local version = "6" local topEnable = true -- move edit bar to top of chatframe? local stickyEnable = true -- enable sticky channel list? local mouseEnable = true -- enable the mousewheel to scroll? local timeStamp = true -- timestamp the incoming messages? -- channel list... -- SAY, YELL, EMOTE, PARTY, RAID, GUILD, OFFICER, WHISPER, CHANNEL, SYSTEM -- CHANNEL refers to all numbered channels local stickyList = {"OFFICER","CHANNEL"} local unstickyList = {"YELL","EMOTE"} local mouseScrollNum = 2 -- how many lines do you wanna scroll? -- keep your mitts off below... =) function tc_AddMessage(self,text,red,green,blue,alpha,hold) if(text) then tc_OldAddMessage(self,"["..date("%H:%M").."] "..text,red,green,blue,alpha,hold) else tc_OldAddMessage(self,text,red,green,blue,alpha,hold) end end function tc_ChatScroll(x) if(x) then if(x > 0) then for i=1,mouseScrollNum do this:ScrollUp() end else for i=1,mouseScrollNum do this:ScrollDown() end end end end if(topEnable) then ChatFrameEditBox:ClearAllPoints() ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", ChatFrame1, "TOPLEFT") ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", ChatFrame1, "TOPRIGHT") end if(stickyEnable) then local z=0 for z in stickyList do ChatTypeInfo[stickyList[z]].sticky = 1 end for z in unstickyList do ChatTypeInfo[unstickyList[z]].sticky = nil end end if(mouseEnable) then for i=1,9 do if(getglobal("ChatFrame"..i)) then getglobal("ChatFrame"..i):EnableMouseWheel(true) getglobal("ChatFrame"..i):SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function() tc_ChatScroll(arg1) end) end end end if(timeStamp) then if(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) then tc_OldAddMessage = DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.AddMessage DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.AddMessage = tc_AddMessage end end if(ChatFrame2) then ChatFrame2:AddMessage(":: topChat version "..version.." loaded ::",0,0.8,1.0) end