--[[ Timers wowon_balken wowon_b xx ]] function wowon_timer_balken (x) -- x = true oder false, timer starten beenden --update geschwindigkeit local up = 0.01 if (x==true) then Timex:AddNamedSchedule("wowon_balken", up, true, nil, wowon_sf_balken_move) end if (x==false) then Timex:DeleteNamedSchedule("wowon_balken") end end function wowon_timer_ball (x, b) -- x = true oder false, timer starten beenden -- b = ballnummer local up = 0.035 if (x==true) then Timex:AddNamedSchedule("wowon_b"..b, up, true, nil, wowon_event_ball, b) end if (x==false) then Timex:DeleteNamedSchedule("wowon_b"..b) end end function wowon_timer_gxf (x, art, n) -- x = true oder false, timer starten beenden -- art = ball/feld/balken -- n = nummer des ball/feld local up = 0.035 if (x==true) then Timex:AddNamedSchedule("wowon_gxf_"..art..n, up, true, nil, wowon_UI_GXF_sf, art, n) end if (x==false) then Timex:DeleteNamedSchedule("wowon_gxf_"..art..n) end end --[[ Timex:NamedScheduleCheck("n") Example: Timex:CheckNamedSchedule("MyAddOnSchedNameOne") -- return TRUE or nil. Timex:AddNamedSchedule(n, t, r, c, f, a) Key: n The name of the schedule, this is a string. t The delay before it fires, this is a number. r Whether it constantly repeats, this is a boolean. c The amount of times to run, this is a number. f The function name, this is not a string. a The function arguments. Example: Timex:AddNamedSchedule("MyAddOnSchedNameTwo",5,TRUE,nil,ace["print"],ace,"Hello World!") Timex:DeleteNamedSchedule("n") Example: Timex:DeleteNamedSchedule("MyAddOnSchedNameOne") ]]