stats, old2) TheoryCraft_DeleteTable(TheoryCraft_Data.Stats) TheoryCraft_LoadStats() if (TheoryCraft_IsDifferent(old, TheoryCraft_Data.EquipEffects)) or (TheoryCraft_IsDifferent(old2, TheoryCraft_Data.Stats)) then TheoryCraft_GenerateAll() end end end function TheoryCraft_DequipLine(line, returndata) local _, start, found for k, v in pairs(TheoryCraft_Dequips) do if strfind(line, TheoryCraft_Locale.Set) then return returndata end _, start, found = strfind(line, v.text) if found then if v.type == "all" then returndata["strength"] = (returndata["strength"] or 0)-found returndata["agility"] = (returndata["agility"] or 0)-found returndata["stamina"] = (returndata["stamina"] or 0)-found returndata["intellect"] = (returndata["intellect"] or 0)-found returndata["spirit"] = (returndata["spirit"] or 0)-found elseif v.type == "formattackpower" then returndata[v.type] = (returndata[v.type] or 0)-found break elseif v.type == "attackpower" then returndata[v.type] = (returndata[v.type] or 0)-found returndata["rangedattackpower"] = (returndata["rangedattackpower"] or 0)-found break else returndata[v.type] = (returndata[v.type] or 0)-found end end end return returndata end local b = TheoryCraft_SetsDequipOnly function TheoryCraft_DequipSpecial(line, returndata) local i = 1 local amount while (b[i]) do if strfind(line, TheoryCraft_Locale.Set) then return returndata end if string.find(line, b[i].text) then if b[i].amount == "n" then amount = tonumber(findpattern(findpattern(line, b[i].text), "%d+")) elseif b[i].amount == "n/100" then amount = tonumber(findpattern(findpattern(line, b[i].text), "%d+"))/100 else amount = b[i].amount end returndata[b[i].type] = (returndata[b[i].type] or 0)-amount end i = i + 1 end return returndata end function TheoryCraft_DequipEffect (slotname, returndata, equippedsets) if (slotname ~= "test") then TheoryCraftTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent,"ANCHOR_NONE") TheoryCraftTooltip:SetInventoryItem ("player", GetInventorySlotInfo(slotname.."Slot")) end local index = 1 local i, found local ltext while (getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextLeft"..index) ~= nil) do ltext = getglobal("TheoryCraftTooltipTextLeft"..index):GetText(); if (ltext == nil) then break end if strfind(ltext, TheoryCraft_Locale.Set) then if equippedsets then ltext = string.sub(ltext, 1, string.find(ltext, TheoryCraft_Locale.Set)-2) equippedsets[ltext] = (equippedsets[ltext] or 0)+1 end break else returndata = TheoryCraft_DequipLine(ltext, returndata) end index = index + 1 end TheoryCraftTooltip:ClearLines() return returndata end function TheoryCraft_AddToCustom(linkid) if (TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"] == nil) then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"] = TheoryCraft_Outfits[3] end if (TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots == nil) then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots = {} end if (linkid == nil) or (string.find(linkid, "item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+") == nil) then return end linkid = string.sub(linkid, string.find(linkid, "item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+")) if linkid == nil then return end TheoryCraftTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent,"ANCHOR_NONE") TheoryCraftTooltip:SetHyperlink(linkid) if (getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft1") == nil) then return end local itemname, itemlink, itemrarity = GetItemInfo(linkid) local r, g, b, hex = GetItemQualityColor(itemrarity) itemname = hex.."|H"..itemlink.."|h["..itemname.."]|h|r" local index = 1 local ltext = getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..index):GetText() if ltext == nil then return end local found = false local realslot = false local both = false while (ltext ~= nil) and (found == false) do local i = 1 while (TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i]) do if (ltext == TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].text) then if (found) then if TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found] then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot] = TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found] end else found = TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].slot realslot = TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].realslot both = TheoryCraft_SlotNames[i].both end end i = i + 1 end ltext = getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..index):GetText() index = index + 1 end if found == false then return end if both then TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots["Off HandItemName"] = nil TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots["Off Hand"] = nil end local itemdata = {} local equippedsets = {} TheoryCraft_AddEquipEffect (realslot, "test", itemdata, equippedsets) TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found] = {} TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found]["data"] = itemdata TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found]["name"] = itemname TheoryCraftTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent,"ANCHOR_NONE") TheoryCraftTooltip:SetHyperlink(linkid) if (getglobal(TheoryCraftTooltip:GetName().."TextLeft1") == nil) then return end local returndata = {} returndata = TheoryCraft_DequipEffect ("test", returndata) TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found]["stats"] = {} local a = TheoryCraft_Settings["CustomOutfit"].slots[found]["stats"] for k,v in pairs(equippedsets) do a.settype = k end if returndata["meleecritchance"] then a.meleecritchance = -returndata["meleecritchance"] end if returndata["formattackpower"] then a.formattackpower = -returndata["formattackpower"] end if returndata["rangedattackpower"] then a.rangedattackpower = -returndata["rangedattackpower"] end if returndata["attackpower"] then a.attackpower = -returndata["attackpower"] end if returndata["strength"] then a.strength = -returndata["strength"] end if returndata["agility"] then a.agility = -returndata["agility"] end if returndata["stamina"] then a.stamina = -returndata["stamina"] end if returndata["intellect"] then a.intellect = -returndata["intellect"] end if returndata["spirit"] then a.spirit = -returndata["spirit"] end if returndata["totalmana"] then a.totalmana = -returndata["totalmana"] end if returndata["totalhealth"] then a.totalhealth = -returndata["totalhealth"] end end