local set = {name="ctmapmod"}; function set.getpoints(name, map) if(CT_UserMap_Notes) then for zid,zonename in pairs(Yatlas_PaperZoneNames[map]) do if(CT_UserMap_Notes[zonename]) then local real_zid; for h,v in pairs(Yatlas_areadb) do if(v[2] == zonename) then real_zid = h; break; end end local x1,x2,y1,y2,x,y,ops; x1 = Yatlas_mapareas[map][real_zid][1]; x2 = Yatlas_mapareas[map][real_zid][2]; y1 = Yatlas_mapareas[map][real_zid][3]; y2 = Yatlas_mapareas[map][real_zid][4]; for id,dat in ipairs(CT_UserMap_Notes[zonename]) do ops = {}; x,y = Yatlas_Big2Mini_Coord(-dat.x*(x1-x2) + x1, -dat.y*(y1-y2) + y1); if(dat.set ~= 1 and dat.set ~= 6) then ops = {commonpd="g"..dat.name}; end YAPoints_AddPoint(nil, "ctmapmod", dat.name, x, y, ops, dat); end end end end end function set.setuppoint(point, env, dat) local text, bg = point.Foreground, point.Icon; local iconname = "Interface\\AddOns\\Yatlas\\images\\Icons\\Icon-Square"; local iconszw = env.iconsize/2+2; -- ctmapmod knows best... if ( dat.userdat.set == 7 or dat.userdat.set == 8 ) then local offset = 0; if ( dat.userdat.set == 8 ) then offset = 29; end if ( CT_UserMap_HerbIcons[dat.userdat.icon+offset] ) then iconname = "Interface\\AddOns\\CT_MapMod\\Resource\\" .. CT_UserMap_HerbIcons[dat.userdat.icon+offset]; else iconname = "Interface\\AddOns\\CT_MapMod\\Resource\\Herb_Bruiseweed"; end else iconname = "Interface\\AddOns\\CT_MapMod\\Skin\\" .. CT_UserMap_Icons[dat.userdat.set]; end text:SetText(""); point:Show(); point:SetOffset(dat.x, dat.y); bg:Show(); bg:SetHeight(iconszw*2); bg:SetWidth(iconszw*2); bg:SetTexture(iconname); bg:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,1); end function set.setuplegend(point, env, dat) env.iconsize = 15; set.setuppoint(point, env, dat); point.Text:SetText(dat.name); end function set.configmenu(name, lm) if(CT_MapMod_AddNote) then local info; if(UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 1) then info = {}; info.text = YATLAS_POINTS_CTMAPMOD; info.func = YFOODropDown_do_toggle_normal; info.checked = YatlasOptions.Frames[lm].PointCfg and not YatlasOptions.Frames[lm].PointCfg[name]; info.value = name; info.keepShownOnClick = 1; UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); end end end YAPoints_RegisterSet(set);