Int per Crit @ 60 Mages have a 0.2% base spell crit rate, and 1% crit per 59.5 int Priests have a 0.8% base spell crit rate, and 1% crit per 59.5 int Warlocks have a 1.7% base spell crit rate, and 1% crit per 60.6 int Druids have a 1.8% base spell crit rate, and 1% crit per 60 int Shaman have a 2.3% base spell crit rate, and 1% crit per 59.2 int Paladins have 0% base, and 1% crit per 29.5 int For levels lower then 60 TC will use your melee crit rate divided by your melee crit rate @ 60, multiplied by your int per crit @ 60. This should be very accurate, as I'm sure they follow the same patterns. If your attack rating is too low to show a melee crit rate TC will use a linear relationship. Agi per Crit = Calculated from your crit rate (modified by your attack rating), until 60 where it uses predefined values. Crit % for Hunters = Melee Crit Rate (from attack tooltip, modified by attack rating) + Lethal Shots Crit Bonus = (Average Crit Damage / Average Hit (not inc crits)) - 1 +Damage Coefficient = All +Damage Coefficients are hardcoded in to theorycraft. Reason behind this is because there is no hard and fast rule for determining the coefficient. Also if they were not, spells like Presence of Mind would alter the coefficient when activated (via changing the cast time). By default, talents that modify your spell damage will be multiplied by the +Damage Coefficient. Eg, 5/5 firepower will make fireball get 110% of your +dam. Some spells are hardcoded to not have talents applied on gear, this is from testing in game. Eg curse of agony, drain life, every healing spell :). If you find any spells which have the wrong coefficient, or have talents applied when they shouldn't (or vice versa), let me know what the correct relationship is on the Curse Gaming Theorycraft comments section :) Thanks! Average Hit (not inc crits) = (Max Damage - Min Damage)/2 + Min Damage Average Hit (inc crits) = Average Hit (not inc crits) + Average Hit (not inc crits) * Crit Chance / 100 * Crit Bonus Cast Time = (Base Cast Time - Crit Chance / 100 * Grace) or 1.5 whichever is greater. ICPercent = Percent natural regen that continues in 5 second rule. (Mage armor, innervate, darkmoon trinket, meditation, etc) Regen from spirit Mages = (Spirit/8+6.25)*ICPercent Regen from spirit Priests = (Spirit/8+6.25)*ICPercent Regen from spirit Warlock = (Spirit/10+7.5)*ICPercent Regen from spirit Druid = (Spirit/10+7.5)*ICPercent Regen from spirit Shaman = (Spirit/10+8.5)*ICPercent Regen from spirit Hunter = (Spirit/10+7.5)*ICPercent Regen from spirit Paladin = (Spirit/10+7.5)*ICPercent Regen Per Second = Regen from spirit + (Mana per 5)/5 True Mana Cost = ((Mana Cost - Regen per second * Cast Time) - Crit Chance / 100 * Illumination * (Mana Cost - Regen per second * Cast Time))*(1-Clearcasting) Real Mana Pool = (Total Mana + RotA on use ability) DPM (inc crits) = Average Hit (inc crits) / True Mana Cost DPM (not inc crits) = Average Hit (not inc crits) / True Mana Cost Total Damage til Oom = DPM * Real Mana Pool Cast Procs (Wrath of Cenarius) = Added Amount * (1 - (1-Proc Chance) ^ (Floor(Proc Duration / Cast Time))) Other Procs (Darkmoon) = Added Amount * (1 - (1-Proc Chance) ^ (Proc Duration / Cast Time)) DPS (inc crits) = Average Hit (inc crits) / Cast Time DPS (not inc crits) = Average Hit (not inc crits) / Cast Time DPS after resists = ( Average Hit (inc crits) - Average Hit (not inc crits) * Resist Rate ) / Cast Time Next Crit = Average Hit (not inc crits) * Crit Bonus / 100 Next Hit = Average Hit (not inc crits) / 100 Next 10 pen = Average Hit (inc crits) * (10/(5* Level of Player ))*0.75 Rotation Length = Ceiling(7/speed)*speed+3 or 10, if Rotation Length > 10.7 if Ranged Attack Speed < 3 then Autoshotcount = Floor((Rotation Length - 3) / Ranged Attack Speed) + 1 else Autoshotcount = Floor(Rotation Length / Ranged Attack Speed) end 10 sec rotation dps = (Autoshot Average Hit (inc crits) * Autoshotcount + Aimed Shot Average Hit (inc crits) + Multi Shot Average Hit (inc crits))/10 9 sec rotation dps = (Autoshot Average Hit (inc crits) * Floor(6/Ranged Attack Speed + 2)*6 + Aimed Shot Average Hit (inc crits) * 6 + Multi Shot Average Hit (inc crits) * 5)/54 Seal unbuffed dps = Average Melee Hit + Average Melee Hit * Melee crit chance Seal of Command dps = Seal unbuffed dps * (7/(60/ Weapon Speed )*0.7) Seal of Crusader dps = Average Melee Hit + Attack Power Bonus / 14 * Weapon Speed + (Average Melee Hit + Attack Power Bonus / 14 * Weapon Speed)*Melee crit chance