-- ## Many thanks to the following people for this translation .. -- ## * Szeraxenia on Der Rat von Dalaran if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then -- ############### -- ## MENU TEXT ## -- ############### TITANBG_MENU_SHOW_OPTIONS = "Show Options"; TITANBG_MENU_HEADER = "Titan Battleground"; TITANBG_MENU_HEADER_INTERFACE = "Interface"; TITANBG_MENU_HEADER_WORLD = "World"; TITANBG_MENU_GENERAL_OPTIONS = "General Options"; TITANBG_MENU_DISP_OPTIONS = "Anzeige-Optionen"; -- General Options -- Battleground TITANBG_MENU_AUTOJOIN = "Automatisch beitreten"; TITANBG_MENU_AUTOLEAVE = "Auto leave the battleground on completion?"; TITANBG_MENU_AUTORELEASE = "Geist automatisch freilassen"; TITANBG_MENU_RELEASECHECK = "Do not automatically release if a Soulstone or Shaman Ressurect is available?"; -- Interface TITANBG_MENU_OVERWRITESIMILAR = "Overwrite similar settings in other addons?"; TITANBG_MENU_HIDEMINIMAPBUTTON = "Minimap-Symbol verbergen"; TITANBG_MENU_AUTOSHOWBATTLEMAP = "Automatically show the battleground minimap?"; TITANBG_MENU_HIDEJOINPOPUP = "Betreten-Dialog verbergen"; TITANBG_MENU_REPEATSOUND = "Periodically repeat the battleground ready sound?"; TITANBG_MENU_PLAYWHICHSOUND = "Play which sound when the battleground is ready?"; -- Display Options TITANBG_MENU_B_SPACERS = "Display spacer characters around the button text?"; -- World TITANBG_MENU_B_TIME = "Zeige (Rest)Zeit in Warteschlange"; TITANBG_MENU_B_TIMELEFT = "Display the amount of time left before the battleground expires?"; TITANBG_MENU_TT_QUEUETIMERS = "Zeige Schlachtfeld-Wartezeiten"; TITANBG_MENU_TT_REMBGSOPEN = "Zeige Anzahl der Schlachtfelder"; -- Battleground TITANBG_MENU_BUTTON_OPTIONS = "Panel-Optionen"; TITANBG_PANEL_HIDEACTIVE = "Hide active battleground information when another battleground is ready to be joined?"; TITANBG_PANEL_P = "Display players?"; TITANBG_PANEL_S = "Platzierung anzeigen"; TITANBG_PANEL_K = "Ehrenhafte Siege anzeigen"; TITANBG_PANEL_KB = "Todesst\195\182sse anzeigen"; TITANBG_PANEL_D = "Tode anzeigen"; TITANBG_PANEL_H = "Bonusehre anzeigen"; TITANBG_MENU_TT_OPTIONS = "Tooltip-Optionen"; TITANBG_MENU_TT_TWOTOOLTIPS = "Separate active battleground and queue information into different tooltips?"; TITANBG_MENU_TT_AB_WINESTIMATE = "Zeige Gewinn-Voraussage im Arathibecken"; TITANBG_MENU_TT_WSG_FLAG = "Display the Warsong Gulch flag tracker?"; TITANBG_MENU_SHOWSTATS = "Ehrenstatistik anzeigen"; TITANBG_MENU_SHOWLOCATIONSTATS = "Spielerstatistik anzeigen"; TITANBG_MENU_SHOWFRIENDS = "Freunde anzeigen"; TITANBG_MENU_SHOWCAPTURE = "Stoppuhr anzeigen" TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_OPTIONS = "Stoppuhr-Optionen"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_LOCK = "Lock the screen panel display?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_CAP_SHOW = "On-Screen anzeigen"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_CAP_INVERT = "Invert the on the screen capture timers?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_WSG_SHOW = "Show on the screen Warsong Gulch flag tracker?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_WSG_CLICK = "Allow name click targetting of flag runners?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_WSG_COLORCLASS = "Color on the screen flag runner names by class?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_WSG_TEXTCLASS = "Display class text next to the flag runner name?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_WSG_INVERT = "Invert the on the screen flag tracker?"; TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_WSG_ATTACH = "Attach the on screen flag tracker to the score frame?"; TITANBG_MENU_POPUP_OPTIONS = "PopUp Options"; TITANBG_MENU_POPUP_EXPIRE = "Modify the battleground ready popup to display the time until the queue expires?"; -- Queue Options TITANBG_MENU_QUEUE_OPTIONS = "Warteschlangen-Optionen"; -- ################### -- ## BUTTON LABELS ## -- ################### TITANBG_BUTTON_PAUSED = "P"; -- Queue TITANBG_FIRST_AVAILABLE = "Erstes"; TITANBG_LABEL_READY = "Bereit"; -- Battleground TITANBG_S_STANDING = "Pl: "; TITANBG_S_KILLINGBLOWS = "TS: "; TITANBG_S_KILLS = "ES: "; TITANBG_S_DEATHS = "To: "; TITANBG_S_HONOR = "BE: "; -- XML TITANBG_DRAGGABLE_OS_CAP = "TitanBG Screen Information\nDraggable Frame"; TITANBG_DRAGGABLE_OS_CAPINSTRUCT = "To hide this frame, tick the '" .. TITANBG_MENU_PANEL_LOCK .. "' option under '" .. TITANBG_MENU_DISP_OPTIONS .. " / " .. CHAT_MSG_BATTLEGROUND .. "'."; -- #################### -- ## TOOLTIP LABELS ## -- #################### TITANBG_TOOLTIP = "Schlachtfeld-Information"; TITANBG_TOOLTIP_PAUSED = "Paused"; TITANBG_TOOLTIP_UNPAUSE = "Resume"; -- Not in the Queue. TITANBG_NOT_IN_QUEUE_LONG = "Not in the queue for {bg}."; -- !! NOTE: The {bg} part of the string will be replaced by a specific battleground name. -- Waiting TITANBG_TIME_IN_QUEUE = "Zeit in Warteschlange: "; TITANBG_ESTIMATED_REMAINING = "Erwartete Restzeit: "; TITANBG_ESTIMATED_WAIT = "Erwartete Wartezeit: "; TITANBG_LESS_THAN_ONE_MIN = "Weniger als eine Minute."; TITANBG_QUEUED_NOPREF = "You are currently queued for the next available {bg}."; -- !! NOTE: The {bg} part of the string will be replaced by a specific battleground name. TITANBG_QUEUED_PREF = "You are currently queued for {bg}."; -- !! NOTE: The {bg} part of the string will be replaced by a specific battleground name. TITANBG_ACTIVE_INSTANCES = "Aktive Instanzen:"; -- Ready TITANBG_CONFIRMJOIN = "Ihr k\195\182nnt jetzt {bg} beitreten{time}."; -- !! NOTE: The {bg} part of the string will be replaced by a specific battleground name. The {time} part of the string will be replaced by the time left before the queue expires (if applicable). TITANBG_AUTOJOIN = "Automatically joining {bg} in {time}."; -- !! NOTE: The {bg} part of the string will be replaced by a specific battleground name. The {time} part of the string will always be replaced by the join time and the time left before the queue expires (if applicable). TITANBG_AUTOJOIN_HINT = "Tipp: LINKSklick um automatisches Beitreten anzuhalten/fortzusetzen."; -- Battleground TITANBG_AUTOLEAVE = "Automatically leaving the battleground in {time}."; -- !! NOTE: The {time} part of the string will be replaced by the join time. TITANBG_NO_INFORMATION = "Sammle Informationen"; TITANBG_INSTANCE_RUN_TIME_NA = "Nicht verf\195\188gbar." TITANBG_PLAYERS = "Gesamtzahl Spieler:"; TITANBG_AB_WINNER = "Erwarteter Gewinner:"; TITANBG_AB_FINAL_SCORE = "Erwartete Gesamtpunktzahl:"; TITANBG_AB_TIME_LEFT = "Erwartete Restzeit:"; TITANBG_AB_TO_WIN = "Ben\195\182tigte Basen f\195\188r Sieg:"; TITANBG_AB_TO_WIN_ENEMY = "Number of Nodes the Enemy Has to Capture to Win:"; TITANBG_AB_IMPOSSIBLE = "Unm\195\182glich."; TITANBG_AB_WINNER_UNKNOWN = "Unbekannt."; TITANBG_PLAYER_STATS = "Ehrenstatistik"; TITANBG_PLAYER_STANDING = "Platzierung:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_KILLINGBLOWS = "Todesst\195\182sse:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_KILLS = "Ehrenhafte Siege:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_DEATHS = "Tode:"; TITANBG_LOCATION_STATS = "Spielerstatistik"; TITANBG_PLAYER_GYASSAULTED = "Friedh\195\182fe eingenommen:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_GYDEFENDED = "Friedh\195\182fe verteidigt:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_TASSAULTED = "T\195\188rme zerst\195\182rt:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_TDEFENDED = "T\195\188rme verteidigt:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_MCAPTURED = "Minen eingenommen:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_LKILLED = "Anf\195\188hrer get\195\182tet:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_SECOBJ = "Sekund\195\164rziele:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_FCAPTURED = "Flaggen errungen:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_FRETURNED = "Flaggen zur\195\188ckgebracht:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_BSASSULTED = "Basen eingenommen:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_BSDEFENDED = "Basen verteidigt:"; TITANBG_PLAYER_BONUSHONOR = "Bonusehre:"; TITANBG_FRIENDS = "Freunde"; TITANBG_CAPTURE_TIMERS = "Stoppuhr"; TITANBG_CAPTURE_UNKNOWN = "Unbekannt."; TITANBG_CAPTURE_IMINENT = "Bevorstehend."; TITANBG_WIN_ESTIMATE = "Winner Estimates"; TITANBG_FLAG_TRACKER = "Flag Status"; TITANBG_FLAG = "Flag"; TITANBG_SCOREFRAME_HINT = "Tipp: LINKSklick um die Punktetafel ein-/auszublenden."; TITANBG_MINIMAP_HINT = "Tipp: SHIFT-Klick um die Schlachtfeld-Minikarte ein-/auszublenden."; TITANBG_TOOLTIP_HINT = "Hint: CTRL click to change tooltip information."; -- ###################### -- ## TITANBG MESSAGES ## -- ###################### TITANBG_MESSAGE_NOTICE = TITAN_TITANBG_NAME .. " " .. TITANBG_VERSION .. ". Developed by " .. TITANBG_AUTHOR .. "."; TITANBG_MESSAGE_CHANGEOVERWRITTEN = "To control this setting, use TitanBG or uncheck '" .. TITANBG_MENU_OVERWRITESIMILAR .. "' under '" .. TITANBG_MENU_GENERAL_OPTIONS .. "'."; TITANBG_MESSAGE_ACTIONOVERWRITTEN = "This setting is being overwritten by TitanBG and will not be used.\n\n|cffffffff" .. TITANBG_MESSAGE_CHANGEOVERWRITTEN; -- ################## -- ## NOMENCLATURE ## -- ################## -- Short names for the battlegrounds. TITANBG_BG_AV_SHORT = "AT"; TITANBG_BG_WSG_SHORT = "WSS"; TITANBG_BG_AB_SHORT = "AB"; -- Sound file names. TITANBG_SOUND_DEFAULT = "Default"; TITANBG_SOUND_CRASH = "Crash"; TITANBG_SOUND_LIGHTNING = "Lightning"; TITANBG_SOUND_BELL = "Bell"; TITANBG_SOUND_HORN = "Horn"; TITANBG_SOUND_CYMBAL = "Cymbal"; TITANBG_SOUND_WHISTLE = "Whistle"; TITANBG_SOUND_CHIME = "Chime"; TITANBG_SOUND_TRUMPET = "Trumpet"; -- ################ -- ## REFERENCES ## -- ################ -- This section has special requirements, as the translations reference Blizzard terminology. -- Please pay marked attention to the comments. -- Translate the section within the [""] only. -- Class names must be exactly as returned by UnitClass(). TITANBG_CLASS = { ["Druide"] = "DRUID", ["J\195\164ger"] = "HUNTER", ["Magier"] = "MAGE", ["Paladin"] = "PALADIN", ["Priester"] = "PRIEST", ["Schurke"] = "ROGUE", ["Schamane"] = "SHAMAN", ["Hexenmeister"] = "WARLOCK", ["Krieger"] = "WARRIOR", }; -- Arathi Basin text, displayed at the top of the screen, listing the amount of resources captured by each faction. For example 'Resources: 0/2000'. -- Must be displayed exactly how it appears on the screen. TITANBG_AB_RESOURCES_DP = "Ressourcen:"; -- These must be exactly as printed by the system while in Warsong Gulch. -- These are used for pattern matching and should not include the player's name or any text following or preceding it as applicable. TITANBG_WSG_PICKEDUP = "hat die [fF]lagge der %a+ aufgenommen!"; -- Name preceeding. TITANBG_WSG_DROPPED = "hat die [fF]lagge der %a+ fallen lassen!"; -- Name preceeding. TITANBG_WSG_CAPTURED = "hat die [fF]lagge der %a+ errungen!"; -- Name preceeding. -- !! WARNING !! -- These must apear exactly as sent by the system. -- This can be tested by making certain the lines between !! DEBUG START and !! DEBUG END -- are not commented (do not have a preceeding --) and typing '/console reloadui' into the chat window. -- 'BG = ' will display the name of the battleground. If the slot isn't taken up by a battleground, -- then it will display the zone you are currently in. -- Please make certain the text appears EXACTLY as printed. Do not insert capitals where they are not necessary, -- nor not include capitals when they are listed. -- Battleground Names TITANBG_BG_AV = "Alteractal"; TITANBG_BG_WSG = "Warsongschlucht"; TITANBG_BG_AB = "Arathibecken"; -- !! END WARNING !! end