WinAceUpdater - An update tool for the Ace community of addons. License: zlib/libpng - see included License.txt Requirements: * Windows 98 or later * .NET 2.0 Runtime - available from Description: This tool provides an easy way for you to keep your Ace addons up to date. When it first launches, it will download a list of available addons from If it can determine your local World of Warcraft installation folder, it will also compare that list with the addons you currently have installed and pre-check them. Check the boxes of any addons you want to update/download and choose "Update Checked Addons" from the File menu (or press F12). The status of the download will be presented in the lower pane. Source code and updates for this will be made available on as soon as the project site becomes available. Options: By choosing Preferences from the Edit menu, you can fine-tune the behavior of WinAceUpdater. The following options are available: AceFilesPath: The location of the Ace files repository. Do not change this value unless you are instructed to do so. Default: ConfirmSync: Confirm before downloading and installing. Default: True DeleteBeforeExtracting: Delete local files before installing. This can be used to clean up any old files that don't belong any more. Default: False DisplayBackupWarningAtStartup: Displays a warning at startup reminding you to backup your addons folder. Default: True LoadIndexOnStartup: If set to true, the list of available addons will be loaded at startup. Default: True ShowInstalledAddons: If set to true, the system will attempt to determine whether an addon is installed when the list is loaded from the server and will check the box for that addon. Default: True SkipExternals: If set to true, the addon will be downloaded without "externals". Externals are shared libraries that are embedded with Ace2 addons. This is an advanced setting that should only be set to true if you know how to troubleshoot and identify missing libraries! Default: False SkipSvnWorkingCopies: If set to true, it will skip any installed addon that has a .svn folder in the root. Good for developers who don't want their working copies lost, but also useful if you want an addon to be ignored because you have private changes or custom files. Default: True SkipVersionCheck: If set to true, all checked addons will be downloaded and installed and no version comparison will be performed. If set to false, an addon will only be downloaded and installed if there is a newer version on the server. Default: False UseRecycleBin: When true, it will move things it deletes to the Windows Recycle Bin instead of deleting them. Default: True WowInstallDirectory: Default: Todo List: * Better options dialog * Extract into a safe place and copy over if extract successful * Figure out what's wrong with TinyTooltipOptions zip file